
Offsetting the SpellChecker Underline

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to adjust the offset of the spellchecked words’ underline that appears under the misspelled word.

Adjusting the Spellchecked Underline

The UnderlineVerticalOffset property accepts integer value (positive/negative) that allows setting the offset vertically for the underline of the misspelled word.

The following example demonstrates the SpellChecker underline adjustment with a property setting. The word “underlyne” is intentionally misspelled to demonstrate the feature by shifting the underline down.

UnderlineVerticalOffset=0 (default) UnderlineVerticalOffset=5
Offsetting the SpellChecker Underline 1.png
Offsetting the SpellChecker Underline 2.png

Setting the Spellchecked Underline

Configuring the UnderlineVerticalOffset through property grid.

Offsetting the SpellChecker Underline 3.png

Configuring UnderlineVerticalOffset in code behind.

In C#:

ultraSpellChecker1.UnderlineVerticalOffset = 5;

In Visual Basic:

ultraSpellChecker1.UnderlineVerticalOffset = 5


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

Provides list of topics that contain short, task-based topics that explain how to perform specific tasks related to the WinSpellChecker component.