
New Windows Vista Style for WinToolbarsManager

Microsoft’s® Windows® Vista™ user interface (UI) is a significant change from past UIs. The UI brings a modernized and friendly feel to the Windows experience. This release, Infragistics is proud to offer you that same look and feel for WinToolbarsManager™ in our new Windows Vista Look and Feel. At this time, the look and feel only affects WinToolbarsManager and those controls/components that we use to create WinToolbarsManager’s components.


Toolbars use the WindowsVistaToolbarButton ButtonStyle for its buttons. You can also see unique horizontal and vertical gradients on the toolbars, both including the glass effect.

new windows vista style for ultratoolbarsmanager


Toolbar menus also support the Vista style. The most notable feature is an animated fade in which makes for a unique hover effect.

new windows vista style for ultratoolbarsmanager