
Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter Namespace

ClassAverageSummaryCalculator Summary calculator for calculating the average.
ClassCardHeaderPresenter An element used to represent the header area of a CardViewCard
ClassCardView A ViewBase dervied class that implements a custom card style view.
ClassCardViewCard Content control derived class used by the XamDataCards (and XamDataPresenter's CardView) to serve as a container (wrapper) for each item in the list.
ClassCardViewFieldLayoutTemplateGenerator Initializes a field layout's settings for a gridview presentation
ClassCardViewPanel A Infragistics.Windows.Virtualization.RecyclingItemsPanel derived class that wraps and arranges items in an array of CardViewCard elements that are organized into rows and columns.
ClassCardViewSettings An object that exposes properties for controlling the features supported by the CardView. The CardView object is used by XamDataCards control and XamDataPresenter
ClassCarouselBreadcrumb Represents an individual item in the stack of items maintained by the CarouselBreadcrumbControl control.
ClassCarouselBreadcrumbCollection A read only collection of CarouselBreadcrumbs contained in a CarouselBreadcrumbControl.
ClassCarouselBreadcrumbControl A control used by the XamDataCarousel and XamDataPresenter to display a collection of CarouselBreadcrumb objects that represent the trail of parent DataRecords during hierarchy navigation.
ClassCarouselItem Infragistics.Windows.Controls.CarouselListBoxItem derived class used by the XamDataCarousel (and XamDataPresenter's CarouselView) to serve as a container (wrapper) for each item in the list.
ClassCarouselView ViewBase derived class that defines settings and defaults for a view that arranges data along a user defined path.
ClassCarouselViewPanel A Infragistics.Windows.Controls.XamCarouselPanel derived class for use in the XamDataCarousel and XamDataPresenter's CarouselView. This derived panel adds support for XamDataPresenter navigation commands, hierarchical data display and the CarouselBreadcrumb control.
ClassCell Class used by the to represent the value of a specific Field of a specific DataRecord.
ClassCellBinding Used to specify a binding to a property on a CellValuePresenter or Infragistics.Windows.Editors.ValueEditor in a specific Field
ClassCellBindingCollection A collection of CellBinding objects
ClassCellCollection A collection of Cells exposed off a DataRecord
ClassCellPlaceholder For internal use only
ClassCellPresenter A control used to display a cell Cell.Value and/or FieldItem.Label. This control is automatically generated by the DataPresenterBase to display the value and/or label for a particular Field in a particular DataRecord.
ClassCellPresenterBase Base class for a cell within the DataPresenterBase that will contain a CellPresenterLayoutElementBase to position its label and/or value.
ClassCellPresenterLayoutElement An element used in the visual tree of the CellPresenter control to arrange a CellValuePresenter element and/or a LabelPresenter element based on the LabelLocation in effect for the cell.
ClassCellPresenterLayoutElementBase Base class for an element used in the visual tree of a cell to arrange label and the cell content.
ClassCellValueHolder A class that contains information representing a cell value.
ClassCellValueHolderCollection Collection of CellValueHolder instances
ClassCellValuePresenter An element used to display the value of a Cell.
ClassCheckBoxField Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamCheckEditor in each associated cell.
ClassComboBoxField Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamComboEditor in each associated cell.
ClassConditionFilterCommand Custom record filter command that uses the specified Condition to update the record filter for a given Field and RecordManager
ClassCountSummaryCalculator Summary calculator for counting number of data items.
ClassCrossFieldRecordFilter Defines an Operator and Operand relating to a specific field.
ClassCrossFieldRecordFilterBase Abstract base class for CrossFieldRecordFilter and CrossFieldRecordFilterGroup
ClassCrossFieldRecordFilterCollection Collection of CrossFieldRecordFilterBase instances exposed off by the CrossFieldRecordFilterGroup.Filters property.
ClassCrossFieldRecordFilterGroup Represents a group of CrossFieldRecordFilterBases that are evalulated using the specified LogicalOperator
ClassCurrencyField Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamNumericEditor in each associated cell.
ClassCustomFilterSelectionControl Provides a custom filtering UI that allows the user to specify multiple filter conditions for a single Field
ClassDataItemPresenter Abstract base class for CellPresenter and LabelPresenter
ClassDataPresenterBase Base class for the XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel and XamDataPresenter controls.
