
PropertyCategories Enumeration

Category Properties
Public Enum PropertyCategories 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum PropertyCategories : System.Enum 
AllInclude everything.
AppearanceCollectionThe UltraGridLayout.Appearances collection.
BandsThe Bands collection of the grid. Bands implicitly includes all bound columns within each band, but not unbound columns; UnboundColumns is a separate enum value. Specifying Groups, UnboundColumns, SortedColumns, Summaries, or ColumnFilters implicitly includes Bands.
ColScrollRegionsThe ColScrollRegions collection of the UltraGridLayout.
ColumnFiltersThe ColumnFilters collection of the UltraGridBand. Specifying ColumnFilters implicitly includes Bands. NOTE: ColumnFilters may be stored on the rows collection instead of on the Band, depending on the RowFilterMode property. ColumnFilters on the Rows collection cannot be saved or loaded as part of a layout.
GeneralSerializes properties and sub-objects of the UltraGridLayout that are not explicitly listed in this enum. This includes (but is not neccessarily limited to) Override, GroupByBox, AddNewBox, Tag, SplitterBarHorizontalAppearance, SplitterBarVerticalAppearance, CaptionAppearance, Appearance, BorderStyleCaption, and ScrollBarLook.
GroupsThe Groups collection of the UltraGridBand. Specifying Groups implicitly includes Bands.
RowScrollRegionsThe RowScrollRegions collection of the UltraGridLayout.
SortedColumnsThe SortedColumns collection on the UltraGridBand. This determines the SortIndicator on each column. Specifying SortedColumns implicitly includes Bands.
SummariesThe Summaries collection of the UltraGridBand. Specifying Summaries implicitly includes Bands.
UnboundColumnsThe Unbound columns within each band. Specifying UnboundColumns implicitly includes Bands (which implicitly includes all bound columns).
ValueListsThe ValueLists collection on the DisplayLayout. If Bands is also specified, this also include the ValueList property of each column.

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also