
Infragistics.Win.Misc Namespace

ClassActionButtonUIElement Represents an UltraNavigationBarActionButton in the user interface.
ClassAlertButtonAreaUIElement Represents the area of the desktop alert window which contains the members of the UltraDesktopAlert.AlertButtons collection.
ClassAlertButtonClickedEventArgs Contains information relevant to the UltraDesktopAlert.AlertButtonClicked event.
ClassAlertButtonUIElement Represents a member of the UltraDesktopAlert.AlertButtons collection in the user interface.
ClassAutoSizeControlBase Abstract base control class for controls that automatically size based on their contents.
ClassButtonAppearancesBase Exposes Infragistics.Win.Appearance properties used by classes which are represented by button elements in the user interface.
ClassButtonBoxAreaUIElement Represents the area of the desktop alert window which contains the DropDownButtonUIElement, PinButtonUIElement, and CloseButtonUIElement.
ClassCaptionAreaUIElement Represents the caption area of the desktop alert window in the user interface; applicable only when the UltraDesktopAlert.Style property is set to 'WindowsLiveMessenger'.
ClassCloseButtonUIElement Represents the dropdown button in the user interface.
ClassControlBase Abstract base control class
ClassControlLayoutItem An Infragistics.Win.Layout.ILayoutItem used to represent a control in a ControlLayoutManagerBase
ClassControlLayoutManagerBase Base class for a component that manages the size and position of controls within their parent control.
ClassDesktopAlertButtonsCollection Encapsulates the UltraDesktopAlert.AlertButtons collection.
ClassDesktopAlertButtonsCollectionBase Base class for collections which contain instances of the UltraDesktopAlertButton class.
ClassDesktopAlertButtonsCollectionBase.UltraDesktopAlertButtonEnumerator Enumerator for the DesktopAlertButtonsCollectionBase class.
ClassDesktopAlertButtonsModifiableCollectionBase Encapsulates the UltraDesktopAlert.AlertButtons and UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo.VisibleAlertButtons collections.
ClassDesktopAlertButtonUIElementBase ButtonUIElement-derived base class for the images displayed by the desktop alert windows.
ClassDesktopAlertClosedEventArgs Contains information relevant to the UltraDesktopAlert.DesktopAlertClosed event.
ClassDesktopAlertClosingEventArgs Contains information relevant to the UltraDesktopAlert.DesktopAlertClosing event.
ClassDesktopAlertEventArgsBase Base class for UltraDesktopAlert event arguments classes.
ClassDesktopAlertImageUIElementBase ImageUIElement-derived base class for the images displayed by the desktop alert windows.
ClassDesktopAlertLinkClickedEventArgs Contains information relevant to the UltraDesktopAlert.DesktopAlertLinkClicked event.
ClassDesktopAlertUIElementBase Base class for generic UIElements used by the UltraDesktopAlert component.
ClassDesktopAlertVisibleButtonsCollection Collection class which contains the UltraDesktopAlertButton instances which are to be displayed for a specific desktop alert window instance.
ClassDropAreaUIElement UI Element which represents the area where a dragged tile would be dropped if the mouse were released.
ClassDropDownButtonClickedEventArgs Contains information relevant to the UltraDesktopAlert.DropDownButtonClicked event.
ClassDropDownButtonControlUIElement Control UIElement for a UltraDropDownButton control
ClassDropDownButtonUIElement Represents the dropdown button in the user interface.
ClassEmptyTileAreaUIElement UI Element which represents the tiles area which do not have tiles present.
ClassExpandableGroupBoxControlCollection Used internally to manage the child controls of the UltraExpandableGroupBox.
ClassFooterAreaUIElement Represents the footer area of the desktop alert window in the user interface.
ClassGripAreaUIElement Represents the grip area of the desktop alert window in the user interface. Used only when the UltraDesktopAlert.Style property is set to 'Office2007'.
ClassGripIndicatorUIElement Represents the grip area of the desktop alert window in the user interface. Used only when the UltraDesktopAlert.Style property is set to 'Office2007'.
ClassGroupBoxContentAreaBackgroundUIElement GroupBoxContentAreaBackgroundUIElement represents the background of the content area in an UltraGroupBox.
ClassGroupBoxContentAreaBorderUIElement GroupBoxContentAreaBorderUIElement represents the border of the content area in an UltraGroupBox.
