
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock Namespace

ClassAfterNavigatorClosedEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraDockManager.AfterNavigatorClosed event.
ClassAutoHideControl Container control used to display the DockableControlPane that appear when the mouse is over an unpinned tab.
ClassAutoHideControlUIElement Main control UIElement for the AutoHideControl control.
ClassAutoHideSplitterUIElement AutoHideSplitterUIElement
ClassBeforeDockChangeEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraDockManager.BeforeDockChange event.
ClassBeforeNavigatorDisplayedEventArgs Cancelable event arguments for the UltraDockManager.BeforeNavigatorDisplayed event.
ClassCancelableControlPaneEventArgs Event parameters used for cancelable events which pass a single DockableControlPane.
ClassCancelablePaneButtonEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraDockManager.BeforePaneButtonClick event.
ClassCancelablePaneEventArgs Event parameters used for a cancelable event which pass a single DockablePaneBase.
ClassCancelablePanesEventArgs Event parameters used for cancelable events which pass an array of DockablePaneBase instances.
ClassCaptionButtonImageUIElement ImageUIElement for rendering the image of a PaneCaptionButtonUIElement
ClassControlPaneEventArgs Event parameters used for events which pass a single DockableControlPane.
ClassDockableControlPane A dockable pane containing a Windows Forms System.Windows.Forms.Control.
ClassDockableControlPaneEnumerator Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the DockableControlPane objects of the DockableControlPanesCollection.
ClassDockableControlPanesCollection A collection of DockableControlPane instances.
ClassDockableGroupPane A dockable pane which can contain one or more DockablePaneBase instances.
ClassDockablePaneBase Abstract base class for dockable panes.
ClassDockablePaneBaseEnumerator Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the DockablePaneBase objects of the DockablePanesCollection.
ClassDockablePanePropertyDescriptor Provides a description of the DockablePaneBase object.
ClassDockablePanesCollection A collection of DockablePaneBase instances
ClassDockablePanesCollectionEditor UIEditor for the SubObjectArray collections.
ClassDockableWindow A docked control containing a DockableControlPane
ClassDockableWindowPlaceholderUIElement UIElement which will be the site for the pane control containing a DockableControlPane
ClassDockableWindowUIElement Main control element for a DockableWindow control.
ClassDockAreaPane A dockable pane which serves as the top-level ancestor group pane for all other DockablePaneBase instances.
ClassDockAreaPaneConverter DockAreaPane converter
ClassDockAreaPaneEnumerator Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the DockAreaPane objects of the DockAreasCollection.
ClassDockAreasCollection A collection of DockAreaPane instances.
ClassDockControlBase Base class for the controls that contain a DockablePane
ClassDockEventManager Class for managing the events of an UltraDockManager object. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count.
ClassFloatingWindowContainer Form used to display a floating DockAreaPane
ClassFloatingWindowContainerUIElement FloatingWindowContainerUIElement
ClassGroupSettings Maintains defaultable property settings for a group of DockablePaneBase instances.
ClassGroupSettingsResolved Represents the resolved settings exposed by a group pane's DockableGroupPane.GroupSettings.
ClassGroupTabManager This class supports the UltraDockManager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassInitializeNavigatorItemDescriptionEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraDockManager.InitializeNavigatorItemDescription event.
ClassInitializeNavigatorItemEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraDockManager.InitializeNavigatorItem event.
ClassInitializePaneEventArgs Event parameters used for UltraDockManager.InitializePane event
ClassMdiChildForm MdiChild form used to contain a DockableControlPane displayed as an mdi child.
ClassMdiChildFormBase MdiChild form used to contain a DockableControlPane displayed as an mdi child.
ClassNavigatorSettings Contains various properties related to the Navigator functionality of the UltraDockManager.
ClassPaneBaseConverter DockablePaneBase converter
ClassPaneButtonEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraDockManager.AfterPaneButtonClick event.
ClassPaneCaptionButtonUIElement PaneCaptionButtonUIElement
ClassPaneCaptionGrabHandleUIElement UIElement representing the grab handle of the pane's caption text area.
ClassPaneCaptionTextAreaUIElement UIElement representing the caption text area of a pane caption.
ClassPaneCaptionUIElement PaneCaptionUIElement
ClassPaneControlAreaUIElement UIElement representing the contents area of a DockablePaneBase
ClassPaneDisplayedEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraDockManager.PaneDisplayed event.
ClassPaneEventArgs Event parameters used for events which pass a single DockablePaneBase.
ClassPaneHiddenEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraDockManager.PaneHidden event.
ClassPanesCollectionConverter Generic DockablePaneBase Collection TypeConverter
ClassPaneSettings Maintains defaultable property settings for an DockablePaneBase.
ClassPaneSettingsResolved Represents the resolved settings exposed by a pane's DockablePaneBase.Settings.
ClassPanesEventArgs Event parameters used for events which pass an array of DockablePaneBase instances.
ClassPaneSlidingGroupUIElement PaneSlidingGroupUIElement
ClassPaneSplitterUIElement PaneSplitterUIElement
ClassPaneSplitterUIElementBase Abstract base class for a splitter uielement that affects pane sizing.
ClassPaneUIElement Main UIElement for a DockablePaneBase
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassSerializableDockableControlPaneEnumerator Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the DockableControlPane objects of the DockableControlPanesCollection that need to be serialized.
ClassTabManagerBase This class supports the UltraDockManager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassTabsCollection This class supports the UltraDockManager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassUltraDockManager A component for managing the docking and floating of controls on a form.
