
Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.ColorModel Namespace

ClassCustomColorModel Class for color models with custom palettes.
ClassDataValueCustomColorModel Color Model class which provides the functionality of chart color models based on a custom palette, which is applied to chart primitives according to their underlying data values.
ClassDataValueLinearColorModel Color Model class which provides the functionality of chart color models based on a range of colors, which is applied to chart primitives according to their underlying data values.
ClassLinearColorModel The LinearColorModel implements ColorModels.LinearRange, which takes a start and end colo and assigns colors to each item in a series in order, spaced equidistance along this line in the 3D color space
ClassOffice2007ColorModel The Office2007ColorModel was designed to look like the Office 2007 Charts.
ClassRandomColorModel The RandomColorModel implements ColorModels.PureRandom and ColorModels.LinearRandom LinearRandom takes a start and end color and chooses random colors from this range PureRandom ignores the start and end color and picks all its colors at random
ClassSimpleColorModel Simple color model class.
InterfaceIColorModel Interface for chart color models.
See Also