
Displaying Data in an Alternate Card View


Not all data presents well with the normal grid view, where there are column headers and rows of cells. The WinGrid™ provides an alternate Card View where the column headers are placed of the left and the rows display as columns.


  • How can I display my column headers on the left with my row data displayed as columns?


Set the CardView property of the band to True and the column headers will display in a column on the left and the data rows will display as columns.

displaying data in an alternate card view

The code in the InitializeLayout event turns on the CardView option for Band 0.

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub customersUltraGrid1_InitializeLayout(ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs) _
  Handles UltraGrid1.InitializeLayout
	' Set the grid with the caption "Card View" to have its band
	' appear as card view
	e.Layout.Bands(0).CardView = True
End Sub

In C#:

private void customersUltraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender,
  Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e)
	// Set the grid with the caption "Card View" to have its band
	// appear as card view
	e.Layout.Bands[0].CardView = true;


This sample project shows compares the Normal view of data with the Card View, and shows how to set the band property to display in Card View.