
Display a Desktop Alert Window Anywhere on the Screen

You can position the desktop alert window in several standard locations using the ScreenPosition property. One of the "positions" that you can set is Manual. This isn’t necessarily a position, but it allows you to set the ScreenLocation property, leading to a completely custom screen location.

The ScreenLocation property is of type System.Drawing.Point; you simply need to provide an x- and y-coordinate for the point. The point will determine the location of the desktop alert window by positioning its upper-left corner at the specified coordinates. Using the ScreenPosition and ScreenLocation properties in conjunction will give you the ability to place the alert window anywhere on the screen.

Use the following code to place the desktop alert window 200 pixels from the left of the screen and 200 pixels down from the top.

In Visual Basic:

' Create a new desktop alert window with some sample text.
Dim windowInfo1 As UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo = _
  New UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo("Test Alert", "This is only a test.")
' Turn off screen positioning so you can set the
' position manually.
windowInfo1.ScreenPosition = ScreenPosition.Manual
' Set the location of the desktop alert window to a
' location 200 pixels down and 200 pixels to the right
' of the upper-left corner of the screen.
windowInfo1.ScreenLocation = New Point(200, 200)
' Display the desktop alert window using the information above.

In C#:

// Create a new desktop alert window with some sample text.
UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo windowInfo1 =
  new UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo("Test Alert", "This is only a test.");
// Turn off screen positioning so you can set the
// position manually.
windowInfo1.ScreenPosition = ScreenPosition.Manual;
// Set the location of the desktop alert window to a
// location 200 pixels down and 200 pixels to the right
// of the upper-left corner of the screen.
windowInfo1.ScreenLocation = new Point(200, 200);
// Display the desktop alert window using the information above.