
FormattedLinkEditorAction Enumeration

Enumerates the possible actions that can be performed on the FormattedLinkEditor.
Public Enum FormattedLinkEditorAction 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum FormattedLinkEditorAction : System.Enum 
BackspaceFor performing backspace operation when backspace key is pressed.
CancelIMECompositionCancels the current IME composition and removes all converted and unconverted text.
CompleteIMECompositionCompleted the current IME composition.
CopyCopy action.
CutCut action.
DeleteFor performing delete operation when delete key is pressed.
DocumentBeginMoves to the beginning document.
DocumentEndMoves to the beginning of the current line.
DownMoves to next line. This action is typically associated with the Down arrow key.
InsertLineBreakFor inserting a line break.
LeftMoves to previous caret position. This action is typically associated with the Left arrow key.
LineBeginMoves to the beginning of the current line. This action is typically associated with the Down Home key.
LineEndMoves to the end of the current line. This action is typically associated with the End key.
PageDownMoves caret one page down.
PageUpMoves caret one page up.
PastePaste action.
RedoRedo action.
RightMoves to next caret position. This action is typically associated with the Right arrow key.
SelectAllSelects all the contents of the editor.
SetBoldFalseRemoves the bold state from the selected text.
SetBoldTrueSets the selected text to bold.
SetItalicsFalseRemoves the italic state from the selected text.
SetItalicsTrueSets the selected text to italic.
SetStrikeoutFalseRemoves the strikeout state from the selected text.
SetStrikeoutTrueSets the selected text to strikeout.
SetUnderlineFalseRemoves the underlined state from the selected text.
SetUnderlineStyleDoubleApplies the double underline style to the current selection.
SetUnderlineStyleDoubleAccountingApplies the double-accounting underline style to the current selection. Note that the single-accounting underline style is not depicted by the control visually, and is ony supported by the FormattedLinkEditor when embedded in controls which explicitly support the single-accounting underline style.
SetUnderlineStyleSingleAccountingApplies the single-accounting underline style to the current selection. Note that the single-accounting underline style is not depicted by the control visually, and is ony supported by the FormattedLinkEditor when embedded in controls which explicitly support the single-accounting underline style.
SetUnderlineTrueSets the selected text to underlined.
ToggleBoldToggles bold insert state.
ToggleItalicsToggles italics insert state.
ToggleStrikeoutToggles strikeout insert state.
ToggleSubscriptToggles subscript insert state.
ToggleSuperscriptToggles superscript insert state.
ToggleUnderlineToggles underline insert state.
UndoUndo action.
UpMoves to previous line. This action is typically associated with the Up arrow key.
WordLeftMoves the caret postion to previous word. This action is typically associated with the Ctrl+Left arrow key.
WordRightMoves the caret postion to next word. This action is typically associated with the Ctrl+Right arrow key .

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also