
AppearancePropFlags Enumeration

Use bit flags to uniquely identify each property of the AppearanceData structure.
Public Enum AppearancePropFlags 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum AppearancePropFlags : System.Enum 
AllImageBackgroundPropsCombined flag for ImageBackground properties like ImageBackground, ImageBackgroundDisabled, ImageBackgroundAlpha, ImageBackgroundOrigin, ImageBackgroundStretchMargins, and ImageBackgroundStyle
AllImagePropsCombined flag for Image properties like Image, ImageAlpha, ImageHAlign, ImageVAlign, and ThemedElementAlpha. Does not include ImageBackground properties.
AllRenderAll properties but the cursor
AllRenderAndCursorAll properties
AlphaLevelThe alpha level property
BackColorThe background color
BackColor2The color to use when doing a gradient fill of the background
BackColorAlphaThe alpha level property for back color
BackColorDisabledbackground color of disabled element
BackColorDisabled2The color to use when doing a gradient fill of the background when the elemtn is disabled.
BackGradientAlignmentDetermines how the BackGradient is aligned with respect to its origin and extent.
BackGradientStyleThe style of gradient fill to use for the background
BackHatchStyleThe style of the hatch brush used to fill the background
BorderAlphaThe alpha level property for borders
BorderColorThe color of the borders
BorderColor2The second color of the borders used for gradients
BorderColor3DBaseThe base color used to create the shadow and highlight colors for raised or inset 3d border styles. If BorderColor3DBase is not set then the BackColor will be used.
CursorThe cursor property
FontBoldThe font bold attribute used for text
FontDataAll font data
FontItalicThe font italic attribute used for text
FontNameThe font name used for text
FontSizeThe font size attribute used for text
FontStrikeoutThe font strikeout attribute used for text
FontUnderlineThe font underline attribute used for text
ForeColorThe color used for the foreground text
ForeColorDisabledforeground color of disabled element
ForegroundAlphaThe alpha level property for text color
ImageThe foreground image
ImageAlphaThe image alpha property
ImageBackgroundThe background image
ImageBackgroundAlphaThe image background alpha property
ImageBackgroundDisabledDetermines the margins used when drawing an Appearance.ImageBackground when Appearance.ImageBackgroundStyle is set to Stretched.
ImageBackgroundOriginThe origin of the background image
ImageBackgroundStretchMarginsDetermines the margins used when drawing an Appearance.ImageBackground when Appearance.ImageBackgroundStyle is set to Stretched.
ImageBackgroundStyleThe style of the background image
ImageHAlignThe horizontal alignment of the image
ImageVAlignThe vertical alignment of the image
TextHAlignThe horizontal alignment of text
TextTrimmingThe font size attribute used for text
TextVAlignThe vertical alignment of text
ThemedElementAlphaThe alpha level property for themed elements.
The following sample code illustrates how the resolve the appearance of groups and items in an UltraListBar control.

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListBar

Private Sub button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button5.Click

    Dim appData As AppearanceData
    Dim requestedProps As AppearancePropFlags

    ' ---------------------------------
    ' Resolve the appearance of a group 
    ' ---------------------------------

    ' Get the group object.
    Dim grp As Group = Me.ultraListBar1.Groups(0)

    ' Initialize the appearance data structure		
    appData = New AppearanceData()

    ' Specify which appearance properties we want to resolve.
    ' In this case just the backcolor and forecolor.
    requestedProps = AppearancePropFlags.BackColor Or AppearancePropFlags.ForeColor

    ' Call the group's 'ResolveAppearance' method .
    grp.ResolveAppearance(appData, requestedProps)

    ' Note: The reason that the 'requestedProps' parameter
    ' is also passed in by reference is that as each requested
    ' property is resolved its bit is stripped out of the
    ' passed in parameter. On return from the call the only
    ' bits remaining in 'requestedProps' will be those 
    ' properties which were not resolved. Normally,
    ' 'requestedProps' has no bits set after the call returns.

    ' Write out the resolved colors
    Debug.WriteLine("BackColor: " + appData.BackColor.ToString() + ", ForeColor: " + appData.ForeColor.ToString())

    ' --------------------------------------------
    ' Resolve the appearance of the group's header
    ' --------------------------------------------

    ' Re-initialize the appearance data structure 
    appData = New AppearanceData()

    ' Specify which appearance properties we want to resolve.
    ' In this case we want all 'Render' properties. This
    ' includes every property but the 'Cursor' property.
    requestedProps = AppearancePropFlags.AllRender

    ' Call the group's 'ResolveHeaderAppearance' method.
    grp.ResolveHeaderAppearance(appData, requestedProps)

    ' Write out the resolved gradient related properties.
    Debug.WriteLine("BackGradientStyle: " + appData.BackGradientStyle.ToString() + ", BackColor: " + appData.BackColor.ToString() + ", BackColor2: " + appData.BackColor2.ToString())

    ' ------------------------
    ' Resolve item appearances
    ' ------------------------

    ' The group's 'ResolveItemAppearance' method will
    ' resolve the default appearance for items in the group.
    'grp.ResolveItemAppearance(appData, requestedProps)

    ' The 'Item' object also exposes a 'ResolveAppearance'
    ' method for resolving the appearance of that item.
    'grp.Items(0).ResolveAppearance(appData, requestedProps)

End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListBar;

private void button5_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	AppearanceData appData;
	AppearancePropFlags requestedProps;

	// ---------------------------------
	// Resolve the appearance of a group 
	// ---------------------------------

	// Get the group object.
	Group group = this.ultraListBar1.Groups[0];
	// Initialize the appearance data structure		
	appData = new AppearanceData();

	// Specify which appearance properties we want to resolve.
	// In this case just the backcolor and forecolor.
	requestedProps = AppearancePropFlags.BackColor | AppearancePropFlags.ForeColor;

	// Call the group's 'ResolveAppearance' method .
	group.ResolveAppearance( ref appData, ref requestedProps );
	// Note: The reason that the 'requestedProps' parameter
	// is also passed in by reference is that as each requested
	// property is resolved its bit is stripped out of the
	// passed in parameter. On return from the call the only
	// bits remaining in 'requestedProps' will be those 
	// properties which were not resolved. Normally,
	// 'requestedProps' has no bits set after the call returns.

	// Write out the resolved colors
	Debug.WriteLine("BackColor: " + appData.BackColor.ToString() + ", ForeColor: " + appData.ForeColor.ToString() );

	// --------------------------------------------
	// Resolve the appearance of the group's header
	// --------------------------------------------

	// Re-initialize the appearance data structure 
	appData = new AppearanceData();
	// Specify which appearance properties we want to resolve.
	// In this case we want all 'Render' properties. This
	// includes every property but the 'Cursor' property.
	requestedProps = AppearancePropFlags.AllRender;

	// Call the group's 'ResolveHeaderAppearance' method.
	group.ResolveHeaderAppearance( ref appData, ref requestedProps );

	// Write out the resolved gradient related properties.
	Debug.WriteLine("BackGradientStyle: " + appData.BackGradientStyle.ToString() + ", BackColor: " + appData.BackColor.ToString() + ", BackColor2: " + appData.BackColor2.ToString() );

	// ------------------------
	// Resolve item appearances
	// ------------------------

	// The group's 'ResolveItemAppearance' method will
	// resolve the default appearance for items in the group.
	//group.ResolveItemAppearance( ref appData, ref requestedProps );
	// The 'Item' object also exposes a 'ResolveAppearance'
	// method for resolving the appearance of that item.
	//group.Items[0].ResolveAppearance( ref appData, ref requestedProps );

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also