
What’s New in 2010 Volume 1

The Test Automation for Micro Focus Win-Forms (Unified Functional Testing) software 2010 Volume 1 release includes support for the following Ultimate UI for Windows Forms controls and components.


We have added support for your automated testing on the new MessageBox that is displayed and managed by the WinMessageBoxManager component. The recordable actions added are ClickButton and OpenLink and the replay-only actions added are GetButtonTypes, GetMsgBoxText and GetMsgBoxCaption.

A new QTPMsgBoxButtonType enumeration represents the type of MessageBox button, and the new QTPMsgBoxTextArea enumeration represents the TextArea region of the MessageBox.


With this release we have added support for automated testing of the new WinSplitter control. The recordable actions added are SplitterButtonClick and DragSplitter and the replay-only actions added are GetSplitterLocation, SetSplitterLocation, GetMinExtent and GetMaxExtent.


We have added support for the new WinActivityIndicator control.


We have added support for your automated testing of the new WinGanttView control. The grid section of the control is a major part of the user interface and hence the following actions are inherited from our WinGrid™: ActivateCell, ActivateRow, CancelCellUpdate, ClickCellButton, ColumnCount, DeleteRow, DeleteSelectedRows, DisplayColumnChooser, DoubleClickCell, DoubleClickRow, GetCellData, GetCellProperty, GetColumnControl, GridItemResize, HeaderMove, HideColumn, MakeCellVisible, OpenLink, PerformAction, PerformClipBoardAction, ResizeRow, RightClick, RowCount, SelectRow, SetCellData, SetInvalidDataCell, ShowColumn, Sort and SpellCheck. Other actions from the WinGrid custom server do not apply to the task grid in WinGanttView.

A number of recordable and replay only actions have been added. The list of recordable actions is SetSelectedTaskDeadline, SetSelectedTaskDuration, SetSelectedTaskPercentage, MoveSelectedTask, SelectTask, OpenContextMenu, OpenTaskInfoDialog, OutdentTask, IndentTask, CollapseTask, ExpandTask, SetSplitterLocation and ResizeInterval. The replay only actions are GetSplitterLocation and GetActiveTaskInformation.

ProxyBase Improvements

In this release two new actions have been defined on the baseproxy; the GetNAProperties that can get all the public property names and type names and the SetNAproperty to set a public property to a supplied value.