
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinPivotGrid.Data Namespace

ClassImmutableIndexedCollectionBase<T> Base class for collections of indexed items, for which the size never changes.
ClassPivotGridAxisItemBase Abstract base class for the PivotGridRow and PivotGridColumn classes.
ClassPivotGridCell Represents the point of intersection between a row and a column.
ClassPivotGridCellsCollection Collection class for PivotGridCell objects.
ClassPivotGridColumn Represents a column within the UltraPivotGrid control.
ClassPivotGridColumnsCollection Collection class for PivotGridColumn objects.
ClassPivotGridEmptyCell Represents a cell with no value.
ClassPivotGridRow Represents a row within the UltraPivotGrid control.
ClassPivotGridRowsCollection Collection class for PivotGridRow objects.
See Also