
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinOfficeNavBar Namespace

ClassContextMenuEventArgs Contains information related to ContextMenu-related events.
ClassCustomizationDialog Dialog used to allow end-users to customize the UltraOfficeNavBar
ClassCustomizationDialogClosedEventArgs Contains information related to the CustomizationDialogClosed event.
ClassCustomizationDialogDisplayingEventArgs Contains information related to the CustomizationDialogDisplaying event.
ClassCustomizationSettings Class which exposes the customization options for the control.
ClassDragItemCancelEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraOfficeNavBar.DragItemCancel event.
ClassDragItemEndEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraOfficeNavBar.DragItemEnd event.
ClassDragItemStartEventArgs Contains information about the DragItemStart event.
ClassItemAppearances Exposes Infragistics.Win.Appearance properties used objects of type NavBarItem
ClassItemClickedEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraOfficeNavBar.ItemClicked event.
ClassItemContextMenuEventArgs Contains information about NavBarItem context menu related events.
ClassItemMovedEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraOfficeNavBar.ItemMoved event.
ClassItemMovingEventArgs Contains information about the ItemMoving event.
ClassItemSettings Class which exposes properties that are relevant to NavBarItem objects.
ClassNavBarItem Represents an item in the UltraOfficeNavBar control.
ClassNavBarItem.NavBarItemTypeConverter NavBarItem object type converter.
ClassNavBarItemCancelEventArgs Contains information about cancel-able NavBarItem related events.
ClassNavBarItemEventArgs Contains information about NavBarItem related events.
ClassNavBarItemsCollection A collection of NavBarItem objects.
ClassNavBarItemsCollection.NavBarItemEnumerator Enumerator for the NavBarItemsCollection class.
ClassOverflowMenuEventArgs Contains information about Overflow Menu events
ClassPeekButtonClickedEventArgs Contains information about the PeekButtonClicked event.
ClassPeekClosedEventArgs Contains information about the PeekClosed event.
ClassPeekOpenedEventArgs Contains information about the PeekOpened event.
ClassPeekOpeningEventArgs Contains information about the PeekOpening event.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassSelectedItemChangedEventArgs Contains information about the SelectedItemChanged event.
ClassSelectedItemChangingEventArgs Contains information about the SelectedItemChanging event.
ClassUltraOfficeNavBar Infragistics Windows Forms control which renders a navigation bar with peek windows.
ClassUltraOfficeNavBarEventManager Class which manages events for the UltraOfficeNavBar control
ClassUltraOfficeNavBarRole Role class for the UltraOfficeNavBar control.
ClassUltraOfficeNavBarUIRoleName Static class used to provide the names of the ui roles defined in the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinOfficeNavBar assembly.
ClassUltraWinOfficeNavBarAssemblyStyleInfo Class used by the appstyling infrastructure that provides the role and component role definitions used by the assembly.
ClassVisibleItemsCollection A collection of NavBarItem objects maintained in the order that they are displayed.
ClassVisibleItemsCollection.VisibleItemEnumerator Enumerator for the VisibleItemsCollection.
EnumerationAlignment An enumerator for specifying the alignment of items within the control.
EnumerationCustomizationDisplayStyleFlags Flags enumeration used to determine which values appear in the DisplayStyle dropdown on the Customization Dialog.
EnumerationItemDisplayStyle An enumerator for specifying whether items should be displayed as images, text or both.
EnumerationNavBarOrientation An enumerator for specifying the orientation of the control.
EnumerationNavBarStyle An enumerator for specifying the style of the UltraOfficeNavBar control
EnumerationOverflowLocation An enumerator for specifying the location of the Overflow Item
EnumerationOverflowVisibility An enumerator for specifying when the Overflow Item should be displayed.
EnumerationPropertyCategories Category Properties
EnumerationPropertyIds Constants which identify properties.
EnumerationSerializationFormat An enumeration for specifying the serialization data format.
EnumerationTextOrientation Enumeration of the possible text orientations
EnumerationUltraOfficeNavBarEventIds Uniquely identifies each event exposed by the UltraOfficeNavBar control.
See Also