
Column Moving


As of version 2011.1 the WebHierarchicalDataGrid™ control supports moving columns across the grid similarly to the same functionality found in the WebDataGrid™ control. With the ColumnMoving behavior enabled, users are able to drag and drop columns thus rearranging them to their taste. A column of a band with the behavior enabled is moved for each child band deriving from it.

Column Moving with Hierarchical Data

As you move columns around within hierarchical data, please keep the following in mind:

  • When two child row islands are expanded from the same band and a column is moved in one of the bands, a postback occurs to enable the WebHierarchicalDataGrid control to change the visible index on the band column. .Note:

Both row islands return with the altered visible index.

  • When load on demand is enabled and a column is moved in a child row island, columns in an adjacent bands belonging to the same parent are also moved.

  • If columns are auto generated for a band, only the row island where the columns are moved will have its visible indexes altered.

  • When column grouping is enabled along with column moving, whether a column is grouped or moved is determined by whether the drop operation is over the group area. Also if grouping is on, and a column is already grouped or the column is a template column, a drag operation begins as long as the column is movable. The opposite is also true - if a column has a column setting making it unmovable, a drag operation will still start if it can be grouped.

  • When column grouping is enabled, the grid allows dragging columns to both locations: to the group-by area and to another position in the header. DragStyle moving behavior is set to “follow” in this case to allow grouping.

Enabling Column Moving

You can set up the column moving behavior from the behaviors dialog at design time in the markup or on runtime as shown by Listing 1 and Listing 2.

Listing 1: Enable column moving at design time


   <ig:ColumnMoving EnableInheritance="True">

Listing 2: Enable column moving at runtime

In Visual Basic:

WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.Behaviors.CreateBehavior(Of Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.ColumnMoving)()
WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.Behaviors.ColumnMoving.EnableInheritance = True

In C#:

WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.Behaviors.ColumnMoving.EnableInheritance = true;

In each of the examples the EnableInheritance property determines whether the functionality transfers to the child bands or not.

Column Moving Events

This new behavior of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid comes with a few client-side events that can be used for executing custom code. They cover the most important actions the end user performs when moving a column, namely – HeaderDragStart , HeaderDragEnd , HeaderMove and HeaderDropped . An Initialize event is also available.

Subscribing with the Designer

You can subscribe to all the aforementioned events using the Designer. To do this, click on the Behaviors link in the WebHierarchicalDataGrid Smart Tag. Then select Column Moving and expand the ColumnMovingClientEvents property. Below you can find a screenshot of a sample WebHierarchicalDataGrid Behaviors Designer with most client events subscribed to.

WebHierarchicalDataGrid Column Moving 01.png

Subscribing in Code

To subscribe to client events in code you can refer to the following sample:


      <ColumnMovingClientEvents HeaderDragEnd="ColumnMoving_HeaderDragEnd"
         HeaderMove="ColumnMoving_HeaderMove" />

In Javascript:

function ColumnMoving_HeaderMove(sender, eventArgs)

Server Events

When a column move operation happens for a band, the ColumnMoved server event will fire with the sender being the IBand that the move happened in rather than a WebHierarchicalDataGrid.