
Changing the Background Color of the SelectedRows

WinColorPicker™ consists of a drop-down list that allows the user to choose a color. When the drop-down list is shown you have the choice between the following three tabs to choose a color from.

  • Custom

  • Web

  • System

A example use case, is where you want to allow your end user to specify a different color for the WinGrid’s™ selected rows at run time. This can be useful for customers that need a greater contrast then what is supplied in your style. The following example code shows how this scenario could be implemented. The code assumes you have a data bound WinGrid called categoriesUltraGrid.


We set the WinGrid’s UseAppStyling property to False, because if you are using Application Styling when the customer makes a selection the setting will have no effect while UseAppStyling is True.

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub UltraColorPicker1_ColorChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UltraColorPicker1.ColorChanged
	Me.categoriesUltraGrid.UseAppStyling = False
	Me.categoriesUltraGrid.DisplayLayout.Override.SelectedRowAppearance.BackColor = _
End Sub

In C#:

private void ultraColorPicker1_ColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
	this.categoriesUltraGrid.UseAppStyling = false;
	this.categoriesUltraGrid.DisplayLayout.Override.SelectedRowAppearance.BackColor =

If you implemented this code, when a new value is selected from WinColorPicker’s drop-down list, all selected rows are changed automatically to reflect the new color choice. In addition, any future rows that are selected use the newly chosen color.

wingrid's selected rows being changed by the wincolorpicker selection