ClassDataPresenterBase.DataItemsCollection Class used to hold data items for a DataPresenterBase
ClassDataPresenterBase.SelectedItemHolder Object used to hold a DataPresenterBase's selected Records, Fields and Cells
ClassDataPresenterBrushKeys Static class that exposes the resource keys used by the datapresenter elements.
ClassDataPresenterCommands Provides the list of RoutedCommands supported by the DataPresenterBase.
ClassDataRecord Used by a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter to represent an item in the DataSource.
ClassDataRecordCellArea A control that sits within a DataRecordPresenter control and contains the record's cells. It is used primarily for styling the area around the cells.
ClassDataRecordCollection A collection of Records used by the DataPresenterBase control
ClassDataRecordPresenter An element that represents a DataRecord in the UI of a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter.
ClassDataValueInfo Class used to hold information about a Cell value change.
ClassDateTimeField Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamDateTimeEditor in each associated cell.
ClassExcelStyleFilterButton Used for displaying a filter button, that has an ExcelStyle filter drop down, inside each field's FilterCell.
ClassExpandableFieldRecord Used by a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter to represent the child records of a DataRecord from an expandable field.
ClassExpandableFieldRecordCollection A collection of Records used by the DataPresenterBase control
ClassExpandableFieldRecordPresenter An element that represents an ExpandableFieldRecord in the UI of a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter.
ClassExpandedCellPresenter An element used to display the value of an ExpandableFieldRecord (that does not contain a list of items) when it is expanded.
ClassExportInfo Object used to provide information about an export operation
ClassField Used in a FieldLayout's FieldLayout.Fields collection to define the layout of a single field
ClassFieldBinding Custom markup extension for binding to properties exposed off Field, FieldLayout, FieldSettings and FieldLayoutSettings objects
ClassFieldChooser A control that allows the user to customize which fields are displayed in the data presenter.
ClassFieldChooserCommands Provides the list of RoutedCommands supported by the FieldChooser.
ClassFieldChooserEntry Represents a field in a FieldChooser.
ClassFieldChooserFilter Used for specifying a group of fields.
ClassFieldChooserGroup A class that represents an entry in the field-group selector's drop-down list in the FieldChooser.
ClassFieldCollection A collection of Field objects
ClassFieldDragIndicator This control is used for displaying drag indicator when a field is being dragged.
ClassFieldGroup Represents a group of fields that can be moved together.
ClassFieldGroupLabelPresenter An element used to display the Label of a FieldGroup.
ClassFieldItem Abstract base class for Field and FieldGroup
ClassFieldItemCollection A collection of Fields and FieldGroups/>
ClassFieldLayout Used in a DataPresenterBase to define the layout of Fields for one or more items.
ClassFieldLayoutCollection A collection of FieldLayout objects
ClassFieldLayoutGroupByInfo A control used inside the GroupByAreaMulti in a XamDataPresenter, XamDataGrid or XamDataCarousel that presents a UI for performing Outlook style Grouping for a specific FieldLayouts.
ClassFieldLayoutGroupByInfoCollection A read-only collection of FieldLayoutGroupByInfos for use in the GroupByAreaMulti.
ClassFieldLayoutSettings Used in a DataPresenterBase derived control to specify settings to apply to one or more FieldLayouts.
ClassFieldLayoutTemplateGenerator Base class for initializing a field layout's settings
ClassFieldLengthConverter Converts FieldLength instances to and from other types.
ClassFieldMenuDataItem ViewModel object that represents a menu item.
ClassFieldMenuItem Custom menu item for use with a FieldMenuDataItem
ClassFieldSettings Used by a DataPresenterBase to specify settings for Fields.
ClassFieldSortDescription Specifies how a field is sorted and optionally grouped
ClassFieldSortDescriptionCollection A collection of FieldSortDescription objects
ClassFilterButton Used for displaying a filter button inside each field's label.
ClassFilterButtonBase Used for displaying a filter button inside each field's label.
ClassFilterCell Class used to represent a cell in the FilterRecord.
ClassFilterCellCollection A collection of FilterCell objects exposed off a FilterRecord via its 'Cells' property.
ClassFilterCellValuePresenter Element that represents a FilterCell.
ClassFilterDropDownItem Represents an entry in the filter drop-down list.
ClassFilterRecord A filter record lets the user filter data records by specifying filter criteria for one or more fields.
ClassFixedFieldButton A custom element used to provide UI within a LabelPresenter for changing the FieldItem.FixedLocation of a field.
