
UltraStatusPanel Class

Represents a single section of an UltraStatusBar control.
Public Class UltraStatusPanel 
   Inherits Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase
   Implements Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObject, Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObjectEx, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeProvider, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeSettingsOwner 
public class UltraStatusPanel : Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase, Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObject, Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObjectEx, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeProvider, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeSettingsOwner  

The UltraStatusPanel supports 13 custom styles representing the most common uses of a StatusBar.

Many of the properties apply to all panel styles but some are only used when the Style is set to specific values. For example, the CharacterPositionFormat is only used by a CharacterPosition style panel and determines the information displayed as the selection changes in an associated System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox control (associated via the Control property).

Panel Styles:
AutoStatusText Displays the value of the StatusBarText extender property of the control under the mouse.
Button A standard push button element with image and text
CharacterPosition Displays the current line and character number of a RichTextBox control.
CursorPosition Displays the position of the mouse within the associated Control
ControlContainer Sizes and positions the associated Control based on the size and position of the panel
Date The current date
KeyState The state of a specific key (e.g. NumLock)
Marquee Animated (scrolling, sliding, etc.) text and image
MDIList A state button for each MDIChild form
Progress A progress bar to convey the percentage of a task
StateButton A standard state button with image and text
Text Displays image and text
Time Displays the current time
The following sample code illustrates how to set up a status bar control at runtime.

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinStatusBar
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinProgressBar

Private Sub InitializeStatusBar()

    With Me.ultraStatusBar1

        ' Note: Under windows XP if the 'SupportThemes' property
        ' is left is True (its default setting) then some of
        ' the explicit appearance, border style and button
        ' style properties are ignored.
        .SupportThemes = False

        ' Set the border style for the status bar control
        .BorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.InsetSoft

        ' Set the default border style for panels
        .BorderStylePanel = UIElementBorderStyle.InsetSoft

        ' Set the style for button type panels
        .ButtonStyle = UIElementButtonStyle.PopupSoftBorderless

        ' Set the # of pixels between panels 
        .InterPanelSpacing = 3

        ' Specify the margins inside the status bar control.			
        .Padding = New UIElementMargins(2, 1, 1, 2)

        ' Set some apperance setting for the control
        .Appearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.VerticalBump
        .Appearance.BackColor = Color.Blue
        .Appearance.BackColor2 = Color.Aqua

        ' Set the default appearance for panels
        .PanelAppearance.BackColor = Color.Transparent

        ' Set some additional properties on the control
        .PanelsVisible = True
        .ResizeStyle = ResizeStyle.Immediate
        .ScaledImageSize = New Size(8, 8)
        .ScaleImages = ScaleImage.OnlyWhenNeeded
        .ShowToolTips = True
        .SizeGripVisible = DefaultableBoolean.True
        .UseMnemonic = True
        .WrapText = True

    End With

    ' Add some panels to the collection
    Dim panel As UltraStatusPanel

    ' Add a simple text panel 
    panel = Me.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P1", PanelStyle.Text)
    panel.Text = "some text"

    ' Add an auto status text style panel.

    ' Note: At design time a 'StatusBarText' extender property
    ' is added to each control and menu on the form. 
    ' At runtime, when the mouse is over the control the text 
    ' specified for this property will display in the AutoStatusText
    ' panel.
    ' Also a panel of this type will automatically show the
    ' tooltip for tools on an UltraToolbarsManager toolbar or menu.

    panel = Me.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P2", PanelStyle.AutoStatusText)
    panel.SizingMode = PanelSizingMode.Spring

    ' You can also set the 'StatusBarText' extender property in 
    ' code by calling the 'SetStatusBarText' method as illustrated below.
    Me.ultraStatusBar1.SetStatusBarText(Me.button1, "Btn 1 action desc...")
    Me.ultraStatusBar1.SetStatusBarText(Me.button2, "Btn 2 action desc...")

