
FilterOperandUIType Property

Specifies the type of UI to use for the operand portion in a filter cell. Default is resolved to Combo.
Public Property FilterOperandUIType As FilterOperandUIType
public FilterOperandUIType FilterOperandUIType {get; set;}

FilterOperandUIType property controls the type of UI filter cell exposes. Default is resolved to Combo. See FilterOperandUIType enum for available options.

Also note that FilterOperatorDropDownItems property controls the list of operators that are displayed in the operator UI. Setting it to None will hide the operator UI.

The following code sets some of the properties that control filter-record related aspects regarding operator and operand UI.

Imports Infragistics.Windows
Imports Infragistics.Windows.Controls
Imports Infragistics.Windows.Editors
Imports Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter
Imports Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events

    Private Sub Dp_FieldLayoutInitialized(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FieldLayoutInitializedEventArgs)
        ' Enable the filter-record.
        e.FieldLayout.FieldSettings.AllowRecordFiltering = True

        ' FilterStringComparisonType controls whether to perform case-sensitive or 
        ' case-insensitive string comparisons for filtering purposes.
        e.FieldLayout.FieldSettings.FilterStringComparisonType = FieldSortComparisonType.CaseInsensitive

        ' The following for loop sets FilterOperatorDefaultValue, FilterOperatorDropDownItems
        ' and FilterOperandUIType properties on each field based on the field's data type.
        Dim field As Field
        For Each field In e.FieldLayout.Fields
            Dim dataType As Type = field.DataType

            If dataType Is GetType(String) Then
                ' For string fields, pre-select StartsWith operator.
                field.Settings.FilterOperatorDefaultValue = ComparisonOperator.StartsWith

                ' For operator drop-down, limit the available options to the following.
                field.Settings.FilterOperatorDropDownItems = ComparisonOperatorFlags.Equals _
                          Or ComparisonOperatorFlags.StartsWith _
                          Or ComparisonOperatorFlags.Contains _
                          Or ComparisonOperatorFlags.Like

                ' For the operand input, use a text-box.
                e.FieldLayout.FieldSettings.FilterOperandUIType = FilterOperandUIType.TextBox
            ElseIf Utilities.IsNumericType(dataType) OrElse dataType Is GetType(DateTime) Then
                ' For numeric and date fields, pre-select Equals operator.
                field.Settings.FilterOperatorDefaultValue = ComparisonOperator.Equals

                ' For operator drop-down, limit the available options to the following.
                field.Settings.FilterOperatorDropDownItems = ComparisonOperatorFlags.Equals _
                          Or ComparisonOperatorFlags.LessThan _
                          Or ComparisonOperatorFlags.LessThanOrEqualsTo _
                          Or ComparisonOperatorFlags.GreaterThan _
                          Or ComparisonOperatorFlags.GreaterThanOrEqualsTo

                ' For the operand input, use the same editor as rest of the cells in the field
                ' are using. By default numeric field cells use numeric editor and date field
                ' cells use date-time editor.
                e.FieldLayout.FieldSettings.FilterOperandUIType = FilterOperandUIType.UseFieldEditor
            ElseIf dataType Is GetType(Boolean) Then
                ' For boolean fields, set the default operator to Equals.
                field.Settings.FilterOperatorDefaultValue = ComparisonOperator.Equals

                ' Also just allow Equals operator. This will effectively hide the operator
                ' drop-down.
                field.Settings.FilterOperatorDropDownItems = ComparisonOperatorFlags.Equals

                ' For the operand input, use drop-down list.
                field.Settings.FilterOperandUIType = FilterOperandUIType.DropDownList
            End If

    End Sub
using Infragistics.Windows;
using Infragistics.Windows.Controls;
using Infragistics.Windows.Editors;
using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter;
using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events;

		private void dp_FieldLayoutInitialized( object sender, FieldLayoutInitializedEventArgs e )
			// Enable the filter-record.
			e.FieldLayout.FieldSettings.AllowRecordFiltering = true;

