
Adding an Image to a Worksheet (Infragistics Excel Engine)

Topic Overview


This topic provides procedural instructions on how to add an image to a worksheet using the Infragistics Excel Engine.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

In this section you will find information that will help you to better understand the object model and the functionalities of the Infragistics Excel Engine.

In order to get you up and running as quickly as possible with the Infragistics Excel Engine, this topic provides procedural instructions on how to create a workbook.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Adding an Image to a Worksheet


This procedure demonstrates how to add an image to a worksheet. Images are represented by the WorksheetImage class and are added in the Shapes collection of the worksheet.


The following screenshot is a preview of the final result including all optional steps:

ExcelEngine 04.png


To complete the procedure, you need the following:

An initialized workbook with at least one worksheet.


Following is a conceptual overview of the process:

  1. Create an Image from a Stream

  2. Create a WorksheetImage from an Image

  3. Configure WorksheetImage’s position in twips (alternative)

  4. Configure WorksheetImage’s cell position (alternative)

  5. Configure WorksheetImage’s positions within the cells (alternative and optional)

  6. Configure WorksheetImage’s properties (optional)

  7. Add the WorksheetImage to the Shapes collection of the worksheet.


The following steps demonstrate how to add an image to a worksheet.

1. Create an Image from a Stream

Create an Image object. You can do this using the static method of the Image class by providing a stream or filename.

In C#:

string imgResource = "Assembly.Folder.File.png";
using (Stream stream = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(imgResource))
    System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(stream);

In Visual Basic:

Dim imgResource As String = "Assembly.Folder.File.png"
Using stream As Stream = Me.[GetType]().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(imgResource)
    Dim img As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(stream)
End Using

2. Create a WorksheetImage from an Image

Create a WorksheetImage object by providing the Image instance from the previous step.

In C#:

WorksheetImage wsi = new WorksheetImage(img);

In Visual Basic:

Dim wsi As WorksheetImage  = new WorksheetImage(img)

3. Configure WorksheetImage’s position in twips (alternative)

You need to specify the bounds of the image in twips using the SetBoundsInTwips method.

In C#:

Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(img);
    new Rect(
        PixelsToTwips(50, gfx), // left = 50
        PixelsToTwips(50, gfx), // top = 50
        PixelsToTwips(img.Width, gfx),
        PixelsToTwips(img.Height, gfx))

In Visual Basic:

Dim gfx As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(img)
' left = 50
' top = 50
wsi.SetBoundsInTwips( _
    xamSpreadsheet1.Workbook.Worksheets(0), _
        New Rect(PixelsToTwips(50, gfx), _
            PixelsToTwips(50, gfx), _
            PixelsToTwips(img.Width, gfx), _
            PixelsToTwips(img.Height, gfx)))

In C#:

public double PixelsToTwips(int pixels, Graphics gfx)
    // convert pixels to points
    double p = pixels * 72 / gfx.DpiX;
    // convert points to twips
    return p * 20;

In Visual Basic:

Public Function PixelsToTwips(pixels As Integer, gfx As Graphics) As Double
    ' convert pixels to points
    Dim p As Double = pixels * 72 / gfx.DpiX
    ' convert points to twips
    Return p * 20
End Function

Use this step as an alternative of steps 4 and 5.

4. Configure WorksheetImage’s cell position (alternative)

You need to specify the cells which will occupy the image using the TopLeftCornerCell and BottomRightCornerCell properties.

In C#:

wsi.TopLeftCornerCell = this.xamSpreadsheet1.Workbook.Worksheets[0].Rows[3].Cells[2];
wsi.BottomRightCornerCell = this.xamSpreadsheet1.Workbook.Worksheets[0].Rows[5].Cells[5];

In Visual Basic:

wsi.TopLeftCornerCell = xamSpreadsheet1.Workbook.Worksheets(0).Rows(3).Cells(2)
wsi.BottomRightCornerCell = xamSpreadsheet1.Workbook.Worksheets(0).Rows(5).Cells(5)

Use this step as an alternative of step 3.

5. Configure WorksheetImage’s positions within the cells (alternative and optional)

Also you can specify the exact location of the top left and bottom right corner using the TopLeftCornerPosition and BottomRightCornerPosition properties. These positions are specified in percentages, so if you want to position any of the corners in the middle of a cell use a Point(50, 50) for both position properties.

Following is the code that implements this example.

In C#:

wsi.TopLeftCornerPosition = new System.Windows.Point(50, 50);
wsi.BottomRightCornerPosition = new System.Windows.Point(50, 50);

In Visual Basic:

wsi.TopLeftCornerPosition = new System.Windows.Point(50, 50)
wsi.BottomRightCornerPosition = new System.Windows.Point(50, 50)

Use this optional step as an alternative of step 3.

6. Configure WorksheetImage’s properties (optional)

You can set a background color for your image, so the worksheet’s gridlines are not visible if your image has transparent background.

You can also set any outline (or remove the default one) to the WorksheetImage instance.

The following code snippet shows how to add a white background and remove the default outline on your WorksheetImage.

In C#:

wsi.Fill = new ShapeFillSolid(Colors.White);
wsi.Outline = null;

In Visual Basic:

wsi.Fill = new ShapeFillSolid(Colors.White)
wsi.Outline = Nothing

7. Add the WorksheetImage to the Shapes collection of the worksheet

Add the WorksheetImage instance to the Shapes collection.

Following is the code that implements this example.

In C#:


In Visual Basic:


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Topic Purpose

This topic provides procedural instructions on how to add a hyperlink to a worksheet using the Infragistics Excel Engine.

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