
Use WinListView as a ListBox

The WinListView™ control is a versatile control that can emulate ListView, ListBox, and CheckedBox controls. A List Box is similar to a standard text box, but has one item on each line. A List Box is basically a box containing a list of items. To change the WinListView control into a ListBox control, there are two properties that must be set. Setting the WinListView’s View property to List and the MultiColumn property of the ViewSettingsList class to False will cause the WinListView control to behave like a ListBox control.

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView
Private Sub Use_WinListView_as_a_ListBox_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
	Me.UltraListView1.View = UltraListViewStyle.List
	Me.UltraListView1.ViewSettingsList.MultiColumn = False
End Sub

In C#:

using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView;
private void Use_WinListView_as_a_ListBox_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
	this.ultraListView1.View = UltraListViewStyle.List;
	this.ultraListView1.ViewSettingsList.MultiColumn = false;