
About WinGroupBox

The WinGroupBox™ control is a basic groupbox control with additional functionality. It has several ViewStyles which simulate visual styles found in popular Windows applications, such as Office 2003 and Visual Studio 2005. If the provided ViewStyles do not satisfy your needs you can use its additional Appearance objects to fine-tune the control’s look and feel. In addition, the "header" (which contains the caption and optional image) can be positioned on all four sides of the control. Below is a list of just some of the functionality found in the UltraGroupBox:

  • Appearance support — Full Appearance support including alpha blending, gradients, etc.

  • BorderStyle — The control proffers a wide range of border styles to suit your needs.

  • CaptionAlignment — Determines the position of the caption within the header.

  • HeaderBorderStyle — Controls the type of border drawn around the header.

  • HeaderPosition — Allows you to make the header (including the caption text) vertical or horizontal.

  • UseMnemonic — Determines whether a character preceded by an ampersand in the button’s text is interpreted as a mnemonic character.

  • WrapText — The caption will become multiline if the control is not wide enough to display it on a single line.

example of ultragroupbox