
Resize Owners and Timeslots in WinTimelineView

The WinTimelineView™ control displays owners and timeslots and provides a fully featured time management control. You can allow or deny your end-users the ability to customize the user interface, thereby changing the owners or timeslots in view. It can be done through the ColumnWidth , ColumnSizing and OwnerSizing properties of the WinTimelineView$ control.

This topic shows how you can allow your end-users to modify the owners and timeslots in view by dragging the column or row headers.

In Visual Basic:

' Sets the width of the column to increase or decrease the timeslots in view
Me.ultraTimelineView1.ColumnWidth = 120
' Allow end-users to resize the timeslots in view by dragging the timeslots Header
Me.ultraTimelineView1.ColumnSizing = TimelineViewColumnSizing.Header
' Enable end-users to drag Rows thereby changing the Owners in view by dragging the owner Row
Me.ultraTimelineView1.OwnerSizing = TimelineViewOwnerSizing.Row

In C#:

// Sets the width of the column to increase or decrease the timeslots in view
 this.ultraTimelineView1.ColumnWidth = 120;
// Allow end-users to resize the timeslots in view by dragging the timeslots Header
this.ultraTimelineView1.ColumnSizing = TimelineViewColumnSizing.Header;
// Enable end-users to drag Rows thereby changing the Owners in view by dragging the owner Row
this.ultraTimelineView1.OwnerSizing = TimelineViewOwnerSizing.Row;