ClassFixedFieldSplitter Indicator used within the VirtualizingDataRecordCellPanel to change the FieldItem.FixedLocation of the fields.
ClassFixedRecordButton A custom element used to provide UI within a RecordPresenter for changing the Record.FixedLocation of a record.
ClassGridView ViewBase derived class that defines settings and defaults for a view that arranges data using a classic grid layout. The GridView object is used by XamDataGrid and XamDataPresenter
ClassGridViewBase Abstract base class for GridView and TreeView
ClassGridViewFieldLayoutTemplateGenerator Initializes a field layout's settings for a gridview presentation
ClassGridViewPanel A Infragistics.Windows.Virtualization.RecyclingItemsPanel derived abtract base class used by the DataPresenterBase derived controls such as XamDataGrid and XamDataPresenter to arrange RecordPresenter instances in a tabular fashion, either horizontally or vertically.
ClassGridViewPanelAdorner The Adorner created by the GridViewPanel and used to hold various elements such as RecordPresenters for displaying Headers.
ClassGridViewPanelFlat A GridViewPanel derived class used by the DataPresenterBase derived controls such as XamDataGrid and XamDataPresenter to arrange RecordPresenter instances in a tabular fashion, either horizontally or vertically. The GridViewPanelFlat displays hierarchical data directly with a single instance.
ClassGridViewPanelNested A GridViewPanel derived class used by the DataPresenterBase derived controls such as XamDataGrid and XamDataPresenter to arrange RecordPresenter instances in a tabular fashion, either horizontally or vertically. The GridViewPanelNested supports nesting to display hierarchical data and a single unified scrolling capability for all nested panels.
ClassGridViewSettings An object that exposes properties for controlling the features supported by the GridView. The GridView object is used by XamDataGrid and XamDataPresenter
ClassGridViewSettingsBase Abstract base class for GridViewSettings and TreeViewSettings
ClassGroupByArea A control used by the XamDataPresenter, XamDataGrid and XamDataCarousel for managing and displaying a list of fields that are available for grouping and a list of fields that are already grouped. It also provides support for managing the contents of the lists as fields are dragged and dropped between the lists.
ClassGroupByAreaBase The abstract base class for GroupByArea and GroupByAreaMulti used by the XamDataPresenter, XamDataGrid and XamDataCarousel for managing and displaying grouped by fields.
ClassGroupByAreaFieldLabel Used to represent a Field in the group by area.
ClassGroupByAreaFieldLabelCollection A read-only collection of GroupByAreaFieldLabels
ClassGroupByAreaFieldListBox A System.Windows.Controls.ListBox that contains the collection of GroupByArea.AvailableFieldLabels or GroupByArea.GroupedFieldLabels for the GroupByArea of a DataPresenterBase derived control such as XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter.
ClassGroupByAreaMulti A control used by the XamDataPresenter, XamDataGrid and XamDataCarousel that presents a UI for performing Outlook style Grouping across multiple FieldLayouts.
ClassGroupByAreaMultiPanel A panel used to position FieldLayoutGroupByInfo objects or LabelPresenters representing Fields inside a GroupByAreaMulti
ClassGroupByFieldCollection A read-only collection of all Fields that a specific FieldLayout is grouped by.
ClassGroupByRecord Used by a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter to represent a grouping of records.
ClassGroupByRecordCollection A collection of GroupByRecords used by the DataPresenterBase control
ClassGroupByRecordPresenter An element that represents a GroupByRecord in the UI of a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter.
ClassGroupBySummariesPresenter Element used for displaying summaries inside group-by records.
ClassHeaderedGridViewFieldLayoutTemplateGenerator Initializes a field layout's settings for a gridview presentation that has a separate header
ClassHeaderLabelArea A control that contains one or more LabelPresenter instances (i.e. column headers) in the DataPresenterBase derived controls that display a separate header area such as in XamDataGrid. It is used primarily for styling the area around the LabelPresenters.
ClassHeaderPrefixArea A control that is placed in the header area and sized to match the dimensions of the RecordSelectors so that the LabelPresenters in the HeaderLabelArea line up with the cells in each record.
ClassHeaderPresenter A control that contains all the elements that make up the header area in the DataPresenterBase controls that display a separate header area such as in XamDataGrid. The HeaderPresenter contains the HeaderPrefixArea and HeaderLabelArea controls. It is used primarily for styling the outermost portion of the header area.
ClassHeaderRecord A record that displays field labels.