ClassGroupBoxContentAreaUIElement GroupBoxContentAreaUIElement represents the area of the UltraGroupBox which contains the child controls. This element manages the GroupBoxContentAreaBackgroundUIElement and GroupBoxContentAreaBorderUIElement elements, which render the background and border of the content area.
ClassGroupBoxExpansionIndicatorUIElement The GroupBoxExpansionIndicator is the element in the UltraExpandableGroupBox which allows the end-user to expand and collapse the content area.
ClassGroupBoxHeaderUIElement This class represents the header area of the UltraGroupBox. The header contains the caption, expansion indicator (only in the UltraExpandableGroupBox), and an optional image. It can be positioned on any of the four sides of the control, with horizontal or vertical alignment.
ClassLargeTileCollection A collection of the visible UltraTile instances in the Large state.
ClassLinkUIElement Represents the UltraDesktopAlertWindowInfo.Caption, UltraDesktopAlertWindowInfo.Text, or UltraDesktopAlertWindowInfo.FooterText of the desktop alert window in the user interface.
ClassLocationButtonUIElementBase NavigationBarButtonUIElementBase-derived base class for the buttons which represent an UltraNavigationBarLocation instance in the user interface.
ClassLocationDropDownButtonUIElement Represents the dropdown button portion of an UltraNavigationBarLocation in the user interface, which is displayed when the UltraNavigationBarLocationSettings.DropDownButtonVisible property resolves to a value that results in the button being displayed.
ClassLocationListItemContainerSeparatorUIElement Draws a separation line for the LocationListItemContainerUIElement.
ClassLocationListItemContainerUIElement Contains the LocationListItemUIElement instances which represent the visible members of the UltraNavigationBarLocation.Locations collection associated with the UltraNavigationBar.ExpandedLocation.
ClassLocationListItemUIElement Represents an UltraNavigationBarLocation in the dropdown list which is displayed when the UltraNavigationBarLocation.Parent location is in the expanded state.
ClassLocationTextButtonUIElement Represents the text button portion of an UltraNavigationBarLocation in the user interface, which is displayed when the UltraNavigationBarLocationSettings.TextButtonDisplayStyle property resolves to a value that results in the button being displayed.
ClassLocationUIElement Represents an UltraNavigationBarLocation in the user interface.
ClassMainImageAreaUIElement Represents the caption area of the desktop alert window in the user interface.
ClassMainImageUIElement Represents the main image of the desktop alert window in the user interface.
ClassMessageBoxIconTypeEditor Provides designer support for the MessageBoxIcon property.
ClassMiscAssemblyStyleInfo Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly.
ClassMiscControlRole Role class for the controls in the Infragistics.Win.Misc assembly (which this class is part of).
ClassNavigationBarActionButtonsCollection Encapsulates the UltraNavigationBar.ActionButtons collection.
ClassNavigationBarActionButtonsCollection.UltraNavigationBarActionButtonEnumerator Enumerator for the NavigationBarActionButtonsCollection class.
ClassNavigationBarActionButtonsCollection.VisibleActionButtonsCollection System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollectionBase-derived class which contains the UltraNavigationBarActionButton instances whose UltraNavigationBarActionButton.Visible property is set to true.
ClassNavigationBarBorderedAreaUIElementBase Contains the image displayed for the UltraNavigationBar.SelectedLocation.
ClassNavigationBarButtonUIElementBase ButtonUIElement-derived base class for the buttons displayed by the UltraNavigationBar control.
ClassNavigationBarEditModeClickAreaUIElement UIElement which occupies the area between the LocationUIElement which represents the UltraNavigationBar.SelectedLocation, and the PreviousLocationsDropDownButtonUIElement.
ClassNavigationBarImageUIElement ImageUIElement-derived base class for the images displayed in the UltraNavigationBar.
ClassNavigationBarLocationsCollection Encapsulates a UltraNavigationBarLocation.Locations collection.
ClassNavigationBarLocationsCollection.DefaultSortComparer IComparer implementor used to sort collections which contain UltraNavigationBarLocation instances.
ClassNavigationBarLocationsCollection.UltraNavigationBarLocationEnumerator Enumerator for the NavigationBarLocationsCollection class.
ClassNavigationBarLocationsCollection.VisibleLocationsCollection System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollectionBase-derived class which contains the UltraNavigationBarLocation instances whose UltraNavigationBarLocation.Visible property is set to true.
