
Disable and Remove Items and Groups

This topic shows you how items and groups added to WinListView™ can be disabled by setting the Item object’s Enabled property to false. You will also know how items or an entire group can be removed from WinListView using the Items or Groups object’s Remove and RemoveAt methods.

In Visual Basic:

'Disable a item
 Me.ultraListView2.Groups[0].Items[1].Enabled = False
'Disable a Group
Me.ultraListView1.Groups[1].Enabled = False

In C#:

//Disable a item
  this.ultraListView2.Groups[0].Items[1].Enabled = false;
//Disable a Group
  this.ultraListView1.Groups[1].Enabled = false;

Screenshot of WinListView with a disabled Group

WinListView Disable or remove items and groups 02.png

Screenshot of WinListView with an Item disabled

WinListView Disable or remove items and groups 01.png

In Visual Basic:

' Remove a particular item from a group in WinListView
' Remove an item from the specified ordinal(Postion of the items how it was created,and not the visible postion)postion
' Remove a Group
'Remove a Group by specifying the Ordinal Postion

In C#:

// Remove a particular item from a group in WinListView
// Remove an item from the specified ordinal(Postion of the items how it was created,and not the visible postion)postion
// Remove a Group
//Remove a Group by specifying the Ordinal Postion