ClassImageField A field that displays an image when bound to data that contains an ImageSource, an image byte array, a Uri or a string that represents a properly formatted Uri.
ClassLabelPresenter An element used to display the Label of a Field.
ClassMaskedTextField Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamMaskedEditor in each associated cell.
ClassMaximumSummaryCalculator Summary calculator for calculating the maximum.
ClassMergedCellPresenter An element that represents a merged cell, i.e. a cell that spans multiple sibling DataRecords for a specific Field that have the same value to display.
ClassMinimumSummaryCalculator Summary calculator for calculating the total.
ClassNumericField Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamNumericEditor in each associated cell.
ClassProcessRecordParams A class providing various options for controlling the exporting of a Record through the IDataPresenterExporter.ProcessRecord method.
ClassRecord Abstract base class used by a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter to represent a record
ClassRecordCellAreaBase Base class for the DataRecordCellArea, HeaderLabelArea and SummaryRecordContentArea
ClassRecordCollection A collection of Records used by the DataPresenterBase control
ClassRecordCollectionBase An abstract base collection of Records used by the DataPresenterBase control
ClassRecordExportCancellationInfo Used to provide additional information to the exporter about how the operation was cancelled.
ClassRecordExportStatusControl Custom element used to provide status information about a DataPresenterBase asynchronous export that is in progress.
ClassRecordFilter RecordFilter contains filter criteria information that will be used to filter data records.
ClassRecordFilterActionTypeConverter TypeConveter for RecordFilterAction that strips out the obsoleted 'None' value from the StandardValuesCollection.
ClassRecordFilterCollection A collection of RecordFilter objects.
ClassRecordFilterCommandBase Base class for a command that updates the RecordFilter of a given Field and RecordManager
ClassRecordFilterFieldInfo Custom class that exposes the Field and RecordManager associated with a given LabelPresenter
ClassRecordFilterTreeControl Custom control used to display the available filtered cell values for a given field
ClassRecordFilterTreeItem Object that represents an item in the tree containing the list of unique values.
ClassRecordListControl This is an ItemsControl that is created internally by a DataPresenterBase to hold a list of sibling Records
ClassRecordManager Used by DataPresenterBase to manage the root record collection and by ExpandableFieldRecord to manage its child records.
ClassRecordPrefixArea A base class for HeaderPrefixArea and SummaryRecordPrefixArea controls. Used by records that do not display record selectors to occupy the area where record selecotrs would go.
ClassRecordPresenter Base class used to represent a Record in a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter.
ClassRecordScrollTip ToolTip class used to display information about the top record when DataPresenterBase.ScrollingMode is set to DeferredWithScrollTips.
ClassRecordScrollTipInfo Represents the hierarchy of information
ClassRecordSelector A control used inside a DataRecordPresenter to provide a UI for selecting a record.
ClassRecordSelectorNumber A control used inside a RecordSelector to display a record's number.
ClassReportViewBase Abstract base class for all report views in DataPresenterBase derived controls.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassResourcesDataPresenter Exposes the Infragistics.Shared.DynamicResourceString instances used in the assembly.
ClassRoutedEventWrapper Holds a reference to a routed events.
ClassSelectedCellCollection Collection of selected Cells
ClassSelectedFieldCollection Collection of selected Fields
ClassSelectedItemCollectionBase Abstract base class for the SelectedRecordCollection, SelectedFieldCollection and SelectedCellCollections.
ClassSelectedRecordCollection Collection of selected Records
ClassSpecialFilterOperandCommand Custom record filter command that creates a Infragistics.Windows.Controls.ComparisonCondition for a given registered Infragistics.Windows.Controls.SpecialFilterOperandBase
ClassSpecialRecordOrder Object used to specify the FieldLayoutSettings' FieldLayoutSettings.SpecialRecordOrder property.
ClassSummaryButton Used for displaying summary button inside each field's label. When a summary button is clicked upon, a user interface for selecting summary calculations for the field is displayed.
ClassSummaryCalculator Represents a summary calculator. It contains logic for calculating summary of data.
ClassSummaryCalculator.SummaryCalculatorConverter Converter class that uses registered calculators collection to convert between calculator's name and other way around.
ClassSummaryCalculatorHolder This class is used by the SummaryCalculatorSelectionControl.
ClassSummaryCalculatorSelectionControl Control for displaying the user interface for selecting summary calculation type.
ClassSummaryCellPresenter Represents a summary cell inside a SummaryRecordPresenter.