ClassNavigationBarPreviousLocationsCollection Encapsulates the UltraNavigationBar control's UltraNavigationBar.PreviousLocations collection.
ClassNavigationBarPreviousLocationsCollection.UltraNavigationBarLocationEnumerator Enumerator for the NavigationBarPreviousLocationsCollection class.
ClassNavigationBarUIElementBase Base class for generic UIElements used by the UltraNavigationBar control.
ClassNotificationSettings Exposes properties which determine the manner in which the end user is notified of a failed validation.
ClassNotificationSettings.NotificationSettingsTypeConverter TypeConverter for the NotificationSettings class.
ClassNotificationSettings.SoundPropertyTypeConverter TypeConverter for the ValidationSettings class.
ClassPinButtonUIElement Displays a graphic which indicates whether a desktop alert window is pinned, and also provides a way for the end user to change the value of the UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo.Pinned property.
ClassPreviousLocationsDropDownButtonUIElement Represents the dropdown button which provides access to the previous locations dropdown list, displayed when the UltraNavigationBarPreviousLocationsSettings.DropDownButtonVisible property resolves to true.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassScrollProperties Class which exposes properties related to scrolling in the UltraPanel.
ClassSelectedLocationImageAreaUIElement Contains a NavigationBarImageUIElement which displays the resolved image for the UltraNavigationBar.SelectedLocation when the UltraNavigationBar.SelectedLocationImageVisible property resolves to true.
ClassSplitButtonDropDownUIElement Dropdown button element for a split button.
ClassSplitButtonDropDownUIElement.SplitButtonDropDownUIElementAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a splitButtonDropDownUIElement.
ClassSplitButtonUIElement Main button element for a split button.
ClassSplitButtonUIElement.SplitButtonUIElementAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a splitButtonUIElement.
ClassSplitterButtonUIElement UIElement representing the collapse / restore button on an UltraSplitterUIElement.
ClassSplitterDragCancelledEventArgs Class which provides information on a splitter drag operation which was cancelled.
ClassSplitterDragCompletedEventArgs Class which provides information on a completed splitter drag opeartion.
ClassSplitterDragEventArgsBase Base class which returns information about a drag operation on an UltraSplitter control.
ClassSplitterDraggingEventArgs Class which returns information on a splitter drag operation in progress.
ClassSplitterDragInProgressEventArgsBase Base class which provides information for a splitter drag operation in progress or completed.
ClassSplitterDragStartEventArgs Class which provides information to the SplitterOwner when a drag operation begins.
ClassTextAreaUIElement Represents the text area of the desktop alert window in the user interface.
ClassTileCancelEventArgs Event arguments for cancelable events associated with an UltraTile.
ClassTileCaptionUIElement UI element which displays the caption text of the UltraTile.
ClassTileClosedEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraTile.Closed and UltraTilePanel.TileClosed events.
ClassTileClosingEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraTile.Closing and UltraTilePanel.TileClosing events.
ClassTileCollection A collection of UltraTile instances.
ClassTileCollectionBase A collection of UltraTile instances.
ClassTileContainerPanel The control which contains the UltraTile controls in the UltraTilePanel.
ClassTileContainerPanelUIElement Main element for the TileContainerPanel.
ClassTileDraggedEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraTile.Dragged and UltraTilePanel.TileDragged events.
ClassTileDraggingEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraTile.Dragging and UltraTilePanel.TileDragging events.
ClassTileDragOverPositionEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraTile.DragOverPosition and UltraTilePanel.TileDragOverPosition events.
ClassTileDroppedEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraTile.Dropped and UltraTilePanel.TileDropped events.
ClassTileEventArgs Event arguments for events associated with an UltraTile.
ClassTileHeaderButtonUIElement The element which displays the header buttons for the UltraTile.
ClassTileHeaderUIElement The element which displays the header for the UltraTile.
ClassTileMovedEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraTile.Moved and UltraTilePanel.TileMoved events.
ClassTileMovingEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraTile.Moving and UltraTilePanel.TileMoving events.
ClassTileStateChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraTile.StateChanged and UltraTilePanel.TileStateChanged events.
ClassTileStateChangingEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraTile.StateChanging and UltraTilePanel.TileStateChanging events.
ClassUltraButton Represents a standard windows button control.
