
Infragistics.Controls.Schedules Namespace

ClassActualValuesLostWarningEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.ActualValuesLostWarning event.
ClassCancellableProjectTaskEventArgs Abstract event arguments for a cancellable event which is associated with a ProjectTask.
ClassDependencyCircularityDetectedEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.DependencyCircularityDetected event.
ClassGanttCommandExecutedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamGantt.CommandExecuted event.
ClassGanttCommandExecutingEventArgs Event arguments for the XamGantt.CommandExecuting event.
ClassGanttContextMenuProvider Object used to define the default context menus for a XamGantt
ClassGanttGridCellChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamGantt.CellChanged event.
ClassGanttGridCellChangingEventArgs Event arguments for the XamGantt.CellChanging event.
ClassGanttGridColumnVisibilityChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamGantt.ColumnVisibilityChanged event.
ClassGanttGridColumnVisibilityChangingEventArgs Event arguments for the XamGantt.ColumnVisibilityChanging event.
ClassGanttGridSelectionChangedEventArgs<T> Event arguments used for an event representing a change in the selection of the XamGantt
ClassGanttTaskBarDragCompletedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamGantt.TaskBarDragCompleted event
ClassGanttTaskBarDraggingEventArgs Event arguments for the XamGantt.TaskBarDragging event.
ClassGanttTaskBarDragStartingEventArgs Event arguments for the XamGantt.TaskBarDragStarting event
ClassListBackedProject Project that obtains the task information from a specified TaskItemsSource.
ClassListBackedProjectViewProvider Class used for providing custom ProjectView and ProjectTable instances to a ProjectControlBase via its ProjectControlBase.ViewProvider property.
ClassManualDateTimeConverter Base class for a converter that converts ManualDateTime instances to and from other types.
ClassManualProjectDurationConverter Base class for a converter that converts ManualProjectDuration instances to and from other types.
ClassMissingResourceWarningEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.MissingResourceWarning event.
ClassProject Class that represents a Gantt project
ClassProjectCalendar Represents working time information in a Project
ClassProjectCalendarCollection Represents a collection of ProjectCalendar instances for a Project
ClassProjectCalendarException Represents a change in working time information for a specific date range.
ClassProjectCalendarPropertyMapping Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the ProjectCalendar object.
ClassProjectCalendarPropertyMappingCollection Collection used for specifying field mappings for ProjectCalendar object.
ClassProjectCalendarWorkWeek Represents working time information for days of the week for a specific date range.
ClassProjectColumn Represents a column in a ProjectTable
ClassProjectColumnDefinition Represents a column that is available in the grid portion of the XamGantt
ClassProjectColumnPropertyMapping Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the ProjectColumn object or its ProjectColumnSettings object.
ClassProjectColumnPropertyMappingCollection Collection used for specifying field mappings for ProjectColumn object.
ClassProjectColumnSettings Provides options regarding columns in a ProjectTable
ClassProjectColumnSettingsBase Provides options regarding columns in a ProjectTable
ClassProjectColumnSortDescription Defines how the rows in a ProjectTable are sorted.
ClassProjectColumnSortDescriptionCollection A collection of ProjectColumnSortDescription representing the sorted columns in a Project
ClassProjectControlBase Base class for a control that uses a Project
ClassProjectDurationConverter Converts ProjectDuration instances to and from other types.
ClassProjectKeyedColumnSettings Provides options regarding columns in a ProjectTable
ClassProjectResource An object representing a person or item used to complete a ProjectTask
ClassProjectResourceCollection Represents a collection of ProjectResource instances for a Project
ClassProjectResourcePropertyMapping Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the ProjectResource object.
ClassProjectResourcePropertyMappingCollection Collection used for specifying field mappings for ProjectResource object.
ClassProjectSettings Represents settings for a Project
ClassProjectSettingsBase Base class for the settings objects used by the various Project related classes
ClassProjectTable An object that represents a set of columns displayed within the grid portion of the XamGantt
ClassProjectTablePropertyMapping Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the ProjectTable object.