ClassSummaryCellPresenterLayoutElement An element used in the visual tree of the CellPresenter control to arrange a CellValuePresenter element and/or a LabelPresenter element based on the LabelLocation in effect for the cell.
ClassSummaryDefinition Describes a summary to calculate.
ClassSummaryDefinitionCollection A collection of SummaryDefinition objects.
ClassSummaryRecord Summary record displays summary results.
ClassSummaryRecordCellArea Element inside SummaryRecordContentArea that contains summaries that are aligned with fields.
ClassSummaryRecordContentArea Element inside SummaryRecordPresenter that contains SummaryRecordHeaderPresenter, SummaryRecordCellArea and also free-form summaries.
ClassSummaryRecordHeaderPresenter Element that represents the header of a SummaryRecord.
ClassSummaryRecordPrefixArea A control that is placed in the summary record and sized to match the dimensions of the RecordSelectors so that the summary results line up with the cells in data records.
ClassSummaryRecordPresenter Element that represents a SummaryRecord.
ClassSummaryResult SummaryResult object holds result of a summary calculation.
ClassSummaryResultCollection A collection of SummaryResult objects.
ClassSummaryResultEntry Used by the SummaryResultsPresenter.SummaryResultEntries property.
ClassSummaryResultPresenter Represents a summary result inside a SummaryCellPresenter.
ClassSummaryResultsPresenter SummaryResultsPresenter displays one or more summary results.
ClassSumSummaryCalculator Summary calculator for calculating the total.
ClassTabularReportView A report view that prints the contents of a DataPresenterBase derived control in a tabular format.
ClassTabularReportViewPanel Panel responsible for laying out records in a tabular arrangment on behalf of a TabularReportView.
ClassTabularReportViewPanelBase Abstract base class for TabularReportViewPanel and TreeReportViewPanel
ClassTemplateField Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.TemplateEditor in each associated cell.
ClassTextAlignmentToHorizontalAlignmentConverter Value converter for converting a System.Windows.TextAlignment to a System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment that is used by the LabelPresenter to correctly align the label text and SortIndicator based on the Field's LabelTextAlignment setting.
ClassTextField Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamTextEditor in each associated cell.
ClassTextFieldBase Abstract base class for TextField, MaskedTextField and ComboBoxField
ClassTreeCellValuePresenter An element used when in TreeView to display the value of a Cell in a tree field with an expansion indicator, indented appropriately.
ClassTreeReportView A report view that prints the contents of a DataPresenterBase derived control in a tree format.
ClassTreeReportViewPanel Panel responsible for laying out records in a tree arrangment on behalf of a TreeReportView.
ClassTreeView ViewBase derived class that defines settings and defaults for a view that arranges data using a classic grid layout. The TreeView object is used by XamDataGrid and XamDataPresenter
ClassTreeViewPanel A GridViewPanelFlat derived class used by the DataPresenterBase derived controls such as XamTreeGrid and XamDataPresenter to arrange RecordPresenter instances in a tabular fashion with a single set of headers.
ClassTreeViewSettings An object that exposes properties for controlling the features supported by the TreeView. The TreeView object is used by XamTreeGrid and XamDataPresenter
ClassUnboundCell Class used by the to represent the value of a specific UnboundField of a specific DataRecord/>
ClassUndeleteRecordsStrategy Abstract class used to provide the ability to undelete records that were deleted through the DataPresenterBase control.
ClassUndeleteRecordsStrategy.RecordInfo Class used to provide information about the records to be undeleted.
ClassViewableRecordCollection A read only collection of sibling records whose visibility is not set to 'Collapsed'.
ClassViewBase Abstract base class for all DataPresenterBase views that defines settings and defaults for the view .
ClassVirtualizingDataRecordCellPanel A control that sits within a DataRecordCellArea and virtualizes the creation of the contained cells.
ClassVirtualizingSummaryCellPanel A control that sits within a SummaryRecordCellArea and virtualizes the creation of the contained cells.
ClassVisibleDataBlock Contains a list of data records and a list of fields that represent a block of cells that's currently visible in the data presenter.
ClassXamDataCards A DataPresenterBase derived control that uses a CardView and an associated CardViewPanel to arrange DataRecords inside 'cards' which are organized in a tabular layout.
ClassXamDataCarousel A DataPresenterBase derived control that uses a CarouselView and an associated CarouselViewPanel to arrange DataRecords along a user defined path.