			// FilterStringComparisonType controls whether to perform case-sensitive or 
			// case-insensitive string comparisons for filtering purposes.
			e.FieldLayout.FieldSettings.FilterStringComparisonType = FieldSortComparisonType.CaseInsensitive;

			// The following for loop sets FilterOperatorDefaultValue, FilterOperatorDropDownItems
			// and FilterOperandUIType properties on each field based on the field's data type.
			foreach ( Field field in e.FieldLayout.Fields )
				Type dataType = field.DataType;

				if ( typeof( string ) == dataType )
					// For string fields, pre-select StartsWith operator.
					field.Settings.FilterOperatorDefaultValue = ComparisonOperator.StartsWith;

					// For operator drop-down, limit the available options to the following.
					field.Settings.FilterOperatorDropDownItems = ComparisonOperatorFlags.Equals
						| ComparisonOperatorFlags.StartsWith
						| ComparisonOperatorFlags.Contains
						| ComparisonOperatorFlags.Like;

					// For the operand input, use a text-box.
					e.FieldLayout.FieldSettings.FilterOperandUIType = FilterOperandUIType.TextBox;
				else if ( Utilities.IsNumericType( dataType ) || typeof( DateTime ) == dataType )
					// For numeric and date fields, pre-select Equals operator.
					field.Settings.FilterOperatorDefaultValue = ComparisonOperator.Equals;

					// For operator drop-down, limit the available options to the following.
					field.Settings.FilterOperatorDropDownItems = ComparisonOperatorFlags.Equals
						| ComparisonOperatorFlags.LessThan
						| ComparisonOperatorFlags.LessThanOrEqualsTo
						| ComparisonOperatorFlags.GreaterThan
						| ComparisonOperatorFlags.GreaterThanOrEqualsTo;

					// For the operand input, use the same editor as rest of the cells in the field
					// are using. By default numeric field cells use numeric editor and date field
					// cells use date-time editor.
					e.FieldLayout.FieldSettings.FilterOperandUIType = FilterOperandUIType.UseFieldEditor;
				else if ( typeof( bool ) == dataType )
					// For boolean fields, set the default operator to Equals.
					field.Settings.FilterOperatorDefaultValue = ComparisonOperator.Equals;

					// Also just allow Equals operator. This will effectively hide the operator
					// drop-down.
					field.Settings.FilterOperatorDropDownItems = ComparisonOperatorFlags.Equals;

					// For the operand input, use drop-down list.
					field.Settings.FilterOperandUIType = FilterOperandUIType.DropDownList;
        <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="_dp" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">

<!--Set AllowRecordFiltering to enable filter-record.-->
<igDP:FieldSettings AllowRecordFiltering="true" />
<igDP:FieldLayout IsDefault="true">

<!--For Country field, use settings appropriate for string data types.
                        * pre-select StartsWith operator by setting FilterOperatorDefaultValue
                        * limit operator drop-down items to Equals, StartsWith, Contains and Like
                        * Use TextBox for the operand input by setting FilterOperandUIType to TextBox
<igDP:Field Name="Country">
FilterOperatorDropDownItems="Equals, StartsWith, Contains, Like"

<!--For Price field, use settings appropriate for numeric data types.
                        * pre-select Equals operator by setting FilterOperatorDefaultValue
                        * limit operator drop-down items to Equals, StartsWith, Contains and Like
                        * Use the same editor as the field cells by setting FilterOperandUIType to UseFieldEditor
<igDP:Field Name="Price">
FilterOperatorDropDownItems="Equals, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualsTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualsTo"

<!--For IsChecked field, use settings appropriate for boolean data type.
                        * pre-select Equals operator by setting FilterOperatorDefaultValue
                        * Hide the operator drop-down by setting FilterOperatorDropDownItems to a single value
                        * Use drop-down list for the operand input by setting FilterOperandUIType to DropDownList
<igDP:Field Name="IsChecked">


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also