
WinCarousel Properties


This topic provides list of properties of the UltraCarousel control and its commonly used objects.

WinCarousel (property) reference chart

The following table summarizes the purpose and functionality of the UltraCarousel control’s featured properties.

Property name Type Description


A single selected item. This can be any visible CarouselItem in the Items collection.


This is a collection of CarouselItem objects that can be rendered by the control. When used with data binding, the collection is automatically populated and cannot be manually modified.


Specifies the dimensions of the item.


Used for data binding that can be a collection, list or an array.


Specifies the pathway on a 2-dimensional plane on which the carousel items are rendered.


Inherited from System.WindowsForms.Control indicates if the carousel control can be rendered or hidden when the application runs.

CarouselItem (property) reference chart

The following table summarizes the purpose and functionality of the CarouselItem object’s featured properties.

Property name Type Description


Used to determine if the item is currently the carousel’s ActiveItem.


Used to determine if the item is selected through user interaction.


Contains various item related settings that affect this specific carousel item.


System.WindowsForms.Control indicates if the item can be rendered on the path.

CarouselPath (property) reference chart

The following table summarizes the purpose and functionality of the CarouselPath object’s featured properties.

Property name Type Description


Specifies how many frames of animation is allocated to move from one position on the path to another. As the number of frames increase, the speed of the items moving between positions will decrease.


Specifies the number of slots allocated for items ( Default=5 ).


This is a collection of PathOpacityStop objects used to define how opaque items are rendered based on their position on the path.


This is a collection of PathScalingStop objects used to define how items are scaled based on their position on the path.


Indicates items rendering order based on the following factors:

Linear – Items are rendered based on the order in the items collection.

Opacity – Items are sorted based on the resolved opacity prior to rendering.

Scaling – Items are sorted based on the resolved scaling prior to rendering.


Indicates items wrapping based on the following factors:

Standard – Indicates that Items will wrap to fill available item slots.

If there are more item slots than carousel items, the remaining items will not be filled.

RepeatItems – Indicates that Items will wrap to fill available item slots.

If there are more item slots than carousel items, items will be repeated along the path.

None – Indicates that Items will not wrap to fill available item slots.


Specifies the space margin on four sides of the path, between the edge of the path and the border across ( Left, Top, Right and Bottom ).


Indicates whether the items will snap to the fixed item slots after the animation occurs. Default=True

ItemSettings (property) reference chart

The following table summarizes the purpose and functionality of the ItemSettings object’s featured properties.

Property name Type Description


Specifies the item styling in its Normal state.


Specifies the item styling when it is the active item.


Specifies the item styling when the mouse moves over the item.


Specifies the border appearance of the item when rendered.


Exposes various Appearance properties for carousel items in pressed state.


Exposes various Appearance properties for carousel items in selected state.


Specifies the size of the item image.