
Appearance Property (SummarySettings)

Appearance that will be applied to summaries associated with this SummerySettings object.
Public Property Appearance As Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase
public Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase Appearance {get; set;}

Font settings off the UltraGridOverride.SummaryValueAppearance off the Override object are used to calculate the necessary height of the summary footer and the summary values. So if you are planning on modifying the size of font for individual SummarySettings or SummaryValue objects, make sure that a font just as big is assigned to SummaryValueAppearance off the Override object for the band or the layout.

Note: This appearance is not applied to summaries displayed in group by rows. For that use the GroupBySummaryValueAppearance.

Following code illustrates how to programatically add summaries in code. It adds a Count summary for CusomerID column for displaying number of records on the bottom of every rows collection in band 1.

Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid

  Private Sub Button13_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button13.Click

      Dim band As UltraGridBand = Me.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(1)

      ' Add a summary.
      Dim summary As SummarySettings = band.Summaries.Add(SummaryType.Count, band.Columns("CustomerID"))

      ' Set the summary position to Left so that it shows up on the left of the
      ' summary footer area.
      summary.SummaryPosition = SummaryPosition.Left

      ' Set the format with which to format the calculated summary when displaying
      ' in the summary footer.
      summary.DisplayFormat = "Record Count = {0:#####}"

      ' Set the appearance of the summary.
      summary.Appearance.TextHAlign = HAlign.Left
      summary.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue
      summary.Appearance.BackColor = Color.White

      ' Set the border style of summaries to desired value.
      band.Override.BorderStyleSummaryValue = UIElementBorderStyle.None

      ' Set the appearance of summary footer and the footer caption.
      band.Override.SummaryFooterAppearance.BackColor = Color.White
      band.Override.SummaryFooterCaptionAppearance.BackColor = Color.White

      ' Set the text that shows up in the caption of the summary footer.
      ' You can use column names in square brackets like (CustomerID) below.
      band.SummaryFooterCaption = "Customer ID: (CustomerID)"

  End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void button13_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	UltraGridBand band = this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[1];
	// Add a summary.
	SummarySettings summary = band.Summaries.Add( SummaryType.Count, band.Columns["CustomerID"] );			
	// Set the summary position to Left so that it shows up on the left of the
	// summary footer area.
	summary.SummaryPosition = SummaryPosition.Left;
	// Set the format with which to format the calculated summary when displaying
	// in the summary footer.
	summary.DisplayFormat = "Record Count = {0:#####}";
	// Set the appearance of the summary.
	summary.Appearance.TextHAlign = HAlign.Left;
	summary.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue;
	summary.Appearance.BackColor = Color.White;

	// Set the border style of summaries to desired value.
	band.Override.BorderStyleSummaryValue = UIElementBorderStyle.None;

	// Set the appearance of summary footer and the footer caption.
	band.Override.SummaryFooterAppearance.BackColor = Color.White;
	band.Override.SummaryFooterCaptionAppearance.BackColor = Color.White;

	// Set the text that shows up in the caption of the summary footer.
	// You can use column names in square brackets like [CustomerID] below.
	band.SummaryFooterCaption = "Customer ID: [CustomerID]";


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also