
Pane Object Types

There are three types of pane objects in the WinDockManager™ component: the DockableControlPane , DockableGroupPane , and DockAreaPane . Each of these objects is derived from the DockablePaneBase object. The following is a summary of the purpose of each type of pane.

The DockableControlPane is the simplest of the three objects. It holds a single control.

The DockableGroupPane contains a collection of one or more panes, each of which can be either a DockableControlPane or another DockableGroupPane. In this way, you can have an unlimited number of levels of nested panes.

The DockAreaPane is the highest element in the family of panes, and both DockableGroupPanes and DockableControlPanes can be added to it. Only a DockAreaPane can be added to the WinDockManager. The DockAreaPane is the element that specifies to which side of the application a pane is docked. If you want controls to be docked on separate sides, they must be added to distinct DockAreaPanes.