ClassXamDataGrid A DataPresenterBase derived control that uses a GridView and an associated GridViewPanel to arrange DataRecords in a classic grid layout.
ClassXamDataPresenter A DataPresenterBase derived control that can display data using different 'views', depending on the setting of its View property.
ClassXamTreeGrid A DataPresenterBase derived control that uses a TreeView and an associated TreeViewPanel to arrange DataRecords in a tree grid layout.
InterfaceIDataPresenterExporter An interface used to handle the exporting of a DataPresenterBase derived object.
InterfaceIDataPresenterExporterAsync An interface used to handle the asynchronous exporting of a DataPresenterBase derived object.
InterfaceIExportOptions An interface exposing various options that determine how a DataPresenterBase should be exported via the IDataPresenterExporter interface.
InterfaceIGroupByEvaluator Interface to be used for determining how DataRecords are grouped.
InterfaceIMergedCellEvaluator Interface that can be implemented to specify custom logic for determining which cells get merged.
InterfaceIRecordPresenterContainer Interface implemented by RecordPresenter containers.
InterfaceIViewPanel Interface implemented by DataPresenterBase panels to support navigation related properties and methods.
InterfaceIViewPanelInfo Interface implemented by DataPresenterBase to provide properties and methods of interest to custom view panels.
StructureFieldLength A structure that represents a unit of length supporting explicit values, sizing based on content and star values.
StructureFieldPosition Data structure used by the Field's FieldItem.ActualPosition property.
EnumerationAddNewRecordLocation Enum used for specifying the FieldLayoutSettings's FieldLayoutSettings.AddNewRecordLocation property.
EnumerationAllowClipboardOperations Enumeration used to indicate which clipboard operations are allowed to be performed by the end user.
EnumerationAllowFieldFixing Indicates whether the FieldItem.FixedLocation may be changed by the end user and if so, to which edges the field may be fixed.
EnumerationAllowFieldHiding Enum used for specifying the FieldSettings' FieldSettings.AllowHiding property.
EnumerationAllowFieldMoving Enum used for specifying the FieldLayoutSettings's FieldLayoutSettings.AllowFieldMoving property.
EnumerationAllowRecordFixing Indicates whether the Record.FixedLocation may be changed by the end user and if so, to which edges the record may be fixed.
EnumerationAutoArrangeCells Determines how the cells laid out when generating item and label styles
EnumerationAutoArrangePrimaryFieldReservation Determines if the first row, column or cell is reserved for the primary field
EnumerationAutoFitCards Enumeration that determines whether and how Cards are auto-sized to used up all available horizontal/vertical space.
EnumerationAutoFitMode Enumeration whether fields are resized to always fill the available area of the DataPresenter and if so, which fields are resized.
EnumerationBindingRetentionMode Used for specifying UnboundField's UnboundField.BindingRetentionMode property.
EnumerationBindingType Determines how cell values are obtained for a Field
EnumerationCalculationScope Used for specifying whether to include all records in unsorted order, all records in sorted order or only the filtered records for calculating summaries.
EnumerationCellBindingTarget Specifies which element to target with a CellBinding
EnumerationCellClickAction Determines what happens when the user clicks on a Field's cell
EnumerationCellContainerGenerationMode Determines how cell containers are generated and cached by the RecyclingItemsPanel.
EnumerationCellContentAlignment Determines the position of a label relative to its cell
EnumerationCellPageSpanStrategy Determines the strategy used during printing when a cell is encountered that will not fit on a page.
EnumerationCellPresentation CellPresentation
EnumerationCellValueType Specified what type of value to return
EnumerationChildRecordsDisplayOrder Specifies the order in which child records should be displayed relative to their parent record.
EnumerationClipboardError Enumeration used to identify the type of clipboard error that occurred.
EnumerationClipboardErrorAction Used for specifying the Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.ClipboardOperationErrorEventArgs.Action property.
EnumerationClipboardOperation Enumeration used to identify a type of clipboard operation.
EnumerationCustomFilterSelectionControlFilterType Specifies the type of custom filter being edited by the CustomFilterSelectionControl.
EnumerationCustomizationType Specifies the type of user customization.
EnumerationDataDisplayMode The modes in which data can be displayed.
EnumerationDataErrorDisplayMode Used for specifying FieldLayoutSettings.DataErrorDisplayMode property.
EnumerationDataErrorOperation Identifies the operation that was attempted and which triggered a data error.
