
Configuring the Underline Style and Color

If you’ve never liked the look of the red squiggle that underlines misspelled words in Microsoft® Word, now’s your chance to change it. WinSpellChecker™ lets you change the color of the red squiggle or change the squiggle to a single underline or double underline. You can also get rid of the squiggle completely. Use the code below to change the red squiggle to a blue double underline.

change the look of the red squiggle under misspelled words

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSpellChecker
Me.UltraSpellChecker1.UnderlineSpellingErrorColor = Color.Blue
Me.UltraSpellChecker1.UnderlineSpellingErrorStyle = _

In C#:

using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSpellChecker;
this.ultraSpellChecker1.UnderlineSpellingErrorColor = Color.Blue;
this.ultraSpellChecker1.UnderlineSpellingErrorStyle =