    ' Add a character position style panel 
    panel = Me.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P3", PanelStyle.CharacterPosition)
    panel.Control = Me.richTextBox1
    panel.CharacterPositionFormat = "Ln: [Line], Char: [Char]"
    panel.SizingMode = PanelSizingMode.Fixed
    panel.BorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.None
    panel.Width = 100

    ' Add a cursor position style panel
    panel = Me.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P4", PanelStyle.CursorPosition)
    ' You must specify either the form or a control so that
    ' when the mouse is moved over that control the panel
    ' will be automatically updated.
    panel.Control = Me.richTextBox1
    panel.CursorPositionFormat = "x: [X], y: [Y]"
    panel.SizingMode = PanelSizingMode.Automatic

    ' Add a button style panel 
    panel = Me.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P5", PanelStyle.Button)
    panel.Text = "&End"
    panel.Appearance.TextHAlign = HAlign.Center
    panel.ToolTipText = "Scrolls to the end of the document"
    panel.Enabled = True

    ' Add a state button style panel 
    panel = Me.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P6", PanelStyle.StateButton)
    panel.Text = "&Hex"
    panel.Checked = True

    ' Add a control container style panel 
    panel = Me.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P7", PanelStyle.ControlContainer)
    panel.SizingMode = PanelSizingMode.Adjustable
    panel.MinWidth = 50
    panel.Control = Me.textBox1
    panel.Padding = New Size(3, 6)

    ' Add a date style panel 
    panel = Me.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P8", PanelStyle.Date)
    panel.DateTimeFormat = "MMM-dd-yyyy"

    ' Add a time style panel 
    panel = Me.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P9", PanelStyle.Time)
    panel.DateTimeFormat = "hh:mm:ss tt"

    ' Add a key state style panel 
    panel = Me.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P10", PanelStyle.KeyState)
    panel.KeyStateInfo.DisplayStyle = KeyStateDisplayStyle.ChangeText
    panel.KeyStateInfo.Key = KeyState.InsertMode
    panel.KeyStateInfo.OffText = "Ovr"
    panel.KeyStateInfo.OnText = "Insrt"

    ' Add a marquee style panel 
    panel = Me.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P11", PanelStyle.Marquee)
    panel.Text = "marquee string"
    panel.MarqueeInfo.Delay = 50
    panel.MarqueeInfo.MarqueeStyle = MarqueeStyle.Bouncing
    panel.MarqueeInfo.MarqueeDirection = Direction.LeftToRight
    panel.MarqueeInfo.MarqueeScrollAmount = 2

    ' Add a progress style panel 
    panel = Me.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P12", PanelStyle.Progress)

    With panel.ProgressBarInfo

        .Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Red
        .FillAppearance.BackColor = Color.Blue
        .FillAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Yellow
        .Minimum = 25
        .Maximum = 85
        .Value = 50
        .ShowLabel = True
        .Style = ProgressBarStyle.SegmentedPartial
        .PercentFormat = "P2"
        .Label = _
                "Done: " + _
                UltraProgressBar.LABEL_FORMATTED + _
                "Remaining: " + _
    End With

    ' There is also an 'MDIList' style tool for use
    ' on MDI parent forms.

End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinStatusBar;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinProgressBar;

private void InitializeStatusBar()

	// Note: Under windows XP if the 'SupportThemes' property
	// is left is True (its default setting) then some of
	// the explicit appearance, border style and button
	// style properties are ignored.
	this.ultraStatusBar1.SupportThemes = false;
	// Set the border style for the status bar control
	this.ultraStatusBar1.BorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.InsetSoft;
	// Set the default border style for panels
	this.ultraStatusBar1.BorderStylePanel = UIElementBorderStyle.InsetSoft;
	// Set the style for button type panels
	this.ultraStatusBar1.ButtonStyle = UIElementButtonStyle.PopupSoftBorderless;
	// Set the # of pixels between panels 
	this.ultraStatusBar1.InterPanelSpacing = 3;
	// Specify the margins inside the status bar control.			
	this.ultraStatusBar1.Padding = new UIElementMargins(2, 1,1,2);

	// Set some apperance setting for the control
	this.ultraStatusBar1.Appearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.VerticalBump;
	this.ultraStatusBar1.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Blue;
	this.ultraStatusBar1.Appearance.BackColor2 = Color.Aqua;

	// Set the default appearance for panels
	this.ultraStatusBar1.PanelAppearance.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

	// Set some additional properties on the control
	this.ultraStatusBar1.PanelsVisible = true;
	this.ultraStatusBar1.ResizeStyle = ResizeStyle.Immediate;
	this.ultraStatusBar1.ScaledImageSize = new Size(8,8);
	this.ultraStatusBar1.ScaleImages = ScaleImage.OnlyWhenNeeded;
	this.ultraStatusBar1.ShowToolTips = true;
	this.ultraStatusBar1.SizeGripVisible = DefaultableBoolean.True;
	this.ultraStatusBar1.UseMnemonic = true;
	this.ultraStatusBar1.WrapText = true;

	// Add some panels to the collection
	UltraStatusPanel panel;

	// Add a simple text panel 
	panel = this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P1", PanelStyle.Text );
	panel.Text = "some text";

	// Add an auto status text style panel.