ClassUltraButtonBase Implements the basic functionality common to button controls.
ClassUltraButtonControlUIElement Main UIElement for the UltraButton control
ClassUltraButtonUIElement AutoRepeat capable button class for rendering text and an image for the UltraButton control
ClassUltraDesktopAlert Windows Forms Component which handles the display of desktop alert/notification windows.
ClassUltraDesktopAlertButton Encapsulates a member of the UltraDesktopAlert.AlertButtons collection.
ClassUltraDesktopAlertButton.UltraDesktopAlertButtonTypeConverter TypeConverter for the UltraDesktopAlertButton class.
ClassUltraDesktopAlertEventManager Class which manages events for the UltraDesktopAlert component.
ClassUltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo Class used to encapsulate the parameters of the UltraDesktopAlert component's UltraDesktopAlert.Show method.
ClassUltraDesktopAlertWindow Represents the desktop alert window in the user interface.
ClassUltraDesktopAlertWindowInfo Class used to provide information about, and provide programmatic access to, a desktop alert window.
ClassUltraDesktopAlertWindowUIElement Represents the UltraDesktopAlertWindow control in the user interface.
ClassUltraDropDownButton Represents a button control that can display a dropdown window.
ClassUltraExpandableGroupBox The UltraExpandableGroupBox represents a standard Windows GroupBox with the ability to expand and collapse.
ClassUltraExpandableGroupBoxPanel UltraExpandableGroupBoxPanel hosts the controls contained in the UltraExpandableGroupBox.
ClassUltraFlowLayoutManager Component that uses a flow layout manager to arrange controls in its associated ControlLayoutManagerBase.ContainerControl
ClassUltraGridBagLayoutManager Component used to manage the position and size of controls using a GridBagLayout style management.
ClassUltraGridBagLayoutPanel A container control that lays out controls in a GridBagLayout.
ClassUltraGroupBox The UltraGroupBox represents a standard Windows GroupBox with a high degree of flexibility.
ClassUltraGroupBoxUIElement UltraGroupBoxUIElement represents the visual aspects of the UltraGroupBox control.
ClassUltraLabel Represents a standard windows label.
ClassUltraLabelControlUIElement Main element for the UltraLabel control
ClassUltraNavigationBar Infragistics Windows Forms Control which provides hierarchical navigation capabilities.
ClassUltraNavigationBarActionButton Encapsulates an action button for the UltraNavigationBar control.
ClassUltraNavigationBarActionButton.UltraNavigationBarActionButtonTypeConverter TypeConverter for the UltraNavigationBarActionButton class.
ClassUltraNavigationBarActionButtonSettings Exposes properties that control the appearance of UltraNavigationBarActionButton instances.
ClassUltraNavigationBarButtonAppearances Exposes Infragistics.Win.Appearance properties inherited by the UltraNavigationBarLocationSettings, UltraNavigationBarActionButtonSettings, and UltraNavigationBarPreviousLocationsSettings classes.
ClassUltraNavigationBarKeyActionMapping A TreeKeyActionMapping is an object which determines how the UltraTree reponds to keyboard input.
ClassUltraNavigationBarKeyActionMappings A collection of UltraNavigationBarKeyActionMapping instances which dictate the default keyboard behavior for the UltraNavigationBar control.
ClassUltraNavigationBarKeyActionMappings.UltraNavigationBarKeyActionMappingEnumerator Returns a type safe enumerator for KeyActionMapping
ClassUltraNavigationBarLocation Encapsulates a location in the navigation path for the UltraNavigationBar control.
ClassUltraNavigationBarLocation.UltraNavigationBarLocationTypeConverter TypeConverter for the UltraNavigationBarLocation class.
ClassUltraNavigationBarLocationSettings Exposes properties that control the appearance and behavior of UltraNavigationBarLocation instances.
ClassUltraNavigationBarPreviousLocationsSettings Exposes properties related to the previous locations list functionality for the UltraNavigationBar control.
ClassUltraNavigationBarRootLocation Encapsulates the UltraNavigationBar.RootLocation.
ClassUltraNavigationBarUIElement Represents the UltraNavigationBar control in the user interface.
ClassUltraPanel A control which can contain other controls and provide automatic scrolling or sizing.
ClassUltraPanelClientArea The control which occupies the client area of the UltraPanel.
