
Using Custom Merge Cell Logic

You can have your own custom logic for merging cells by implementing IMergedCellEvaluator interface and assigning an instance of it to the MergedCellEvaluator property of the UltraGridColumn object. The following code implements IMergedCellEvaluator on CustomMergedCellEvaluator class and sets it on the ShippedDate column in the InitializeLayout event handler of an WinGrid™.

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid
Class CustomMergedCellEvaluator
	Implements Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.IMergedCellEvaluator
	Function ShouldCellsBeMerged(ByVal row1 As UltraGridRow, _
	ByVal row2 As UltraGridRow, _
	  ByVal column As UltraGridColumn) As Boolean _
	  Implements IMergedCellEvaluator.ShouldCellsBeMerged
		Dim date1 As DateTime = DirectCast(row1.GetCellValue(column), DateTime)
		Dim date2 As DateTime = DirectCast(row2.GetCellValue(column), DateTime)
		' Merge cells according to the date portions of the underlying DateTime cell
		' values, ignoring any time portion. For example, "1/1/2004 10:30 AM" will be
		' merged with "1/1/2004 1:15 AM" since the dates are the same.
		Return date1.Date = date2.Date
	End Function
End Class
Private Sub UltraGrid1_InitializeLayout(ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs) _
  Handles ultraGrid1.InitializeLayout
	' Set the MergedCellStyle property to enable the merged cell functionality.
	' MergedCellStyle also specifies which columns will merge their cells.
	e.Layout.Override.MergedCellStyle = MergedCellStyle.Always
	' MergedCellEvaluator property can be used to specify custom logic for
	' merging cells.
	e.Layout.Bands(0).Columns("ShippedDate").MergedCellEvaluator = _
	  New CustomMergedCellEvaluator()
End Sub

In C#:

using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
public class CustomMergedCellEvaluator:
	public CustomMergedCellEvaluator()
	public bool ShouldCellsBeMerged(UltraGridRow row1,
	  UltraGridRow row2, UltraGridColumn column)
		// Test to make sure the Type is not DBNull since we allow the ShippedDate to be null
		if (row1.GetCellValue(column).GetType().ToString() != "System.DBNull" && row2.GetCellValue(column).GetType().ToString() != "System.DBNull")
			DateTime date1 = (DateTime)row1.GetCellValue(column);
			DateTime date2 = (DateTime)row2.GetCellValue(column);
			// Merge cells according to the date portions of the underlying DateTime cell
			// values, ignoring any time portion. For example, "1/1/2004 10:30 AM" will be
			//  merged with "1/1/2004 1:15 AM" since the dates are the same.
			return date1.Date == date2.Date;
			return false;
private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e)
	// Set the MergedCellStyle property to enable the merged cell functionality.
	// MergedCellStyle also specifies which columns will merge their cells.
	e.Layout.Override.MergedCellStyle = MergedCellStyle.Always;
	// MergedCellEvaluator property can be used to specify custom logic for
	// merging cells.
	e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["ShippedDate"].MergedCellEvaluator = new CustomMergedCellEvaluator();