
UIElementButtonStyle Enumeration

Enumeration of button styles.
Public Enum UIElementButtonStyle 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum UIElementButtonStyle : System.Enum 
BorderlessNo border is rendered around the button.
ButtonStandard 2 pixel raised border unless the mouse is down over the element in which case it draws a 1 pixel flat border.
Button3DA raised 2 pixel border (e.g. scroll buttons).
Button3DOldStyleStandard 2 pixel raised border unless the mouse is down over the element in which case it draws a 2 pixel inset border (e.g. like old style command button).
ButtonSoftSingle pixel raised border unless the mouse is down over the element.
ButtonSoftExtendedA single pixel soft border when inactive but a 2 pixel 3D border when active.
FlatAlways uses a single pixel solid border.
FlatBorderlessUses a single pixel solid border when the mouse is down or over the element.
Office2003ToolbarButtonEmulates an Office2003 toolbar button. Essentially the same as an OfficeXPToolbarButton but without shadowed images.
Office2007RibbonButtonEmulates an Office2007 ribbon button.
Office2007ScrollbarButtonEmulates an Office2007 scrollbar button.
Office2010ButtonEmulates an Office 2010 button.
Office2010ScrollbarButtonEmulates an Office 2010 scrollbar button.
Office2013ButtonEmulates an Office 2013 button.
Office2013ScrollbarButtonEmulates an Office 2013 scrollbar button.
OfficeXPToolbarButtonEmulates an OfficeXP toolbar button
PopupSingle pixel solid border when not active, otherwise responds like Button.
PopupBorderlessBorderless when not active, otherwise responds like Button.
PopupSoftSingle pixel solid border when not active, otherwise responds like ButtonSoft.
PopupSoftBorderlessBorderless when not active, otherwise responds like ButtonSoft.
ScenicRibbonButtonEmulates a Scenic Ribbon button.
ScenicRibbonScrollbarButtonEmulates a Scenic Ribbon scrollbar button.
VisualStudio2005ButtonEmulates a Visual Studio 2005 toolbar button.
Windows8ButtonEmulates the Windows8 look and feel.
WindowsVistaButtonEmulates a Windows Vista button.
WindowsVistaToolbarButtonEmulates a Windows Vista toolbar button.
WindowsXPCommandButtonEmulates a WindowsXP themed command button, but with square edges.

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also