
Infragistics.Documents.Parsing Namespace

ClassAlternationSyntaxRule Represents a rule which will succeed if one of its child SyntaxRulesOwnerBase.Rules succeeds.
ClassConcatenationSyntaxRule Represents a rule which will succeed if all of its child SyntaxRulesOwnerBase.Rules succeed in order.
ClassCustomLanguage Representing a custom language generated from a Grammar at run-time.
ClassDiagnostic Represents and error, warning, or information associated with a node in the parse tree.
ClassEbnfLoadError Encapsulates an error that was encountered while attempting to import a grammar definition script.
ClassEbnfLoadResult Describes the result of a grammar definition import operation.
ClassEbnfSerializationSettings Contains the various settings used to customize the Ebnf serialization process.
ClassEmptySyntaxRule Represents an empty set of symbols. This rule succeed by matching nothing from the document.
ClassExceptionSyntaxRule Represents an excption rule, which can only succeed if its sub-rule matches content and the exception rule does not succeed for the same content.
ClassFactorSyntaxRule Represents a rule which will succeed if its owned SyntaxRuleOwnerBase.Rule succeeds the specified number of times.
ClassGlobalAmbiguityContext Represents a global ambiguity detected while parsing a document.
ClassGrammar Represents a context-free grammar whose production rules are used to parse and validate textual input.
ClassGrammarAnalysisOptions Contains all the options for customizing the analysis performed during Grammar.Analyze
ClassGrammarAnalysisResult Contains the results of the grammar analysis, which has information indicating how a grammar creator might be able to improve the grammar for better parsing.
ClassGrammarWarning Represents a warning which was found during the analysis of the Grammar.
ClassGrammarWarningCollection A read-only collection of GrammarWarning instances.
ClassLanguageBase An abstract base class representing a language that has a specific set of rules (i.e. Grammar).
ClassLanguageGenerationParams Contains the parameters available when generating a language class file using the LanguageGenerator.
ClassLanguageGenerator Generates code to create a LanguageBase-derived class based on an existing Grammar instance.
ClassLexerState Abstract base class representing a specific state in which the lexer can be when reading tokens. Only the symbols within a lexer state can be matched by the lexer when the lexer is in that state.
ClassLexerStateCollection A collection of LexerState instances for the grammar. The collection contains all non-default lexer states and the DefaultLexerState property exposes the default lexer state.
ClassLexerStateTerminalSymbolCollection A collection of TerminalSymbol instances contained within a LexerState.
ClassNonTerminalSymbol A grammar symbol which represents one or more combinations of symbols, which can be terminal or non-terminal symbols.
ClassNonTerminalSymbolCollection A collection of NonTerminalSymbol instances.
ClassOptionalSyntaxRule Represents a rule which will succeed if its owned SyntaxRuleOwnerBase.Rule succeeds when parsing or not.
ClassParseErrorContext Represents information related to error(s) which have occurred during the parse.
ClassPlainTextLanguage Represents the plain text language.
ClassPlainTextLanguage.SymbolNames Symbol name constants for the PlainTextLanguage.
ClassRepetitionSyntaxRule Represents a rule which will succeed if its owned SyntaxRuleOwnerBase.Rule succeeds zero or more times.
ClassServiceEventArgs Provides contextual information for the ServicesManager.ServiceAdded and ServicesManager.ServiceRemoved events.
ClassServicesManager A thread-safe class which manages a collection of services for a LanguageBase-derived instance and allows services to be registered by a string key or by a Type.
ClassSymbol Represents a symbol in the associated Grammar.
ClassSymbolReferenceSyntaxRule Represents a symbol reference rule. The symbol associated with the rule must be found in the parsed text for the rule is succeed.
ClassSyntaxAnnotation A class that represents an annotation for a node in the parse tree.
ClassSyntaxNode A class that represents a node in the parse tree.
ClassSyntaxRule Abstract base class for all rules defining what a NonTerminalSymbol can legally represent.
ClassSyntaxRuleCollection A collection of SyntaxRule instances.
ClassSyntaxRuleOwnerBase Abstract base class for SyntaxRule instances which own a single rule.
ClassSyntaxRulesOwnerBase Abstract base class for SyntaxRule instances which own multiple rules.
ClassSyntaxTree Represents the parsed syntax tree for a specific Infragistics.Documents.TextDocumentSnapshot.
ClassTerminalSymbol A grammar symbol which represents an elementary textual unit of a grammar.
StructureIgnoredContent Represents a piece of ignored content in the parse tree.
StructureIgnoredContentList Represents a set of contiguous ignored content in the parse tree.
StructureNodeDiagnostic Represents and error, warning, or information associated with a node in the parse tree.
StructureTextLocation Structure containing zero-based line and character offsets that uniquely idenity a character location.
StructureTextSpan Structure containing an offset and length that identify a run of text within a document
StructureToken Encapsulates the properties of a token produced during lexical analysis.
EnumerationCodeFileFormat Represents the various formats in which generated code files can be created.
EnumerationDiagnosticSeverity Indicates the severity of a parse error.
EnumerationEbnfLoadErrorReason Constants which describe the reason for an import error.
EnumerationGrammarWarningType Represents the types of warnings which can occur when analyzing a Grammar.
EnumerationLanguageElement Represents the various types of language elements which can be represented by a TerminalSymbol.
EnumerationSyntaxRuleType Represents the types of rules which which determine whether a NonTerminalSymbol has been correctly matched in the text being parsed.
EnumerationSyntaxTreePruningMode Constants which describe whether a non-terminal SyntaxNode should appear in the SyntaxTree produced when a document is parsed.
EnumerationTerminalSymbolComparison Constants which determine the manner in which a terminal symbol's value is compared to values in the compilation source.
See Also