
Collapse/Restore Button on WinSplitter

WinSplitter™ enables end users to click and drag on the splitter bar to resize controls on the form. You can also collapse and restore using the collapse/Restore button available on the WinSplitter.

The button user interface on the WinSplitter control can be hidden by setting the CollapseUIType property to None, either through code or the property window.

In Visual Basic:

Me.ultraSplitter1.CollapseUIType = Infragistics.Win.Misc.CollapseUIType.None

In C#:

this.ultraSplitter1.CollapseUIType = Infragistics.Win.Misc.CollapseUIType.None;
WinSplitter Collapse Restore Button on WinSplitter.png

The WinSplitter control can be collapsed so that the control docked before WinSplitter has an extent of 0 and is not visible at run time. This can be accomplished using the control’s Collapsed property.

In Visual Basic:

Me.ultraSplitter1.Collapsed = True

In C#:

this.ultraSplitter1.Collapsed = true;