
Click Events

When using the Chart component, there are different click events exposed for your use. These events allow your end user to interact with the Chart component through mouse clicks. For example, based on the data value your end users click on, you could perform certain logic.

The click events available are:

At design time, you can find server-side events in the Events section of the property window.

The following code demonstrates how to handle the ChartDataClicked event.

In Visual Basic:

'Add Handler
AddHandler Me.UltraChart1.ChartDataClicked, AddressOf Me.UltraChart1_ChartDataClicked
' ChartDataClicked Event Code
Protected Sub UltraChart1_ChartDataClicked(sender As Object, e As ChartDataEventArgs)
  ' The text label associated with the DataColumn that was clicked
  DimColumnLabel As String = e.ColumnLabel
  ' The text label associated with the DataRow that was clicked
  Dim RowLabel As String = e.RowLabel
  ' The data value that was clicked
  Dim DataValue As Double = e.DataValue
  ' Index of the DataRow that was clicked
  Dim DataRow As Integer = e.DataRow
  ' If the DataValue is less than 4, change the chart type and chart color
  If DataValue < 4 Then
     Me.UltraChart1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
     Me.UltraChart1.ChartType = ChartType.ColumnChart3D
  End If

In C#:

// Assign handler
this.UltraChart1.ChartDataClicked +=
new ChartDataClickedEventHandler(this.UltraChart1_ChartDataClicked);
// ChartDataClick Event Code
protected void UltraChart1_ChartDataClicked(object sender,
                                      ChartDataEventArgs e)
   // The text label associated with the DataColumn that was clicked
   string ColumnLabel = e.ColumnLabel;
   // The text label associated with the DataRow that was clicked
   string RowLabel = e.RowLabel;
   // The data value that was clicked
   double DataValue = e.DataValue;
   // Index of the DataRow that was clicked
   int DataRow = e.DataRow;
   // If the DataValue is less than 4, change the chart type and chart color
   if (DataValue < 4)
      this.UltraChart1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
      this.UltraChart1.ChartType = ChartType.ColumnChart3D;