
Infragistics.Controls.Editors Namespace

ClassBrushResourceEventArgs Event arguments for the XamPropertyGrid.BrushResourceSelected event.
ClassBrushResourcesEventArgs Event arguments for the XamPropertyGrid.BrushResourcesLoading event.
ClassCategorySortOrderAttribute Specifies the sort order of the PropertyGridCategoryItems assigned to the properties of the class or structure decorated with the attribute.
ClassPropertiesGeneratedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamPropertyGrid.PropertiesGenerated event.
ClassPropertyGenerationOptions A class that defines options for the generation of PropertyGridPropertyItems by property generators - i.e., classes that derive from PropertyGeneratorBase. An instance of this class is automatically created with default settings when needed for property generation. Alternatively, an instance of this class can be manually created and assigned to the XamPropertyGrid.PropertyGenerationOptions property to specify custom generation options.
ClassPropertyGeneratorBase An abstract base class for generator classes that generate PropertyGridItems for the XamPropertyGrid.
ClassPropertyGridCategoryItem A class that represents a property category item in the XamPropertyGrid.
ClassPropertyGridCommandExecutedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamPropertyGrid.CommandExecuted event.
ClassPropertyGridCommandExecutingEventArgs Event arguments for the XamPropertyGrid.CommandExecuting event.
ClassPropertyGridComparisonCondition A custom Infragistics.Windows.Controls.ComparisonCondition implementation that provides the ability to select the operand that should be used when filtering PropertyGridItems. When a standard Infragistics.Windows.Controls.ComparisonCondition is used for filtering, the operand is assumed to be PropertyGridFilterOperandSource.PropertyName
ClassPropertyGridComplementCondition A custom Infragistics.Windows.Controls.ComplementCondition implementation that provides the ability to select the operand that should be used when filtering PropertyGridItems. When a standard Infragistics.Windows.Controls.ComplementCondition is used for filtering, the operand is assumed to be PropertyGridFilterOperandSource.PropertyName
ClassPropertyGridConditionGroup A custom Infragistics.Windows.Controls.ConditionGroup implementation that provides the ability to select the operand that should be used when filtering PropertyGridItems. When a standard Infragistics.Windows.Controls.ConditionGroup is used for filtering, the operand is assumed to be PropertyGridFilterOperandSource.PropertyName
ClassPropertyGridEditorDefinition Defines the DataTemplates to use for editing properties of a specific type or name, or which belong to a specific category. This definition also exposes a DataTemplateSelector property which enables support for the programmatic selection of the DataTemplate to use for displaying/editing a property's value.
ClassPropertyGridEditorDefinitionCollection A collection of PropertyGridEditorDefinitions that are used to override the default editors for PropertyGridPropertyItems with a specific type or name, or for PropertyGridPropertyItems that belong to a specific Category.
ClassPropertyGridItem The abstract base class for all items displayed in the XamPropertyGrid
ClassPropertyGridItemCollection A read-only collection of PropertyGridItems.
ClassPropertyGridPropertyItem A class that represents a property item in the XamPropertyGrid.
ClassPropertyGridTemplateSelectorContext An instance of this class is passed to the SelectTemplate method of the DataTemplateSelector specified in a PropertyGridEditorDefinition. It exposes a property of type PropertyGridPropertyItem that the SelectTemplate method can use to determine which DataTemplate instance to return. In addition, it exposes 2 more properties that reflect the Edit DataTemplate and ReadOnly DataTemplate (if any) specified in the EditorDefinition associated with the property. The SelectTemplate method is free to return one of these DataTemplate instances as the selected template, or it can can choose any other DataTemplate instance. If instead it returns null, the control will use the built-in editor for the property's type to display/edit it's value.
ClassPropertyItemEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamPropertyGrid.PropertyItemValueChanged event.
ClassPropertySortOrderAttribute Specifies the sort order of a PropertyGridPropertyItem.
ClassReflectionPropertyGenerator A class that inherits from PropertyGeneratorBase to generate items for the XamPropertyGrid using reflection to discover the properties exposed by an object.
ClassSelectedItemChangedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamPropertyGrid.SelectedItemChanged event.
ClassSelectedObjectsChangedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamPropertyGrid.SelectedObjectsChanged event.
ClassTypeDescriptorPropertyGenerator A class that inherits from PropertyGeneratorBase to generate items for the XamPropertyGrid using TypeDescriptor to discover the custom and/or attached properties exposed by an object.
ClassXamPropertyGrid Custom control that displays properties and their values, along with a UI for editing those values.
EnumerationBrushType Specifies the type of brush being edited by the brush editor
EnumerationColorFormat Specifies the color format used by the brush editor.
EnumerationPropertyGridBrushGroupType Indicates the type of grouping for brush resources in the Infragistics.Controls.Editors.Primitives.PropertyGridBrushEditorControl.
EnumerationPropertyGridCommandType An enumeration of available commands for the XamPropertyGrid control.
EnumerationPropertyGridFilterOperandSource Specifies which PropertyGridItem value should be used as the operand when evaluating a PropertyGridComparisonCondition, PropertyGridComplementCondition or PropertyGridConditionGroup.
EnumerationPropertyGridStates Represents the different states of the XamPropertyGrid control. Used to evaluate whether a specific command can be executed.
See Also