
Use WinDataSource at Run Time

You can easily define a data schema and add rows of data to your schema at runtime as well as design time using the WinDataSource designer.

The following code will programmatically add Bands , Columns and Rows to an existing WinDataSource™ control, then bind the WinDataSource to an existing WinGrid element.

  1. Create a new Windows Forms Application

  2. Drag a UltraDataSource and UltraGrid control onto the Form.

  3. Before you start writing any code, you should place using/imports directives in your code-behind so you don’t need to always type out a member’s fully qualified name.

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDataSource
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid

In C#:

using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDataSource;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
  1. Add the following code to the Load event of the form:

In Visual Basic:

   Private Sub Use_WinDataSource_at_Run_Time_Load( _
  ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
	Me.UltraGrid1.DataSource = Me.UltraDataSource1
	' Add two columns to the root band.
	Me.UltraDataSource1.Band.Columns.Add("Col0", GetType(String))
	Me.UltraDataSource1.Band.Columns.Add("Col1", GetType(String))
	' Add a child band to the root band with the key of "ChildBand"
	Dim childBand As UltraDataBand = _
	' Add two columns to the child band.
	childBand.Columns.Add("ChildCol0", GetType(String))
	childBand.Columns.Add("ChildCol1", GetType(String))
	' Set the count on the root rows collection to 2.
	Dim row As UltraDataRow
	' Initialize rows with data.
	'Get the first row.
	row = Me.UltraDataSource1.Rows(0)
	row("Col0") = "Row 0, Col 0"
	row("Col1") = "Row 0, Col 1"
	' Initialize the child rows of the row.
	Dim childRows As UltraDataRowsCollection = row.GetChildRows("ChildBand")
	childRows(0)("ChildCol0") = "Child Row 0, ChildCol 0"
	childRows(0)("ChildCol1") = "Child Row 0, ChildCol 1"
	childRows(1)("ChildCol0") = "Child Row 1, ChildCol 0"
	childRows(1)("ChildCol1") = "Child Row 1, ChildCol 1"
	' Get the second row.
	row = Me.UltraDataSource1.Rows(1)
	row("Col0") = "Row 1, Col 0"
	row("Col1") = "Row 1, Col 1"
	' Initialize the child rows of the row.
	childRows = row.GetChildRows("ChildBand")
End Sub

In C#:

private void Use_WinDataSource_at_Run_Time_Load(
  object sender, System.EventArgs e)
	this.ultraGrid1.DataSource = this.ultraDataSource1;
	// Add two columns to the root band.
	this.ultraDataSource1.Band.Columns.Add( "Col0", typeof( string ) );
	this.ultraDataSource1.Band.Columns.Add( "Col1", typeof( string ) );
	// Add a child band to the root band with the key of "ChildBand".
	UltraDataBand childBand =
	  this.ultraDataSource1.Band.ChildBands.Add( "ChildBand" );
	// Add two columns to the child band.
	childBand.Columns.Add( "ChildCol0", typeof( string ) );
	childBand.Columns.Add( "ChildCol1", typeof( string ) );
	// Set the count on the root rows collection to 2.
	this.ultraDataSource1.Rows.SetCount( 2 );
	UltraDataRow row;
	// Initialize rows with data.
	// Get the first row.
	row = this.ultraDataSource1.Rows[0];
	row[ "Col0" ] = "Row 0, Col 0";
	row[ "Col1" ] = "Row 0, Col 1";
	// Initialize the child rows of the row.
	UltraDataRowsCollection childRows = row.GetChildRows( "ChildBand" );
	childRows.SetCount( 2 );
	childRows[0][ "ChildCol0" ] = "Child Row 0, ChildCol 0";
	childRows[0][ "ChildCol1" ] = "Child Row 0, ChildCol 1";
	childRows[1][ "ChildCol0" ] = "Child Row 1, ChildCol 0";
	childRows[1][ "ChildCol1" ] = "Child Row 1, ChildCol 1";
	// Get the second row.
	row = this.ultraDataSource1.Rows[1];
	row[ "Col0" ] = "Row 1, Col 0";
	row[ "Col1" ] = "Row 1, Col 1";
	// Initialize the child rows of the row.
	childRows = row.GetChildRows( "ChildBand" );
	childRows.SetCount( 1 );
  1. Build and run the application. If you expand the bands you will see something similar to the following.

windatasource showing results in wingrid using code listed above.