
Show the Navigation Pane Flyout at the Mouse Coordinates on a Right-Click

Instead of showing the Navigation Pane flyout immediately beside the collapsed Navigation Pane, you can have it appear wherever you like, perhaps as a context menu displaying on a right-click. All you need to do is invoke the ShowNavigationPaneFlyout method in a MouseUp event while passing it the mouse coordinates.

The following code will retrieve the mouse coordinates and display the Navigation Pane flyout on a right-click.


The Navigation Pane flyout cannot be displayed while the Navigation Pane is expanded. If you attempt to do so, an exception will be thrown. You may consider using an if/else statement to make sure the Navigation Pane is collapsed before attempting to display the flyout. Use the IsNavigationPaneFlyoutVisible property to determine this.

show the navigation pane flyout at the mouse coordinates on a right-click

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub btnShowFlyoutPane_MouseUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles btnShowFlyoutPane.MouseUp
   ' e will give the coordinates with respect to the button,
   ' not the entire form, so we need to add the location
   ' of the button on the form as well.
   Dim point1 As Integer = e.X + Me.btnShowFlyoutPane.Location.X
   Dim point2 As Integer = e.Y + Me.btnShowFlyoutPane.Location.Y
   If e.Button = System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then
      ' This displays the Navigation Pane flyout at the
      ' coordinates we established above.
      Me.ultraExplorerBar1.ShowNavigationPaneFlyout(New Point(point1, point2))
   End If
End Sub

In C#:

private void btnShowFlyoutPane_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
	// e will give the coordinates with respect to the button,
	// not the entire form, so we need to add the location
	// of the button on the form as well.
	int point1 = e.X + this.btnShowFlyoutPane.Location.X;
	int point2 = e.Y + this.btnShowFlyoutPane.Location.Y;
	if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right)
		// This displays the Navigation Pane flyout at the
		// coordinates we established above.
		this.ultraExplorerBar1.ShowNavigationPaneFlyout(new Point(point1,point2));