
Validate a Range of Values

WinValidator™ can validate several different scenarios, one of which is a range of values. Using the RangeCondition object, you can test to see if a specific value is within the range by setting minimum and maximum values. When instantiating a new RangeCondition object, the third constructor allows you to supply both a minimum and maximum value as objects, as well as a Type object to define what type of objects the range will include. Once you have a RangeCondition object, you simply need to retrieve the ValidationSettings object for the control you are validating and set the RangeCondition to the Condition property exposed by the ValidationSettings object.

The following code demonstrates how to create a RangeCondition object that tests whether an integer is higher than zero and lower than 255 (similar to a numeric editor for RGB values). This topic assumes that you have a WinValidator component and a WinNumericEditor™ control on your form.

In Visual Basic:

' Create a condition that fails validation if the value
' is less than 0 or greater than 255.
Dim rc As Infragistics.Win.RangeCondition = _
	New Infragistics.Win.RangeCondition(0, 255, GetType(Integer))
' Get the ValidationSettings object that determines
' how the control will be validated.
Dim vs As Infragistics.Win.Misc.ValidationSettings = _
' Set the condition to the RangeCondition
vs.Condition = rc

In C#:

// Create a condition that fails validation if the value
// is less than 0 or greater than 255.
Infragistics.Win.RangeCondition rc =
	new Infragistics.Win.RangeCondition(0, 255, typeof(int));
// Get the ValidationSettings object that determines
// how the control will be validated.
Infragistics.Win.Misc.ValidationSettings vs =
// Set the condition to the RangeCondition
vs.Condition = rc;