ClassProjectTablePropertyMappingCollection Collection used for specifying field mappings for ProjectTable object.
ClassProjectTask Class that represents a task in a Project.
ClassProjectTaskCollapsedEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskCollapsed event.
ClassProjectTaskCollapsingEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskCollapsing event.
ClassProjectTaskConstraintWarningEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskConstraintWarning event.
ClassProjectTaskDeletedEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskDeleted event.
ClassProjectTaskDeletingEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskDeleting event.
ClassProjectTaskDependency Represents a relationship between 2 ProjectTask instances.
ClassProjectTaskDependencyCollection Represents a collection of relationships between the owning ProjectTask and the ones specified.
ClassProjectTaskEventArgs Abstract event arguments for an event which is associated with a ProjectTask.
ClassProjectTaskExpandedEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskExpanded event.
ClassProjectTaskExpandingEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskExpanding event.
ClassProjectTaskIndentedEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskIndented event.
ClassProjectTaskIndentingEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskIndenting event.
ClassProjectTaskInNonWorkingDayWarningEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskInNonWorkingDayWarning event.
ClassProjectTaskInsertedEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskInserted event.
ClassProjectTaskInsertingEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskInserting event.
ClassProjectTaskModeResourceProvider Class used to define the resources used within the grid column that displays and edits the ProjectTask.IsManual of a ProjectTask.
ClassProjectTaskOutdentedEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskOutdented event.
ClassProjectTaskOutdentingEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskOutdenting event.
ClassProjectTaskPropertyMapping Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the ProjectTask object.
ClassProjectTaskPropertyMappingCollection Collection used for specifying field mappings for ProjectTask object.
ClassProjectTaskResource Represents a Resource associated with a given ProjectTask
ClassProjectTaskResourceCollection Represents a collection of resources assigned to a given ProjectTask
ClassProjectTaskSettings Represents settings for a ProjectTask
ClassProjectTaskWarningEventArgs Event arguments for the Project.TaskWarning event.
ClassProjectView Represents a specific view of project information from a Project
ClassProjectViewPropertyMapping Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the ProjectView object.
ClassProjectViewPropertyMappingCollection Collection used for specifying field mappings for ProjectView object.
ClassProjectViewProviderBase Base class for an object that provides a ProjectView and ProjectTable instances to a ProjectControlBase
ClassProjectViewSettings Represents settings for a ProjectView
ClassTaskDataItemIdInitializingEventArgs Event arguments for the ListBackedProject.TaskDataItemIdInitializing event.
ClassTimescale A custom TimescaleBase that maintains a collection of TimescaleBand instances
ClassTimescaleBand A custom TimescaleBandBase that allows controlling the Unit and UnitCount to determine the interval of the timescale
ClassTimescaleBandBase Base class for an object that provides one or more DateRanges representing the time intervals in the timescale.
ClassTimescaleBase Base class for an object that provides one or more TimescaleBandBase instances
ClassTimescaleInfo Provides information about the timescale
ClassXamGantt Custom control that provides a Microsoft Project style Gantt functionality
InterfaceIProjectTask Interface implemented by a Project Task.
StructureGanttGridCell Structure used to represent a particular field/column of an IProjectTask within the XamGantt
StructureGanttGridColumn Structure used to represent a particular field/column within the XamGantt
StructureGanttGridRow Structure used to represent a particular IProjectTask within the XamGantt
StructureManualDateTime A structure that represents a DateTime or optionally storing a string representing a description of a manual task duration.
StructureManualProjectDuration A structure that represents a unit of time supporting different unit types or optionally storing a string representing a description of a manual task duration.
StructureProjectDuration A structure that represents a unit of time supporting different unit types or optionally storing a string representing a description of a manual task duration.
