
Set Tiles to Large State

The WinTilePanel™ control allows one or more tiles to be put into large state. By default only one tile can be set to large state. In order to set multiple tiles to large state, the MaximumVisibleLargeTiles property of the ultraTilePanel object must be set to an integer value.

The end-user can maximize a tile by clicking the StateChangeButton. When a tile is maximized all other Normal state tiles shrink and move to the side of the Panel.

It is also possible to maximize a tile through code using the SetState method or the State property of the UltraTile object. The SetState method accepts two parameters: the new state of the tile and a Boolean value whether to animate the tile’s state change.

The following code assumes that you have an UltraTilePanel dropped onto your form. For information on how to add tiles to WinTilePanel please see the Add and Remove Tiles through Code topic.

In Visual Basic:

' Set the state of the Tile
tile1.SetState(Infragistics.Win.Misc.TileState.Large, True)
tile3.State = TileState.Large

In C#:

// Set the state of the Tile
tile3.State = TileState.Large;

You can also set the position and orientation of the large tiles using the LargeTilePosition and LargeTileOrientation properties.

In Visual Basic:

' Positons the Large tile to the right. Default positions left.
Me.ultraTilePanel1.LargeTilePosition = LargeTilePosition.Right
' Sets the Orientation of Large Tiles Horizontally. Default Orientation is Vertical.
Me.ultraTilePanel1.LargeTileOrientation = Infragistics.Win.Misc.TileOrientation.Horizontal

In C#:

// Positons the Large tile to the right. Default positions left.
this.ultraTilePanel1.LargeTilePosition = LargeTilePosition.Right;
// Sets the Orientation of Large Tiles Horizontally. Default Orientation is Vertical.
this.ultraTilePanel1.LargeTileOrientation = Infragistics.Win.Misc.TileOrientation.Horizontal;