	// Note: At design time a 'StatusBarText' extender property
	// is added to each control and menu on the form. 
	// At runtime, when the mouse is over the control the text 
	// specified for this property will display in the AutoStatusText
	// panel.
	// Also a panel of this type will automatically show the
	// tooltip for tools on an UltraToolbarsManager toolbar or menu.
	panel = this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P2", PanelStyle.AutoStatusText );
	panel.SizingMode = PanelSizingMode.Spring;
	// You can also set the 'StatusBarText' extender property in 
	// code by calling the 'SetStatusBarText' method as illustrated below.
	this.ultraStatusBar1.SetStatusBarText( this.button1, "Btn 1 action desc...");
	this.ultraStatusBar1.SetStatusBarText( this.button2, "Btn 2 action desc...");

	// Add a character position style panel 
	panel = this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P3", PanelStyle.CharacterPosition );
	panel.Control = this.richTextBox1;
	panel.CharacterPositionFormat =  "Ln: [Line], Char: [Char]";
	panel.SizingMode = PanelSizingMode.Fixed;
	panel.BorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.None;
	panel.Width = 100;

	// Add a cursor position style panel
	panel = this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P4", PanelStyle.CursorPosition );
	// You must specify either the form or a control so that
	// when the mouse is moved over that control the panel
	// will be automatically updated.
	panel.Control = this.richTextBox1;	
	panel.CursorPositionFormat =  "x: [X], y: [Y]";
	panel.SizingMode = PanelSizingMode.Automatic;

	// Add a button style panel 
	panel = this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P5", PanelStyle.Button );
	panel.Text = "&End";
	panel.Appearance.TextHAlign = HAlign.Center;
	panel.ToolTipText = "Scrolls to the end of the document";
	panel.Enabled = true;

	// Add a state button style panel 
	panel = this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P6", PanelStyle.StateButton );
	panel.Text = "&Hex";
	panel.Checked = true;

	// Add a control container style panel 
	panel = this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P7", PanelStyle.ControlContainer );
	panel.SizingMode = PanelSizingMode.Adjustable;
	panel.MinWidth = 50;
	panel.Control = this.textBox1;
	panel.Padding = new Size(3,6);

	// Add a date style panel 
	panel = this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P8", PanelStyle.Date );
	panel.DateTimeFormat = "MMM-dd-yyyy";

	// Add a time style panel 
	panel = this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P9", PanelStyle.Time );
	panel.DateTimeFormat = "hh:mm:ss tt";

	// Add a key state style panel 
	panel = this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P10", PanelStyle.KeyState );
	panel.KeyStateInfo.DisplayStyle = KeyStateDisplayStyle.ChangeText;
	panel.KeyStateInfo.Key = KeyState.InsertMode;
	panel.KeyStateInfo.OffText = "Ovr";
	panel.KeyStateInfo.OnText = "Insrt";

	// Add a marquee style panel 
	panel = this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P11", PanelStyle.Marquee );
	panel.Text = "some marquee string";
	panel.MarqueeInfo.Delay = 50;
	panel.MarqueeInfo.MarqueeStyle = MarqueeStyle.Bouncing;
	panel.MarqueeInfo.MarqueeDirection = Direction.LeftToRight;
	panel.MarqueeInfo.MarqueeScrollAmount = 2;

	// Add a progress style panel 
	panel = this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Add("P12", PanelStyle.Progress );
	ProgressBarInfo pbi = panel.ProgressBarInfo;
	pbi.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Red;
	pbi.FillAppearance.BackColor = Color.Blue;
	pbi.FillAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Yellow;
	pbi.Minimum = 0;
	pbi.Maximum = 100;
	pbi.ShowLabel = true;
	pbi.Style = ProgressBarStyle.SegmentedPartial;
	pbi.PercentFormat = "P2";

	// Note: There are 10 different substitution string
	// constants defined by UltraProgressBar that are
	// prefixed by "LABEL_". The actual values are then
	// substituted for these constants to format the
	// label that is displayed in the panel.
	pbi.Label = "Done: " +
				UltraProgressBar.LABEL_FORMATTED +
				"Remaining: " + 
	pbi.Value = 50;

	// There is also an 'MDIList' style tool for use
	// on MDI parent forms.


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also