
What’s New in 2011 Volume 1

The Test Automation for Micro Focus Win-Forms (Unified Functional Testing) software 2011 Volume 1 release now has improved support for automated testing of the new Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) customization functionality of WinToolbarsManager™. The Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar customization dialogs use the base UltraTree, so the required actions (listed below) are added to the base TA proxy for the UltraTree.

The required recordable and re-playable actions that have been included are:

ClickRbnCustButton - clicks a button specific to the ribbon/QAT customization dialog Tree

DragSubItem – starts a drag operation on the specified subitem (needs to be followed by a subsequent drop action to be completed successfully.)

DropOnSubItem – finishes a drag operation (dropping on the specified Subitem) by moving the cursor over the SubItem and then releasing the mouse button (needs to be preceeded by the successful initiation of a drag action)

DropOnControl – finishes a drag operation dropping on the specified section of the SourceControl by moving the mose pointer over the supplied location and then releasing the mouse button (needs to be preceeded by the successful initiation of a drag action)

There are also three new enumerations:

QTPRbnCustButtonType – represents the button types in the Ribbon/(QAT) customization dialog tree

QTPSubItemTree – represents the SubItem types currently supported for the drag-and-drop action for the UltraWinTree

QTPRectRegion – represents the nine different regional locations of a rectangle or the direct pixel location via micAt