
General Known Issues

Test Automation for Micro Focus Win-Forms (Unified Functional Testing) software based error message texts are changed

We have changed the error messages thrown by Infragistics controls, they are now prefaced with "IG:". This helps you to determine the origin of the error messages and they also contain a lot more information. However, this may be a breaking change if you have test cases built directly upon the expectance of specific error message strings. If so, you simply need to update your tests to expect the new strings.

Known Issue with QuickTest Professional 10 QuickTest Professional 10 does not support CLR4 version.

As the version-free assemblies are based on CLR4, they do not work with QuickTest Professional 10.

Known Issues when running sample test scripts with QuickTest Professional 9.1 The following known issue is not specific to Ultimate UI for Windows Forms controls; it affects all controls, including standard Microsoft® controls.

The "WinSchedule Appointments" and "WinTree Cell Editing Demo" sample test scripts will produce a "Failed" result when run on HP QuickTest Professional 9.1. The failed check is for the SetFocus action in both test scripts. This behavior is a result of an issue in QuickTest Professional 9.1 when trying to access the run-time object properties through the ".object" property of the test object.

For example, in the WinTree sample, the following line returns False in QuickTest Professional 9.1, even when the control has the input focus:


A workaround can be implemented for the Ultimate UI for Windows Forms controls by using the GetROProperty method instead of the .object property. For example, you can replace the above-mentioned line with the following line to retrieve the actual value of the run-time .object property:
