
Infragistics.Windows Namespace

ClassDeviceUnitLengthConverter Converts DeviceUnitLength instances to and from other types.
ClassDeviceUnitSizeConverter Converts DeviceUnitSize instances to and from other types.
ClassDeviceUnitThicknessConverter Converts DeviceUnitThickness instances to and from other types.
ClassExpanderDecorator A Decorator derived class that expands/collapses its Child element in either a Vertical or Horizontal Orientation.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassResourcesWindows Exposes the Infragistics.Shared.DynamicResourceString instances used in the assembly.
ClassUtilities Exposes some static helper methods
StructureDeviceUnitLength A structure that represents a unit of length supporting explicit values and different unit types.
StructureDeviceUnitSize A structure that represents a Size expressed in specific units as indicated by the UnitType.
StructureDeviceUnitThickness A structure that represents the thickness of a frame expressed in specific units as indicated by the UnitType.
DelegateUtilities.DependencyObjectSearchCallback<T> Delegate used to search for a specific System.Windows.DependencyObject when using the Utilities.GetDescendantFromType<T>
EnumerationDeviceUnitType Indicates the type of the value that is represented by the DeviceUnitLength.
See Also