
Infragistics.Win.AppStyling Namespace

ClassComponentRole An object that provides style information to a component for a specific styleset.
ClassEditorStylePropertyCache Helper class for caching property values in editors.
ClassInboxControlRole Component role used by an Inbox control for its application styling information.
ClassNamedColor Static class used to manage a set of custom named colors based on the Infragistics.Win.Office2007ColorTable, Infragistics.Win.Office2003Colors, Infragistics.Win.VisualStudio2005ColorTable and Infragistics.Shared.XPItemColor classes.
ClassSharedObjectNames Static class containing constants for the shared objects defined in the win assembly.
ClassStyleChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the StyleManager.StyleChanged event.
ClassStyleManager Class used to provide appearance information for controls and components.
ClassStylePropertyCache A helper class for caching resolved property values.
ClassStyleUtilities Static class with helper methods and constants.
ClassUIRole An object that represents a discrete area within a control.
ClassUIRoleNames Static class used to provide the names of the common ui roles defined in the win assembly.
ClassUltraControlRole Component role used by an Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase derived control for its application styling information.
InterfaceISupportAppStyling Interface implemented by a class that uses application styling.
StructureResolutionOrderInfo A structure used to provide information about whether the control specific settings or application style information should take precedence.
StructureUIRoleCache Helper class for managing a UIRole reference for a specific role of a given ComponentRole
DelegateStyleChangedEventHandler Delegate for the StyleManager.StyleChanged event.
EnumerationNamedColorGroup Enumeration used to identify the list of named colors.
EnumerationResolutionOrder Determines the order in which the control and app style properties will be resolved.
EnumerationRoleState Enumeration indicating the state of role
EnumerationViewStyle Enumeration indicating the current viewstyle.
See Also