ClassUltraPanelClientAreaUIElement Main element for the UltraPanel.ClientArea.
ClassUltraPanelControlUIElement Main element for the UltraPanel control.
ClassUltraPeekPopup Component for displaying a control in a Peek window.
ClassUltraPopupControlContainer Component for displaying a control in a popup window.
ClassUltraSplitter Represents a splitter control with collapsing and styling capabilities that enables the user to resize docked controls.
ClassUltraSplitterControlUIElement Main UIElement for the UltraSplitter
ClassUltraSplitterUIElement UIElement which provides splitter capabilities for a control.
ClassUltraSplitterUIElement.UltraSplitterUIElementDragCancelledInfo Class which provides information on a splitter drag operation which was cancelled.
ClassUltraSplitterUIElement.UltraSplitterUIElementDragCompletedInfo Class which provides information on a successfully completed splitter drag opeartion.
ClassUltraSplitterUIElement.UltraSplitterUIElementDraggingInfo Class which returns information on a splitter drag operation in progress.
ClassUltraSplitterUIElement.UltraSplitterUIElementDragInfoBase Base class which returns information to the ISplitterOwner when the splitter is being dragged.
ClassUltraSplitterUIElement.UltraSplitterUIElementDragInProgressInfoBase Base class which provides information for a splitter drag operation in progress or completed.
ClassUltraSplitterUIElement.UltraSplitterUIElementDragStartInfo Class which provides information to the ISplitterOwner when a drag operation begins.
ClassUltraTile Represents one of the tiles in an UltraTilePanel.
ClassUltraTileControlUIElement The main UI element for the UltraTile.
ClassUltraTilePanel A control which contains multiple tiles arranged in a grid fashion. Each tile contains one of the child controls of the of the UltraTilePanel
ClassUltraTilePanelControlUIElement The main UI element for the UltraTilePanel.
ClassUltraTilePanelStreamer Provides serialization support for UltraTilePanel.
ClassUltraTileSettings Class which contains the various defaultable settings which can be set on individual UltraTile instances or an a gloabl level on the UltraTilePanel.TileSettings.
ClassUltraTileSettingsResolved Classs which contains the resolved settings for each UltraTile.
ClassUltraValidator Windows Forms component which extends validation functionality to controls which support value editing.
ClassUltraValidatorEventManager Class which manages events for the UltraValidator component.
ClassUltraZoomPanel A control container providing zooming capabilities for its child controls.
ClassValidatingEventArgs Contains information relevant to the UltraValidator.Validating event.
ClassValidation Encapsulates the return value from the Validate methods. Also used by the ValidationErrorEventArgs class to return information about a validation.
ClassValidationErrorEventArgs Contains information relevant to the UltraValidator.ValidationError event.
ClassValidationGroup Provides a way to logically group controls for the purpose of enabling/disabling them, and also to programmatically validated each member of the ValidationGroup.
ClassValidationGroup.ValidationGroupTypeConverter TypeConverter for the ValidationGroup class.
ClassValidationGroup.ValidationGroupUITypeEditor UITypeEditor-derived class which provides designer support for properties of type ICondition.
ClassValidationGroupsCollection Encapsulates the ValidationGroups collection.
ClassValidationGroupsCollection.ValidationGroupEnumerator Enumerator for the ValidationGroupsCollection class.
ClassValidationResult Contains information about the validation of a control or embeddable editor.
ClassValidationResultsCollection Encapsulates the Results collection for a Validation object.
ClassValidationResultsCollection.ValidationResultsEnumerator Enumerator for the ValidationResultsCollection class.
ClassValidationSettings Exposes properties which determine the validation behavior for the associated control or embeddable editor.
ClassValidationSettings.ValidationSettingsTypeConverter TypeConverter for the ValidationSettings class.
ClassWindowClientAreaUIElement Represents the client area of the desktop alert window in the user interface.
ClassWindowImageUIElement Represents the UltraDesktopAlertWindow control in the user interface.
ClassWindowLiveMessengerClientAreaBackgroundUIElement Represents the client area of the desktop alert window in the user interface.
ClassZoomProperties Properties related to the UltraZoomPanel control.
InterfaceISplitterOwner Interface which provides information to the UltraSplitterUIElement.
DelegateAlertButtonClickedHandler Delegate for the UltraDesktopAlert.AlertButtonClicked event.
