
Styling WinTab Scroll Buttons

This topic shows you how to style the WinTab™ control’s scroll buttons. Whenever the amount of Tab objects exceed the visible portion of the WinTab control, scroll buttons will be shown by default so that end users can scroll through your Tab objects.

In Visual Basic:

' Set to always show scroll buttons
Me.ultraTabControl1.ScrollButtons = TabScrollButtons.Always
' Sets the type of ScrollButton
Me.ultraTabControl1.ScrollButtonTypes = ScrollButtonTypes. NextPrevious
' Sets the Style for the ScrollButton
Me.ultraTabControl1.ScrollButtonStyle = Infragistics.Win.UIElementButtonStyle.Office2007ScrollbarButton
' Sets the Style for the arrrow in the ScrollButton
Me.ultraTabControl1.ScrollArrowStyle = ScrollArrowStyle.VisualStudio

In C#:

// Set to always show scroll buttons
 this.ultraTabControl1.ScrollButtons = TabScrollButtons.Always;
 // Sets the type of ScrollButton
 this.ultraTabControl1.ScrollButtonTypes = ScrollButtonTypes. NextPrevious;
 // Sets the Style for the ScrollButton
 this.ultraTabControl1.ScrollButtonStyle = Infragistics.Win.UIElementButtonStyle.Office2007ScrollbarButton;
 // Sets the Style for the arrrow in the ScrollButton
  this.ultraTabControl1.ScrollArrowStyle = ScrollArrowStyle.VisualStudio;