ClassUltraDockManager.UltraDockManagerApplicationSettings Helps with the saving and loading of data from the default store
ClassUltraDockManagerRole Component role class used to manage the style settings for an UltraDockManager
ClassUltraWinDockAssemblyStyleInfo A class that provides the application styling definitions for the UltraWinDock assembly.
ClassUnpinnedTabArea A docked control representing the area where the tabs for unpinned DockableControlPane objects are displayed.
ClassUnpinnedTabAreaUIElement Main ControlUIElement for the UnpinnedTabArea control
ClassUnpinnedTabManager This class supports the UltraDockManager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassUtilities Utility class containing common static helper methods
ClassWindowDockingArea A docked control which manages the display of a DockAreaPane instance.
ClassWindowDockingAreaSplitterUIElement WindowDockingAreaSplitterUIElement
ClassWindowDockingAreaUIElement Main control element for the WindowDockingArea control
StructureMargins Represents a set of margins
DelegateAfterNavigatorClosedHandler Delegate used by the UltraDockManager.AfterNavigatorClosed event.
DelegateBeforeDockChangeEventHandler Delegate for handling the cancelable event that occurs before a pane's dock status changes.
DelegateBeforeNavigatorDisplayedHandler Delegate used by the UltraDockManager.BeforeNavigatorDisplayed event.
DelegateCancelableControlPaneEventHandler Delegate for handling a cancelable event involving a single DockableControlPane.
DelegateCancelablePaneButtonEventHandler Delegate for handling a cancelable event involving a PaneButton for a DockablePaneBase.
DelegateCancelablePaneEventHandler Delegate for handling a cancelable event involving a single DockablePaneBase.
DelegateCancelablePanesEventHandler Delegate for handling a cancelable event involving one or more DockablePaneBase instances.
DelegateControlPaneEventHandler Delegate for handling an event involving a single DockableControlPane.
DelegateInitializeNavigatorItemDescriptionHandler Delegate used by the UltraDockManager.InitializeNavigatorItemDescription event.
DelegateInitializeNavigatorItemHandler Delegate used by the UltraDockManager.InitializeNavigatorItem event.
DelegateInitializePaneEventHandler Delegate for handling the initialization of a DockablePaneBase.
DelegatePaneButtonEventHandler Delegate for handling an event involving a PaneButton for a DockablePaneBase.
DelegatePaneDisplayedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraDockManager.PaneDisplayed
DelegatePaneEventHandler Delegate for handling an event involving a single DockablePaneBase.
DelegatePaneHiddenEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraDockManager.PaneHidden
DelegatePanesEventHandler Delegate for handling an event involving one or more DockablePaneBase instances.
EnumerationAnimationSpeed Enumeration of animation speeds.
EnumerationCaptionButtonAlignment Enumeration affecting the alignment of the pane caption buttons
EnumerationCaptionGrabHandleStyle Enumerations used to determine the style of the grab handle displayed in the pane caption.
EnumerationCaptionStyle Enumeration of caption styles.
EnumerationChildPaneStyle Enumeration of styles for a group of panes. The style applies to all panes in the group.
EnumerationCloseButtonBehavior Enumeration used to determine which panes are affected when pressing the close button on a tab group's caption.
EnumerationCloseButtonLocation Enumeration of location areas where the close button may appear in a pane.
EnumerationDefaultableOrientation Enumeration of orientations
EnumerationDockAreaLayoutStyle Enumeration of layout style for docked DockAreaPane instances
EnumerationDockChangeType Enumeration of changes that can occur when docking a window.
EnumerationDockContextMenuType Enumeration of context menu types
EnumerationDockedLocation Enumeration of dock areas where the pane may be located.
EnumerationDockedSide Enumeration of the sides on which a pane may be docked.
EnumerationDockedState Enumeration of the different docked states for a pane.
EnumerationDockManagerEventGroups Identifies groups of UltraDockManager events
EnumerationDockManagerEventIds Enumeration of event identifiers for the UltraDockManager component.
EnumerationDockMenuItemType Enumeration of menu item types
EnumerationDragDropAction Enumeration of drag drop actions
EnumerationDragIndicatorStyle Represents the style of drag indicators used when dragging panes around the application.
EnumerationDragWindowStyle Enumeration of styles indicating how a dragged window appears.
EnumerationHotTrackPaneArea Enumeration of hot tracking (mouse sensitive) pane areas.
EnumerationLocation Enumeration of locations used for the caption and tab locations.
EnumerationNavigatorItemDescriptionLocation Represents the location of the selected item's title and description in the navigator dialog.
EnumerationNavigatorStyle Represents the style of the navigator window.
EnumerationPaneButton Enumeration of button types that may appear in a pane.
EnumerationPaneDoubleClickAction Used to indicate the action that occurs when double clicking on a pane caption, tab or sliding group
EnumerationPanePosition Enumeration of positions when repositioning a pane.
EnumerationPinButtonBehavior Enumeration used to determine which panes are affected when pressing the pin button on a tab group caption.
EnumerationPropertyCategories Enumeration of property categories.
EnumerationPropertyIds Enumeration of Property Ids for the UltraDockingManager component.
EnumerationUnpinnedTabHoverAction Enumeration of actions to take when the mouse hovers over an unpinned tab
EnumerationValidationSource Enumeration used to indicate which container should be validated.
EnumerationWindowStyle Enumeration of window styles used to determine the appearance of the dockable windows.
See Also