
Infragistics.Controls.Menus Namespace

ClassActiveNodeChangedEventArgs A class listing the information needed for the XamDataTree.ActiveNodeChanged event.
ClassActiveNodeChangingEventArgs A class listing the information needed for the XamDataTree.ActiveNodeChanging event.
ClassBeginEditingNodeEventArgs A class listing the information needed for the XamDataTree to begin editing on a XamDataTreeNode.
ClassCancellableNodeDeletionEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for deleting a node in the XamDataTree.
ClassCancellableNodeEventArgs A class listing the information needed for XamDataTreeNode based events which may be cancelled by the developer.
ClassCancellableNodeExpansionChangedEventArgs A class listing the information needed for node expanding events.
ClassCheckBoxSettings A class which defines the CheckBox settings which will be applied across all NodeLayouts of a XamDataTree.
ClassCheckBoxSettingsOverride A class which defines the CheckBox settings which will be applied a single NodeLayout of a XamDataTree.
ClassGlobalNodeLayoutCollection A Collection of NodeLayout objects.
ClassInitializeNodeEventArgs A class listing the information needed during the XamDataTree.InitializeNode event.
ClassIntermediateNodesManager A class that is used by the XamDataTree as the NodesManager for nodes representing header nodes.
ClassNodeDeletedEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs after a node was deleted.
ClassNodeEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for an event with a XamDataTreeNode input.
ClassNodeExpansionChangedEventArgs A class listing the information needed for node expanded events.
ClassNodeLayout A class that how a group of XamDataTreeNodes will behave.
ClassNodeLayoutAssignedEventArgs A class listing the information needed for the XamDataTree.NodeLayoutAssigned event.
ClassNodeLayoutBase A class which encapsulates common properties for all tree type controls.
ClassNodeLayoutCollection Represents a modifiable collection of NodeLayout objects.
ClassNodeLayoutEventArgs A class listing the NodeLayout that was modified for an event.
ClassNodeSelectionEventArgs A class listing the information needed when the selected nodes change.
ClassNodesManager Represents an object that controls all the XamDataTreeNodes at a given level.
ClassNodeValidationErrorEventArgs Provides information when a validation error happens as the XamDataTreeNode exits edit mode.
ClassSelectedCollectionBase<T> A collection of selectable items.
ClassSelectedNodesCollection Represents a modifiable collection of XamDataTreeNode objects which have been selected.
ClassSettingsBase A base object for all settings objects in the XamDataTree.
ClassSettingsBaseOverride A base object for a settings objects on a NodeLayout.
ClassTreeDataObjectCreationEventArgs A class listing the information needed when a new object needs to be created.
ClassTreeDropEventArgs Event arguments for Infragistics.DragDrop.DragSource.Drop event.
ClassTreeEditingNodeEventArgs Provides information to editing events.
ClassTreeEditingSettings A class which defines the editing settings which will be applied across all NodeLayouts of a XamDataTree.
ClassTreeEditingSettingsOverride A class which defines the editing settings which will be applied a single NodeLayout of a XamDataTree.
ClassTreeExitEditingEventArgs Provides information necessary when a XamDataTreeNode is exiting edit mode.
ClassTreeSelectionSettings A class which defines the Selection settings which will be applied across all NodeLayouts of a XamDataTree.
ClassXamDataTree A databound tree control
ClassXamDataTreeNode A object that represents a single data object in the XamDataTree.
ClassXamDataTreeNodeControl An object that acts as the visual representaion of a XamDataTreeNode objects.
ClassXamDataTreeNodeDataContext A custom data context object for use with XamDataTreeNodeControls.
ClassXamDataTreeNodesCollection Represents a modifiable collection of XamDataTreeNode objects.
ClassXamDataTreeNodesManager Represents an object that controls all the XamDataTreeNodes at the XamDataTree level.
EnumerationNodeLineTemination An enumeration that describes what type of node connector should appear attached to a leaf node.
EnumerationTreeCheckBoxMode Specifies how the CheckBox will be used on the XamDataTree.
EnumerationTreeDragSelectType Describes the type of drag selection that should occur in the XamDataTree
EnumerationTreeDropDestination An enumeration that describes where an object is dropped in relation to it's drop target.
EnumerationTreeInvokeAction An enumeration of different interactions.
EnumerationTreeMouseEditingAction Describes the type of action that can cause a XamDataTreeNode to enter edit mode with a mouse.
EnumerationTreeSelectionType Describes the type of selection that should be performed.
See Also