EnumerationDataItemUpdateTrigger Used for specifying FieldSettings.DataItemUpdateTrigger property.
EnumerationDataRecordSizingMode Enum associated with FieldLayoutSettings.DataRecordSizingMode property.
EnumerationDataSourceResetBehavior Used for specifying DataPresenterBase.DataSourceResetBehavior property.
EnumerationDataValueChangedScope Enumeration used to indicate the range of DataRecords for which DataPresenterBase.DataValueChanged and DataPresenterBase.InitializeCellValuePresenter events will be raised.
EnumerationDropIndicatorClipBehavior Used for specifying DataPresenterBase.DropIndicatorClipBehavior property.
EnumerationEditModeBehaviorOnDataUpdate Used for specifying FieldSettings.EditModeBehaviorOnDataUpdate property which controls how the value of the editor in the cell that's in edit mode is updated when the corresponding data in the underlying data source is changed.
EnumerationEditModeEndingReason Identifies the reason a cell is ending edit mode
EnumerationExcelStyleFilterSearchOperator Enumeration used to identify the type of text matching operation to perform on the text entered into the search textbox within the Excel style filter dropdown used to filter the available values within the RecordFilterTreeControl.
EnumerationExpandableFieldRecordExpansionMode Enum associated with FieldSettings.ExpandableFieldRecordExpansionMode property.
EnumerationExpandableFieldRecordHeaderDisplayMode Enum associated with FieldSettings.ExpandableFieldRecordHeaderDisplayMode property.
EnumerationExpansionIndicatorDisplayMode Enum used for specifying the FieldLayoutSettings' FieldLayoutSettings.ExpansionIndicatorDisplayMode property.
EnumerationFieldAutoSizeOptions Enumeration used to determine what values are considered when autosizing a field.
EnumerationFieldAutoSizeScope Enumeration used to indicate what records are considered during an auto size operation for a field.
EnumerationFieldChooserDisplayOrder Used to specify FieldChooser.FieldDisplayOrder property.
EnumerationFieldChooserStates Represents the different states of the FieldChooser control. Used to evaluate whether a specific command can be executed.
EnumerationFieldGroupByMode Enum used for specifying the FieldSettings.GroupByMode property.
EnumerationFieldLengthUnitType Indicates the type of FieldLength.Value represented by the FieldLength
EnumerationFieldPositionChangeReason Indicates what triggered the change in the field's position.
EnumerationFieldResizingArea Enumeration used to identify which areas within the control may be used to resize the extent of a Field
EnumerationFieldSortComparisonType Used by the FieldSettings.SortComparisonType property.
EnumerationFilterClearButtonLocation Used for specifying FieldLayoutSettings.FilterClearButtonLocation property.
EnumerationFilterDropDownItemsType Enumeration used to indicate the type of items that will be displayed.
EnumerationFilterEvaluationMode Enum for specifying FieldLayoutSettings.FilterEvaluationMode property.
EnumerationFilterEvaluationTrigger Used for specifying FieldSettings.FilterEvaluationTrigger property.
EnumerationFilterLabelIconDropDownType Enumeration used to determine the type of dropdown that is displayed when the FieldLayoutSettings.FilterUIType is resolved to LabelIcons
EnumerationFilterOperandUIType Used for specifying FieldSettings.FilterOperandUIType property.
EnumerationFilterRecordLocation Used for specifying FieldLayoutSettings.FilterRecordLocation property.
EnumerationFilterUIType Used for specifying FieldLayoutSettings.FilterUIType property.
EnumerationFixedFieldLocation Indicates whether a Field is fixed and if so to which edge.
EnumerationFixedFieldSplitterType Indicates whether a Field is fixed and if so to which edge.
EnumerationFixedFieldUIType Indicates the type of UI provided to allow changing of the FieldItem.FixedLocation
EnumerationFixedRecordLocation Indicates whether a Record is fixed and if so to which edge.
EnumerationFixedRecordSortOrder Indicates the order of records that have been fixed thru the UI.
EnumerationFixedRecordUIType Indicates the type of UI provided to allow changing of the Record.FixedLocation
EnumerationGroupByAreaLocation Determines where the GroupByArea is displayed
EnumerationGroupByAreaMode Determines how fields are grouped by the end-user.
EnumerationGroupByEvaluationMode Enum for specifying FieldLayoutSettings.GroupByEvaluationMode property.