EnumerationActualValuesLostWarningAction Represents the various actions possible with the Project.ActualValuesLostWarning.
EnumerationAllowDragSummaryTask Enumeration used to identify whether a summary task may be dragged.
EnumerationDependencyCircularityDetectedAction Represents the various actions possible when a dependency circularity is detected.
EnumerationDependencyCircularityType Represents the various types of dependency circularities which can be detected.
EnumerationGanttCommandId Enumeration used to identify an action to be taken by the XamGantt
EnumerationGanttContextMenuArea Enumeration used to identify the context menus for the XamGantt
EnumerationGanttStates Represents the different states of the XamGantt control. Used to evaluate whether a specific command can be executed.
EnumerationGanttTaskBarDragOperation Enumeration used to identify the type of drag operation being performed on a Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.Primitives.GanttTaskPresenterBase within a XamGantt
EnumerationGanttTaskBarRoundingBehavior Enumeration used to indicate when the Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.Primitives.GanttTaskPresenterBase of the XamGantt should be rounded to a whole day.
EnumerationManualValueType Enumeration used to describe the type of value that the structure represents.
EnumerationMissingResourceWarningAction Represents the various actions possible with the Project.MissingResourceWarning.
EnumerationNonWorkingTimeHighlightStyle Enumeration used to indicate how the non-working time is displayed within the control.
EnumerationProjectCalendarProperty Enumeration used to identify the ProjectCalendar properties that may be mapped to an underlying data source.
EnumerationProjectColumnProperty Enumeration used to identify the ProjectColumn properties that may be mapped to an underlying data source.
EnumerationProjectDateProperty Enumeration used to identify a DateTime or DateTime? property on the Project
EnumerationProjectDurationFormat Defines the format of a duration for a project item.
EnumerationProjectResourceProperty Enumeration used to identify the ProjectResource properties that may be mapped to an underlying data source.
EnumerationProjectTableCreationType Enumeration used to identify the built in project task tables.
EnumerationProjectTableProperty Enumeration used to identify the ProjectTable properties that may be mapped to an underlying data source.
EnumerationProjectTaskConstraintType Enumeration used to identify a type of constraint placed on an automatically scheduled ProjectTask.
EnumerationProjectTaskConstraintWarningAction Represents the various actions possible when a warning occurs with one of the task constraints.
EnumerationProjectTaskConstraintWarningType Represents the various types of warnings which can occur with a task's constraint.
EnumerationProjectTaskDateProperty Enumeration used to identify a DateTime or DateTime? property on the ProjectTask
EnumerationProjectTaskDependencyLineType An enumeration used to define the type of line connecting the predecessor and successor task defined by a ProjectTaskDependency
EnumerationProjectTaskInNonWorkingDayWarningAction Represents the various actions possible when a warning occurs because a task with working time duration is in non-working day.
EnumerationProjectTaskInNonWorkingDayWarningType Represents the various types of warnings which can occur when a task with working time duration is moved to non-working day.
EnumerationProjectTaskLinkType Enumeration used to describe the relationship between two dependent ProjectTask instances.
EnumerationProjectTaskModeResource Enumeration used to identify the resources used for the task mode column
EnumerationProjectTaskProperty Enumeration used to identify the ProjectTask properties that may be mapped to an underlying data source.
EnumerationProjectTaskRelativePosition Enumeration used to identify the target position when moving a task.
EnumerationProjectTaskStates Enumeration used to the state(s) of a ProjectTask.
EnumerationProjectTaskWarningAction Represents the various actions possible when a warning occurs on a task.
EnumerationProjectTaskWarningType Represents the various types of warnings which can occur with a task.
EnumerationProjectViewProperty Enumeration used to identify the ProjectView properties that may be mapped to an underlying data source.
EnumerationProjectWorkFormat Enumeration used to indicate the format for a work duration.
EnumerationTimescaleUnit An enumeration used to describe the units for a TimescaleBand
See Also