
MonthViewMultiAction Enumeration

Enumerates the possible actions for the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.UltraMonthViewMulti control.
Public Enum MonthViewMultiAction 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum MonthViewMultiAction : System.Enum 
CloseMonthPopupClose the month popup window.
FirstDayOfMonthMove to the first day of the currently active month.
FirstDayOfMonthKeepSelectionMove to the first day of the currently active month.
FirstVisibleDayMove to the first visible day in the calendar.
FirstVisibleDayKeepSelectionMove to the first visible day in the calendar.
FirstVisibleDayOfWeekMove to the first visible day of the week.
FirstVisibleDayOfWeekKeepSelectionMove to the first visible day of the week.
LastDayOfMonthMove to the last day of the currently active month.
LastDayOfMonthKeepSelectionMove to the last day of the currently active month.
LastVisibleDayMove to the last visible day in the calendar.
LastVisibleDayKeepSelectionMove to the last visible day in the calendar.
LastVisibleDayOfWeekMove to the last visible day of the week.
LastVisibleDayOfWeekKeepSelectionMove to the last visible day of the week.
NextControlMove to the next control.
NextDayMove to the next day.
NextDayKeepSelectionMove to the next day.
PreviousControlMove to the previous control.
PreviousDayMove to the previous day.
PreviousDayKeepSelectionMove to the previous day.
SameDayInNextMonthSame date in the next month.
SameDayInNextMonthKeepSelectionSame date in the next month.
SameDayInNextWeekMove to the same day in the next week.
SameDayInNextWeekKeepSelectionMove to the same day in the next week.
SameDayInPreviousMonthSame date in the previous month.
SameDayInPreviousMonthKeepSelectionSame date in the previous month.
SameDayInPreviousWeekMove to the same day in the previous week.
SameDayInPreviousWeekKeepSelectionMove to the same day in the previous week.
ScrollNextScroll to next month(s). Same action as clicking on a scroll button.
ScrollPreviousScroll to previous month(s). Same action as clicking on a scroll button.
ToggleDaySelectionSelect/Unselect active day.
This example adds two custom key action mappings so that the same day in the next month is selected when the Tab key is pressed, and the same day in the previous month is activated when Ctrl+Tab is pressed.

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.MonthViewMulti

    Private Sub CustomizeKeyActionMappings()

        '	Create a new KeyActionMapping object, which we will add to
        '	the control's KeyActionMappings collection. The new KeyActionMapping
        '	object will have the following property settings:
        '	KeyCode = Tab
        '	ActionCode = SameDayInNextMonth
        '	StateDisallowed = None
        '	StateRequired = ActiveDay
        '	SpecialKeysDisallowed = All (disallow the action if either Alt, Ctrl, or Shift is pressed)
        '	SpecialKeysRequired = 0 (no special keys required to perform the action)
        Dim nextMonthMapping As KeyActionMapping = _
        New KeyActionMapping(Keys.Tab, MonthViewMultiAction.SameDayInNextMonth, 0, MonthViewMultiState.ActiveDay, SpecialKeys.All, 0)

        '	Create another new KeyActionMapping object, which we will add to
        '	the control's KeyActionMappings collection. The new KeyActionMapping
        '	object will have the following property settings:
        '	KeyCode = Tab
        '	ActionCode = SameDayInPreviousMonth
        '	StateDisallowed = None
        '	StateRequired = ActiveDay
        '	SpecialKeysDisallowed = AltShift (disallow the action if either Alt or Shift is pressed)
        '	SpecialKeysRequired = Ctrl
        Dim prevMonthMapping As KeyActionMapping = _
        New KeyActionMapping(Keys.Tab, MonthViewMultiAction.SameDayInPreviousMonth, 0, MonthViewMultiState.ActiveDay, SpecialKeys.AltShift, SpecialKeys.Ctrl)

        '	Remove all KeyActionMappings that use the Tab key
        Dim keyMapping As KeyActionMapping
        For Each keyMapping In Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1.KeyActionMappings
            If (keyMapping.KeyCode = Keys.Tab) Then
            End If

        '	Now we can add the custom mappings

    End Sub
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.MonthViewMulti;

		private void CustomizeKeyActionMappings()

			//	Create a new KeyActionMapping object, which we will add to
			//	the control's KeyActionMappings collection. The new KeyActionMapping
			//	object will have the following property settings:
			//	KeyCode = Tab
			//	ActionCode = SameDayInNextMonth
			//	StateDisallowed = None
			//	StateRequired = ActiveDay
			//	SpecialKeysDisallowed = All (disallow the action if either Alt, Ctrl, or Shift is pressed)
			//	SpecialKeysRequired = 0 (no special keys required to perform the action)
			KeyActionMapping nextMonthMapping =
				new KeyActionMapping( Keys.Tab,	//	KeyCode
												 MonthViewMultiAction.SameDayInNextMonth,		//	ActionCode
												 0,		//	StateDisallowed
												 MonthViewMultiState.ActiveDay,		//	StateRequired
												 SpecialKeys.All,	//	SpecialKeysDisallowed
												 0 		//	SpecialKeysRequired
			//	Create another new KeyActionMapping object, which we will add to
			//	the control's KeyActionMappings collection. The new KeyActionMapping
			//	object will have the following property settings:
			//	KeyCode = Tab
			//	ActionCode = SameDayInPreviousMonth
			//	StateDisallowed = None
			//	StateRequired = ActiveDay
			//	SpecialKeysDisallowed = AltShift (disallow the action if either Alt or Shift is pressed)
			//	SpecialKeysRequired = Ctrl
			KeyActionMapping prevMonthMapping =
				new KeyActionMapping( Keys.Tab,	//	KeyCode
												 MonthViewMultiAction.SameDayInPreviousMonth,		//	ActionCode
												 0,		//	StateDisallowed
												 MonthViewMultiState.ActiveDay,		//	StateRequired
												 SpecialKeys.AltShift,	//	SpecialKeysDisallowed
												 SpecialKeys.Ctrl 		//	SpecialKeysRequired
			//	Remove all KeyActionMappings that use the Tab key
			foreach( KeyActionMapping keyMapping in this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.KeyActionMappings )
				if ( keyMapping.KeyCode == Keys.Tab )
					this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.KeyActionMappings.Remove( keyMapping );


			//	Now we can add the custom mappings
			this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.KeyActionMappings.Add( nextMonthMapping );
			this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.KeyActionMappings.Add( prevMonthMapping );


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also