DelegateDesktopAlertClosedHandler Delegate for the UltraDesktopAlert.DesktopAlertClosed event.
DelegateDesktopAlertClosingHandler Delegate for the UltraDesktopAlert.DesktopAlertClosing event.
DelegateDesktopAlertLinkClickedHandler Delegate for the UltraDesktopAlert.DesktopAlertLinkClicked event.
DelegateDropDownButtonClickedHandler Delegate for the UltraDesktopAlert.DropDownButtonClicked event.
DelegateSplitterDragCancelledEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraSplitter.SplitterDragCancelled event.
DelegateSplitterDragCompletedEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraSplitter.SplitterDragCompleted event.
DelegateSplitterDraggingEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraSplitter.SplitterDragging event.
DelegateSplitterDragStartEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraSplitter.SplitterDragStart event.
DelegateTileClosedEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraTile.Closed and UltraTilePanel.TileClosed events.
DelegateTileClosingEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraTile.Closing and UltraTilePanel.TileClosing events.
DelegateTileDraggedEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraTile.Dragged and UltraTilePanel.TileDragged events.
DelegateTileDraggingEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraTile.Dragging and UltraTilePanel.TileDragging events.
DelegateTileDragOverPositionEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraTile.DragOverPosition and UltraTilePanel.TileDragOverPosition events.
DelegateTileDroppedEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraTile.Dropped and UltraTilePanel.TileDropped events.
DelegateTileMovedEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraTile.Moved and UltraTilePanel.TileMoved events.
DelegateTileMovingEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraTile.Moving and UltraTilePanel.TileMoving events.
DelegateTileStateChangedEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraTile.StateChanged and UltraTilePanel.TileStateChanged events.
DelegateTileStateChangingEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraTile.StateChanging and UltraTilePanel.TileStateChanging events.
DelegateValidatingHandler Delegate for the UltraValidator.Validating event.
DelegateValidationErrorHandler Delegate for the UltraValidator.ValidationError event.
EnumerationAnimationScrollDirection Specifies the animation effect(s) which are applied to the desktop alert window when the UltraDesktopAlert.AnimationStyleShow or UltraDesktopAlert.AnimationStyleAutoClose property is set to either 'Scroll' or 'FadeAndScroll'.
EnumerationAnimationSpeed Specifies the speed of the animation effect(s) which are applied to the desktop alert window when the UltraDesktopAlert.AnimationStyleShow or UltraDesktopAlert.AnimationStyleAutoClose property is set to either 'Scroll' or 'FadeAndScroll'.
EnumerationAnimationStyle Specifies which style of animation is used for the desktop alert windows displayed by the UltraDesktopAlert component.
EnumerationButtonPropertyIds Enumeration of UltraButtonBase property id's
EnumerationButtonUIState Specifies the various user interface states for an UltraDesktopAlertButton.
EnumerationCollapseUIType Describes various options for UI to collapse or restore an UltraSplitter control.
EnumerationControlBasePropertyIds Enumeration of common property id's
EnumerationControlLayoutManagerPropertyIds Property ids for the ControlLayoutManagerBase and its associated classes
EnumerationControlUIState Constants which define the state of the UltraNavigationBar control in the user interface.
EnumerationDesktopAlertCloseReason Constants which identify the reason for which a desktop alert window was closed.
EnumerationDesktopAlertEventIds Uniquely identifies each event exposed by the UltraDesktopAlert component.
EnumerationDesktopAlertLinkType Specifies the different types of links displayed by the desktop alert window: Caption, Text, or Footer.
EnumerationDesktopAlertPropertyIds Constants which uniquely identify the individual properties of the UltraDesktopAlert component.
EnumerationDesktopAlertStyle Specifies the styles available to the UltraDesktopAlert component.
EnumerationDropDownButtonPropertyIds Enumeration of property ids for the UltraDropDownButton control
EnumerationDropDownButtonVisible Constants which define the circumstances under which an UltraNavigationBarLocation instance displays its dropdown button.
EnumerationEmptyValueCriteria Constants which identify the criteria used to determine whether a value is null or empty.
EnumerationErrorImageBlinkStyle Constants which define the blink style for the error image that is displayed when the NotificationAction is set to 'Image'.
EnumerationFormattedTextLinkStatus Specifies whether formatted text contains hyperlinks.
