
Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.AppStyling Namespace

ClassAppStylingManager Summary description for AppStylingManager.
ClassStyleInfoCatalog Summary description for StyleInfoCatalog.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.CalendarRoles Roles defined for the ig_calendar.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.CalendarViewRoles Roles defined for the ig_calendarview.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.ComboRoles Roles defined for the ig_combo.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.DateChooserRoles Roles defined for the ig_datechooser.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.DayViewRoles Roles defined for the ig_dayview.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.GridRoles Roles defined for the ig_grid.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.ListBarRoles Roles defined for the ig_listbar.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.MenuRoles Roles defined for the ig_menu.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.MonthViewRoles Roles defined for the ig_monthview.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.NavbarRoles Roles defined for the ig_navbar.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.SharedRoles Roles defined for the ig_shared.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.TabRoles Roles defined for the ig_tab_top/bottom/left/right.css files.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.TextEditRoles Roles defined for the ig_textedit.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.ToolbarRoles Roles defined for the ig_toolbar.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.TreeRoles Roles defined for the ig_tree.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.WebPanelRoles Roles defined for the ig_listbar.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.WebSpellCheckerDialogRoles Roles defined for the ig_spellCheckerDialog.css file
EnumerationStyleInfoCatalog.WeekViewRoles Roles defined for the ig_weekview.css file.
EnumerationStyleInfoNames Enumeration used to identify StyleInfo objects within the AppStyleInfoCatolog. There is on StyleInfo objects for each css file used by the WebControls. A WebControl may utilized more than one css file or StyleInfo object. The one which it uses at runtime depends upon the particular property settings on the control.
See Also