
Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.Persistence Namespace

ClassAppPersistenceManager Application level PersistenceManager.
ClassControlData Contains information for a single persistable control.
ClassPersistenceData Contains information for a list of persistable controls.
ClassPersistenceDataXml This class contains the XML data of the persisted objects and list of AssemblyQualifiedNames used by XmlSerializer to deserialize custom types.
ClassPersistenceEventArgs Persistence event arguments class.
ClassPersistenceIgnoreAttribute Instructs PersistenceManager not to persist the specified property.
ClassPersistenceIgnoreEmptyAttribute Instructs PersistenceManager not to persist the specified property if the property has no inner properties to persist.
ClassPersistenceLoadingEventArgs PersistenceLoading event arguments class.
ClassPersistenceManager PersistenceManager is the main class responsible for persisting and loading objects.
ClassPersistenceObject Base class for all persistable objects.
ClassPersistenceSavingEventArgs PersistenceSaving event arguments class.
ClassPropertyData Contains information for a single persistable property.
InterfaceIPasswordContainer Interface for controls which can be used to store text as password
InterfaceISupportPersistence Allows a control/object to control its own serialization and deserialization.
See Also