EnumerationFormattedTextUIState Specifies the various user interface states for the formatted text elements which represent the UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo.Caption, UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo.Text, and UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo.FooterText properties.
EnumerationFullPathFormat Defines constants used to specify the format of the value returned by the UltraNavigationBarLocation.GetFullPath method.
EnumerationGroupBoxBorderStyle Different types of borders that the UltraGroupBox and UltraExpandableGroupBox can display.
EnumerationGroupBoxCaptionAlignment Possible positions of the control’s caption relative to the header edge closest to the first character of the caption.
EnumerationGroupBoxExpansionIndicator Settings for the location of the GroupBoxExpansionIndicatorUIElement.
EnumerationGroupBoxHeaderClickAction Settings for the action performed when the header is clicked on.
EnumerationGroupBoxHeaderPosition Various edges of the control that the header can appear on and also whether the header appears inside, on, or outside the border.
EnumerationGroupBoxPropertyIds Enumeration of UltraGroupBox property id's
EnumerationGroupBoxVerticalTextOrientation Different ways that the caption can be drawn when it is vertical (i.e. when the header is positioned on the left or right edge).
EnumerationGroupBoxViewStyle Preset color schemes.
EnumerationLabelPropertyIds Enumeration of UltraLabel property id's
EnumerationLargeTilePosition The various positions where Large state UltraTiles can be displayed in the UltraTilePanel.
EnumerationLocationElementKind Constants which define the user interface elements that represent an UltraNavigationBarLocation instance.
EnumerationLocationUIState Constants which define the state of an UltraNavigationBarLocation instance in the user interface.
EnumerationMergeErrorAppearanceCriteria Constants which identify the criteria used to determine whether the ErrorAppearance is merged into the resolved appearance when an embeddable UIElement fails validation.
EnumerationMultipleWindowDisplayStyle Specifies whether more than one desktop alert can be displayed, and whether multiple alerts are tiled or allowed to overlap.
EnumerationNavigationBarButtonUIState Constants which define the state of an UltraNavigationBarActionButton or previous locations dropdown button in the user interface.
EnumerationNavigationBarPropertyIds Contains constants which identify the properties of the UltraNavigationBar and its sub-objects.
EnumerationNotificationAction Constants which define the kind of action that is taken to notify the end user that a validation session has failed.
EnumerationPanelPropertyIds Enumeration of UltraPanel property id's
EnumerationPeekPopupPropertyIds Enumeration of property ids for the UltraPeekPopup
EnumerationPeekStyle An enumerator for specifying the style of the Peek window
EnumerationPopupControlContainerPropertyIds Enumeration of property ids for the UltraPopupControlContainer
EnumerationScreenPosition Specifies in which corner of the screen the desktop alert window should be displayed.
EnumerationSelectedLocationChangeKind Constants which define the action which resulted in the firing of the UltraNavigationBar.SelectedLocationChanging event.
EnumerationSplitButtonDisplayStyle Enumeration of display styles for the UltraDropDownButton control
EnumerationSplitterPropertyIds Enumeration of UltraSplitter property id's
EnumerationTextButtonDisplayStyle Constants which define which elements are displayed by the text button of an UltraNavigationBarLocation instance.
EnumerationTileHeaderButtonType Represents that various types of buttons which can be displayed in the header of an UltraTile.
EnumerationTileHeaderPosition The various sides on which the header for an UltraTile can be positioned.
EnumerationTileOrientation The various orientations in which a group of UltraTiles can be organized.
EnumerationTilePanelPropertyIds Enumeration of UltraTilePanel property id's
EnumerationTileState Represents that various states in which an UltraTile can be.
EnumerationUltraNavigationBarAction Enumeration which contains constants that identify the actions that can be performed on the UltraNavigationBar control.
EnumerationUltraNavigationBarStates Enumeration which contains constants that identify the various states of the UltraNavigationBar control.
EnumerationValidationStatus Constants which define the result of a validation session.
EnumerationValidationTrigger Constants which define the action that triggers validation.
EnumerationValidatorEventIds Uniquely identifies each event exposed by the UltraValidator component.
EnumerationValidatorPropertyIds Constants which uniquely identify the individual properties of the UltraValidator component.
EnumerationZoomPanelMessages Messages that the ZoomPanel should try to intercept.
EnumerationZoomPropertyIds Enumeration of ZoomProperties property id's
See Also