
Resize Drop Down in WinPopupControlContainer

The drop-down of WinPopupControlContainer™ component can be resized using a handle, which can be positioned at the bottom of the drop down either vertically or diagonally. This handle enables you to resize the drop-down and view any text or item in the drop down that has been truncated due to the size of the control. By default the DropDownResizeHandleStyle property is set to ‘None’. When set to a particular style and resized at run time, the resized height and width of the drop-down will be stored for that run of the application. You can also style the handle using the DropDownResizeHandleAppearance property.

The following code assumes that you have an UltraPopupControlContainer component, UltraButton and UltraDropDown control dropped onto your form. The UltraDropDown control is bound to the orders data table and is assigned to the PopupControl property of UltraPopupControlContainer. For information on setting up the UltraPopupControlContainer component please see the Creating a Pop-up Container Control topic.

In Visual Basic:

' Set the Drop Down Resize handle style for UltraPopupControlContainer
Me. ultraPopupControlContainer1.DropDownResizeHandleStyle = Infragistics.Win.DropDownResizeHandleStyle.DiagonalResize
' Set the back color for the handle
Me. ultraPopupControlContainer1.DropDownResizeHandleAppearance.BackColor = Color.Blue

In C#:

// Set the Drop Down Resize handle style for UltraPopupControlContainer
this. ultraPopupControlContainer1.DropDownResizeHandleStyle = Infragistics.Win.DropDownResizeHandleStyle.DiagonalResize;
// Set the back color for the handle
this. ultraPopupControlContainer1.DropDownResizeHandleAppearance.BackColor = Color.Blue;