EnumerationGroupBySummaryDisplayMode Specifies how summaries are displayed inside each group-by record.
EnumerationHeaderPlacement Determines where header's are placed
EnumerationHeaderPlacementInGroupBy Determines where header's are placed when there are groupby records displayed
EnumerationHeaderPrefixAreaDisplayMode Used to specify FieldLayoutSettings.HeaderPrefixAreaDisplayMode property.
EnumerationHeaderPrefixAreaMenuOptions Used to specify which options are displayed in the menu in the header prefix area.
EnumerationHighlightPrimaryField Determines if a separate template will be used to highlight the primary field
EnumerationLabelClickAction Determines what happens when the user clicks on a Field's label
EnumerationLabelLocation Determines where the labels should appear
EnumerationMergedCellEvaluationCriteria Enum for specifying the Field's FieldSettings.MergedCellMode property.
EnumerationMergedCellMode Enum for specifying the Field's FieldSettings.MergedCellMode property.
EnumerationNonSpecificNotificationBehavior Determines if values are refreshed when a notification is received that a change has occured for a DataRecord but the notification doesn't specify which field value has been changed.
EnumerationPanelLayoutStyle The layout style of a DataPresenterBase panel.
EnumerationPanelNavigationDirection Direction to navigate within a DataPresenterBase panel.
EnumerationPanelNavigationScrollType Direction in which to scroll the contents of a DataPresenterBase panel.
EnumerationPanelSiblingNavigationStyle Types of navigation between sibling cells and records within a DataPresenterBase panel.
EnumerationRecordContainerRetentionMode Determines whether de-activated (i.e. unused) record containers will be retained in the visual tree for possible future use.
EnumerationRecordExportCancellationReason Enumeration identifying the cause for the export operation being cancelled.
EnumerationRecordExportStatus Enumeration indicating the status of the export operation.
EnumerationRecordFilterAction Used for specifying FieldLayoutSettings.FilterAction property.
EnumerationRecordFilterScope Used for specifying FieldLayoutSettings.RecordFilterScope property.
EnumerationRecordFilterTreeSearchScope Enumeration used to identify the scope to use when searching for the RecordFilterTreeControl.SearchText in the list of available nodes.
EnumerationRecordLoadMode Enum the specifies how DataRecords are loaded.
EnumerationRecordResizingArea Enumeration used to identify which areas within the control may be used to resize the extent of a Record.
EnumerationRecordSelectorLocation Determines the position of the RecordSelector relative to the Record's cell area.
EnumerationRecordSelectorNumberFormat Determines the format of the number to display inside of the RecordSelectorNumber element.
EnumerationRecordSelectorNumberType Determines what number to display inside of the RecordSelectorNumber element.
EnumerationRecordSeparatorLocation Used for specifying if and for which special records a separator element is displayed.
EnumerationRecordType Determines what a Record represents in a DataPresenterBase
EnumerationRecordUpdatingAction Determines what action to take when processing the DataPresenterBase.RecordUpdating event.
EnumerationScrollBehaviorOnListChange Enumeration used to determine the scroll position behavior when records are added or removed before the current records in view.
EnumerationScrollingMode Enumeration used to determine whether record scrolling is deferred or immediate when dragging the scroll thumb.
EnumerationSelectedDataItemsScope Determines if and when the DataPresenterBase's DataPresenterBase.SelectedDataItems property will be updated.
EnumerationSelectionDepthMode Determines which records are included when selecting a range of Records or Cells in TreeView
EnumerationSortEvaluationMode Enum for specifying FieldLayoutSettings.SortEvaluationMode property.
EnumerationStates Represents the different states of the control. Used to evaluate whether a specific command can be executed.
EnumerationSummaryDisplayAreas Used for specifying where summaries are displayed.
EnumerationSummaryEvaluationMode Enum for specifying FieldLayoutSettings.SummaryEvaluationMode property.
EnumerationSummaryPosition Used for specifying where to position the summary in the summary record.
EnumerationSummaryUIType Used for specifying what type of user interface will be presented for selecting summary calculations to perform.
EnumerationSupportDataErrorInfo Enum for specifying FieldLayoutSettings.SupportDataErrorInfo property.
EnumerationTreeViewFilterResultsDisplayMode Determines which records are shown in a filter operation in TreeView
EnumerationUpdateMode Used for specifying DataPresenterBase.UpdateMode property.
EnumerationViewStateChangedAction A list of possible actions that should be taken when the state of a View changes.
See Also