
Infragistics.Documents Namespace

ClassClassificationType A class that defines the details of a text classification.
ClassGlobalAmbiguityDetectedEventArgs Events arguments for the Infragistics.Documents.Parsing.CustomLanguage.GlobalAmbiguityDetected event.
ClassNormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection Returns a collection of SnapshotSpans.
ClassSyntaxTreeCreatedEventArgs Events arguments for the Infragistics.Documents.Parsing.LanguageBase.SyntaxTreeCreated event.
ClassTextChange Describes a single contiguous text change operation on a TextDocument.
ClassTextChangedEventArgs Provides information about a change to text in a TextDocument
ClassTextChangingEventArgs Provides information about a change to text in a TextDocument
ClassTextDocument Represents a single text or code document (if the Language. property is set).
ClassTextDocumentResourceCustomizer Class used to provide the ability to customize resource strings.
ClassTextDocumentResources Exposes a TextDocumentResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassTextDocumentSnapshot Represents the entire state (i.e. version) of a TextDocument.
ClassTextDocumentSnapshotScanner Exposes methods for scanning through a snapshot of a TextDocument
ClassTextDocumentVersion An object that identifies a specific version of a TextDocument including a list of the changes that were made to create the next version.
ClassTextSearchCriteria Defines the criteria to use when performing a find operation on text within a TextDocument
ClassTextSearchResultInfo Represents the results of a find or replace operation on text within a TextDocument
InterfaceIIndentServiceProvider The interface used by an object that provides the indenting service for lines in a document.
StructureSnapshotLineInfo An object that represents a line within a specific TextDocumentSnapshot
StructureSnapshotPoint Represents a point (i.e. offset) within a specific TextDocumentSnapshot
StructureSnapshotSpan Represents the span of text within a specific TextDocumentSnapshot based on an offset and length
StructureTextSearchResult Represents a single match in a find or replace operation on text within a TextDocument
StructureWord Represents the word of text within a specific TextDocumentSnapshot.
EnumerationClassification Enumerations that correspond to the available ClassificationTypes.
EnumerationLineScanType Determines where to set the Scanner's CurrentOffset relative to the current line position.
EnumerationNewLineSequence Determines the sequence of characters used to delimit lines in a TextDocument.
EnumerationPointTrackingMode Determines how SnapshotPoints track between snapshots.
EnumerationSpanTrackingMode Determines how SnapshotSpans track between snapshots.
EnumerationTabEntryBehavior Determines what gets inserted into a TextDocument when a tab key is entered.
EnumerationTextChangeSource Identifies the source of a text change.
EnumerationTextDocumentAutoCasingMode Represents that various auto-casing behaviors which can be used when the language has case-insensitive keywords and other terminal symbols.
EnumerationTokenScanType Determines where to set the Scanner's CurrentOffset relative to the current token position.
EnumerationWordScanType Determines where to set the Scanner's CurrentOffset relative to the current word position.
See Also