
Columns and Rows Interactions (XamSpreadsheet)


This topic explains what actions can be performed by the user when interacting with worksheet columns and rows.

Required background

The following table lists the concept and topics required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

Topic Purpose

In this section you will find information that will help you to better understand the object model and the functionalities of the Infragistics Excel Engine .

This topic explains in details the features of the XamSpreadsheet control from developer perspective.

This topic provides an overview of the visual elements of the XamSpreadsheet control.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Row and Column Resizing

Row and column resizing summary

The XamSpreadsheet control supports column and row resizing using the mouse resize handles shown between the column and row headers. After moving the mouse over the resize handle the user may resize the column by dragging the resize handle.

The screenshot below shows resize handles between columns “B” and “C” and rows “3” and “4”.

xamSpreadsheet 03.png

The user can also resize multiple rows or columns at once. After selecting several columns or rows and resize one of them the new width it applied to all the selected items.

Auto-sizing summary

The XamSpreadsheet also support column and row auto-sizing which is triggered by double-clicking on the borders between two columns or two rows. When executing a column auto-sizing this will make the column width equal to the widest cell data in the column. When executing a row auto-sizing this will make the row height equal to the highest cell data in the row.


The user can also auto-size multiple columns or rows at once. After selecting several columns or rows and auto-size one of them an auto-sizing will be executed on all the selected items.

Row and Column Hiding

Row and column hiding summary

The XamSpreadsheet control supports column and row hiding. Column or row hiding occurs after the user drags a column or row header’s border until the respective column or row hides. At this posing a special indicator with two lines shows that there is a hidden column or row at this position.

The following screenshot shows a worksheet with hidden column "C" and row "6":

xamSpreadsheet 04.png

To show a hidden column or row, position the mouse over the special two lines indicator until the two line mouse cursor is shown and drag the mouse to show a column or row.

The following screenshot shows the special mouse cursor shown when unhiding columns or row.

xamSpreadsheet 05.png

User Interactions and Usability

User interactions summary chart

The following table summarizes the user interaction capabilities of the XamSpreadsheet control.

The user can… Using… Details Configurable?

Resize a column

Dragging after positioning the mouse between the headers of two columns

Drag the mouse left or right to resize the left column


Auto-size column width

Double click after positioning the mouse between the headers of two columns

Set a column width equal to the widest cell data in the column


Resize a row

Dragging after positioning the mouse between the headers of two rows

Drag the mouse up or down to resize the upper row


Auto-size row height

Double click after positioning the mouse between the headers of two rows

Set a row height equal to the highest cell data in the row


Hide column

Drag the right header’s border of the column you want to hide to the left until the column disappears

A special indicator with two vertical lines will be shown at the place of the hidden column


Unhide column

Position the mouse over the hidden column indicator until you see the indicator for column unhiding and drag the mouse to show the column



Hide row

Drag the lower header’s border of the row you want to hide in upper direction until the row disappears

A special indicator with two horizontal lines will be shown at the place of the hidden row


Unhide row

Position the mouse over the hidden row indicator until you see the indicator for row unhiding and drag the mouse to show the row



All of the above listed user operations over column and row (resize, auto-size, hide and unhide) will be performed on the same columns and/or rows in all selected worksheets.

Related Content

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic explains how to configure the selection feature.

This topic explains the selection feature from developer perspective.